Get To Know About Wife Fan - Chapter 23

Chapter 23

The next day Sheng Qiao woke up earlier than usual.

She didn't sleep well. She had nightmares all night. In her dreams, she was chased by the female ghost to jump off a cliff. She used to have nightmares. Later, she put a signed photo of Hup Xi under the pillow. Like an amulet, she didn't know whether it was psychological or really useful. She was rarely haunted by nightmares. Even when she was scared to wake up, she could reach under the pillow to touch the photo and continue to sleep peacefully.

When was.h.i.+ng, she thought secretly. She had to find a way to get another picture of Huo Xi's signature.

When she went downstairs, s.h.i.+ Xuan, dressed in sportswear, just came in from the door.

Many singers have the habit of running in the morning, exercising their vital capacity and practicing their voice. s.h.i.+ Xuan is still carrying a food bag. She is a little surprised to see Sheng Qiao come down so early, and then she looks indifferent again.

“I bought you breakfast.”

“Thank you.”

You don't have to cook it by yourself. Sheng Qiao just eats it. s.h.i.+ Xuan changed her clothes and came down to have a look. Sheng Qiao was so happy with her food that she snorted coldly.

She went so far as to buy breakfast, but she didn't expect that Sheng Qiao enjoyed it at first.

Sheng Qiao said, “have you eaten?”


She sat down opposite Sheng Qiao. Outside the window, the sky was wide open, and the morning light fell obliquely on the plain face of Sheng Qiao. There was no flaw in that face. It was delicate and white. Her hair was tied with a loose ball. It was so beautiful and enviable.

Over the years, there are too many black materials for Sheng Qiao, and people pay too much attention to her character and gossip, but ignore her face.

But what about her good looks? As her agent said, she has nothing but this face. In this way, the face in front of her is not so dazzling.

s.h.i.+ Xuan has a little balance in mind.

She said with a fake smile: “Xiao and they all pay attention to body management. You are the only female artist I have ever seen with a normal diet.”

Sheng Qiao bit the steamed dumplings and said, “I will lose weight if I have work need.”

After all, taking a variety show doesn't need to keep fit.

s.h.i.+ Xuan was stunned and asked with a smile, “do you have any work plan next?”

Don't you just leave the circle after termination?

Sheng Qiao hooks up the corner of her lips and looks up at her after eating the steamed dumplings in the bowl: “s.h.i.+ Xuan, how many days do you want to stay here?”

s.h.i.+ Xuan was stunned: “I will leave in the afternoon.”

“What a pity.” She wiped the corner of her mouth: “there's no time to be friends with you.”

s.h.i.+ Xuan's mind is so sensitive that she can hear the meaning of her words in a moment. There's no time to be friends so they are not friends now. If she is not a friend, she is not qualified to inquire about her private affairs.

The fake smile on s.h.i.+ Xuan's face is a little tense. Sheng Qiao looks at her with a smile and is calm.

After a while, s.h.i.+ Xuan got up and said, “I'll get them up.”

Sheng Qiao picks up the lower lip corner, rubs the tissue into a ball, raises her hand to a parabola, and throws it into the garbage can.

Everyone kept getting up. Yesterday's task of taking a paper crane will be timed from today. After breakfast, several people began to think about the task plan with a paper crane in their hands.

The director said to Sheng Qiao, “you and Le Xiao have changed tasks. The time is today and tomorrow. The working time starts at 9:00 today, from 9:00 to 5:00.”

When Sheng Qiao saw the time, it was 8:40, so she hurriedly went upstairs to change clothes. Le Xiao still felt sorry. She followed her, clubbing at the door and said, “Qiao Qiao, if there is something you can't, you must call me. I'll bring them to help you.”

“OK.” She patted some sunscreen on her face and explained: “the hot pot material last night was frozen in the refrigerator. Add some water and cook it. It's just that there is no vegetable. The meat is in the freezer. Now you can take out to defrost. The vegetable is in the lattice under the cabinet.”

Pack up and look back at Le Xiao. She looks at her and pinches her in the face: “OK, I'm not going to the battlefield. You're good at home.”

The barrage said:

[I feel like the backbone of the family will be gone as soon as Sheng Qiao leaves.]

[It doesn't need to be blown by the wind. It's gone in two steps.]

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha what are you doing?]

When she went downstairs, she told everyone a few words.

“Little Han, it's a nice day today. Remember to move out and bask in the sun for a few pots of flowers that I moved in yesterday.”

“Wei, take out the fruit and put it in the water to thaw the ice before eating.”

“Zhong Shen, don't bully Le Xiao!”

Finally, she looked at Huo Xi and said softly, “I'm leaving.” Turning around and about to leave, Huo Xi called out to her, “wait.”

Sheng Qiao looks back. He approaches and hands over a gray heat preservation cup: “take this with you. The construction site should be inconvenient.”

Sheng Qiao was moved to tears. Wuwuwu, the warmth and care from idol, who is this beautiful and kind little prince?

With a moving face, she took over the water gla.s.s and said h.e.l.lo to s.h.i.+ Xuan. She wished her a pleasant journey and went out to work.

The director sent two follow-up PD and an a.s.sistant to follow Sheng Qiao to the construction site. The security guard saluted at the door far away. The person in charge of the construction site stood by and recognized Sheng Qiao.

“Oh, I know you. You are the one who plays Xiao Nuo in Flouris.h.i.+ng Changan…”

“h.e.l.lo, my name is Sheng Qiao,” she said politely.

The person in charge is Zhou, and Sheng Qiao calls him brother Zhou. Brother Zhou enthusiastically led her to go inside. For the first time, she was a star on the construction site. She was also a beautiful female star. All the workers left their jobs and came to watch. Brother Zhou shouted: “what are you looking at! Go back to work! “

Sheng Qiao put on her helmet and smiled around. The shy workers were scattered by her smile.

The task is really moving bricks.

The red bricks unloaded by the truck are piled on the open s.p.a.ce. The workers should push them to the project building through the small cart, and then lift them to the third floor through the gantry crane.

Brother Zhou led Sheng Qiao. There was a lot of noise, dust and concrete mixer around. The netizens watching the live broadcast were shocked by the real environment. Even those who scolded Sheng Qiao for her show yesterday shut up.

Brother Zhou told the person in charge of this piece and left. Sheng Qiao put on gloves, took over the cart sent by the person in charge, and began to move bricks on it. After every layer was placed, the cart was pushed to the opposite engineering building.

The ground of the construction site is potholed. Sheng Qiao sprained her foot after not two steps. Fortunately, it's not serious. She has adapted to it several times, reduced the number of bricks, and controlled it within her physical strength. It's more relaxed at last.

It's not easy to watch with PD and ask Sheng Qiao, “do you want to wear a mask? Water? “

“The mask is too stuffy to breathe.” She was very tired and panting. She took the gray thermos cup from the a.s.sistant's hand and took a drink. The water was sweet and with a hint of milk.

Actually made her a gla.s.s of milk powder.

Mommy, is Huo Xi made of milk sugar? Why is he so sweet?

She quickly took a few more sips and felt that she could move for another 500 years.

All morning, she was tired to the point of collapse. Although she was independent since childhood, she never did any heavy work. When she took off her gloves, her palms were blistered.

Sheng Qiao stabbed with her fingertip and s.h.i.+vered with pain. Turning back, she asked the a.s.sistant, “is it too late to change back with Le Xiao?”

There was a while [ha ha ha] in the barrage, and she sighed and waved her hand: “forