Get To Know About Wife Fan - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Once the most intimate person now looks at her with such strange and alert eyes. Sheng Qiao feels that the tip of her tongue is bitter. In the past, although Qiao Yu always scolded her for being a star chaser and a brain wrecker, he would mobilize the staff of the whole law firm to help her grab tickets for the Huo Xi concert.

In fact, he was reluctant to let his sister suffer a little grievance.

Sheng Qiao all knows that she was very grateful to her parents and G.o.d for sending her elder brother, but now this brother is taken back by G.o.d. Even if she suffered such a great grievance, she could no longer rush to his arms and cry.

Sheng Qiao bowed her head to pour tea for him, forced the tears in her eyes back, took two deep breaths, and then slowly opened her mouth: “I said on the phone, I have some legal matters to consult you.”

Qiao Yu looked at her for a few times, and realized that she didn't look like a fake. He was relieved. As long as it's work, it's no problem. He did help the stars deal with economic disputes.

He relaxed. “Tell me about your situation.”

Sheng Qiao took a doc.u.ment out of her bag and handed it to him, “look at this first.”

Qiao Yu took a look at it. It was an artist's signing cooperation letter. He began to read it. The more he looked, the more shocked he was. At last, he didn't care about the work etiquette: “G.o.d, how can you sign this kind of contract?”

Sheng Qiao sighed, took out her mobile phone again, “listen to this again.”

It's the afternoon recording with Gao Meiling.

After listening, Qiao Yu was so surprised that his chin would fall off. What's the secret? Are you all in such a mess in your circle?

Sheng Qiao smiled helplessly and took a sip of hot tea to stabilize her mood: “let me summarize for you. Five years ago, my father jumped out of the building and committed suicide because he owed 3 million yuan for gambling. My mother and I paid for the loan, but I still can't afford it. They tied me up to take nude photos. My current agent, Gao Meiling, paid three million yuan for me at the cost of this unequal contract. Now I want to terminate my contract. Gao Meiling threatens me with the nude photos. I'm looking for you to know, can I protect myself by law? “

Qiao Yu is still in shock stage.

Sheng Qiao was not in a hurry either. After drinking a pot of tea and boiling another pot, Qiao Yu finally regained his mind and asked her with a frown: “so you tell me these things? Not afraid to spread it out? “

“Since I am looking for you, I trust you for 100%. I said, I don't believe anyone but you. “

Although he doesn't know where her inexplicable self-confidence comes from, Qiao Yu was still shocked by her unconditional trust.

Sheng Qiao handed over a doc.u.ment: “this is the text version of the recording.”

After reading the two doc.u.ments again, Qiao Yu gradually became serious: “what do you want to do? Do you want to terminate the contract directly or stay at Star s.h.i.+ning Media, just change the terms of the contract? “

Sheng Qiao did not hesitate to say “terminate the contract.”

“This case can be fought.” Qiao Yu points to the contract, “we can grasp the point of overlord contract, the other party uses fraud and coercion to make you sign the contract, which violates the will of the free person, and is legally revocable. And the other side uses nude photos to threaten, which has already const.i.tuted reputation infringement and personal injury to you. “

“But.” He turned around and looked at Sheng Qiao: “once you file a lawsuit, your agent company will not wait to die. You… The nude photos event must also be exposed. If the company plans to release those photos, we have no evidence to prove that the leaking party is Star s.h.i.+ning Media. Because these photos are not taken by Star s.h.i.+ning Media, but by your usurer, they can say that the original was not destroyed by the creditor, and the photos were leaked from the creditor. “

Qi Yu frowned at Sheng Qian and said, “have you considered these consequences?”

She can be no stars longer, but she still needs to be a person.

He can imagine what kind of disaster she will face once nude photos are leaked. Her anti-fans, the pa.s.sers-by who had a bad impression on her, the water army invited by the company to slander her, all rush to her, enough to step her into the abyss and never turn over.

She is alone and has no protection. She is stepping on the edge of the sword when she takes the road of law. She flows blood along the way to victory, in addition to freedom, nothing left in the end.

Sheng Qiao looks down at the slightly rippling water in the white porcelain teacup.

For a long time, she looked up and smiled at Qiao Yu: “fight.”

Qiao Yu should look at her surprisingly.

“It's not my fault to have such a father, it's not my fault to owe usury, it's not my fault to be photographed, it's not my fault to be squeezed by the agent company. If in the end everyone attacks me, it's not my fault. ” She paused and smiled softly.

“It is fault of this world.”

Qiao Yu did not move and looked at the smiling girl. For a long time, he put away the doc.u.ments: “I'll take these two doc.u.ments back, and then I'll prepare the relevant material that needs to be used, and I'll contact you at any time.”

Sheng Qiao nodded, hesitated for a moment, and said, “Qiao Yu, legal fees…”

He smiled at her and said, “don't worry, talk about it when we win.”

Qiao Yu stood up and left. She looked at his back. Her eyes were a little wet. For a long time, she said, “thank you, brother.”

* * * * *

Sheng Qiao sat alone in the cubicle for a long time, and finally went out after calming down. Walking to the lobby, she was reminded by the magnificent decoration around her, and suddenly she remembered a very important thing!

She has only fifty-three thousand in the card now! Why does she come to the high-end teahouse like the Evening Breeze Pavilion? Isn't it good to make an appointment with the open-air park opposite…

Sheng Qiao wants to cry without tears. sHe goes to the front desk with a heavy face and touches her wallet. “How much is the check?”

The little girl at the front desk smiled like a flower and said sweetly, “h.e.l.lo, Miss, the bill of Guarding Wind Pavilion has been settled. Thank you for your patronage. Welcome to come next time.”

Wuwuwu, her brother is so nice.

Sheng Qiao was moved. She put away her wallet and was about to leave. Turning around, she saw several people coming out of the opposite tearoom. The two middle-aged men in front talked happily and walked towards the door, followed by a boy wearing a hat and mask, with his hands in his pockets and his head buried, causing a field where strangers are not allowed to enter.

As a wife fans, she can recognize her husband even if he is wrapped in a quilt!

It's so happy to meet Huo Xi by chance. The depressed mood affected by the contract was clear several times. However, in the public, she could not rush forward to bring scandal to Huo Xi, so Sheng Qiao suppressed the excitement, pretended not to see, and left with a cold face.

The sky is already dark. It's approaching winter. The cold wind is blowing. A round silver moon scatters dim light like frost. The Evening Breeze Pavilion is next to the villa community. Huo Xi tells his fellow friends goodbye and turns to the green path on the right.

This green road is together with the back door of the community, can lead directly to his home. It's a time when there are few people and he doesn't worry about reporters. He seldom has time to go for a walk alone.

He didn't expect that when he came to the corner, a person jumped out of the shadow: “Huo Xi!”

Hu Xi shakes with fear. When he sees the person, he says angrily: “Sheng Qiao, what's wrong with you!?”

In fact, he saw her in the lobby just now and realized that she recognized himself, but he didn't expect her to turn around and leave. Huo Xi still sneers at her in his heart that she is really the same as before. Avoiding him is like avoiding the plague G.o.d. He didn't think that she didn't leave and hid here to scare him!

“Scared you?” Sheng Qiao's tone was tense, and she was very embarra.s.sed. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.”

Hu Xi waved impatiently, “what's up?”

She looked up at him again, her eyes s.h.i.+ning in the night. “Good night!”

Hu Xi suspects that he heard it wrong: “what?”

“Good night! Rest early, don't stay up late! “

Hu Xi frowned and looked at her for a while. “You're hiding here waiting for me. That's what you want to tell me?”

“Well.” She nodded happily, looked around again and gathered her clothes. “Then I'll go. Bye!”

He didn't know that in recent years, she said good night to him on her Weibo every night before going to bed, although he never replied or even saw it. But it seems to be her daily life. If she doesn't write down those two words, she can't even sleep well.

Today, she can finally stand in front of him and say good night to him.

Is there anything better than that? No, star chasing girl is so easy to satisfy!

After that, Sheng Qiao turned around happily and left. Huo Xi couldn't help but look at her back and said, “come back.”

Sheng Qiao, without hesitation, came back, looking up with a little frozen red face: “what else?”

“Has the contract been settled?”

Sheng Qiao looked at him for a moment and smiled at him if nothing happened. “It's all the small things. Don't worry.”

Hu Xi looks suspicious. Who is Gao Meiling? He can't be clearer when he enters the company. Can Sheng Qiao fight with her, a stupid white fool?

As if aware of his doubts, Sheng Qiao patted him on the shoulder with a light face: “I can solve it, you can rest a.s.sured! Fans follow idol. You are so good, I will not be bad! “

Huo Xi's corner of the eye twitches: “who is your idol?”

“It's you.”


When did it happen? When did I change from your gossip partner to your idol?

“Well, come back, it's cold outside.” She also urged him to come. Huo Xi didn't say anything anymore. He nodded his head and walked forward. After two steps, he looked back. She was still standing where she was. Probably because of the coldness, she stamped her feet and rubbed her hands. Seeing him turn around, a big smile came out on her clear face and waved to him, “bye!”

Huo Xi finally didn't look back, and soon disappeared into the night.

Sheng Qiao stood in place, stunned for a while, and sighed.

When she got home, she took a hot bath. She didn't have a good rest several days before. Now she fell asleep when she touched the bed. She was still dreaming the next morning, and she was woken up by the phone.

Fang Bai has been waiting downstairs: “Sister Qiao Qiao, ready to join the group.”

It seems that she can't put off this tanbi play before the official lawsuit.

NOTICE: This is edited machine translation.

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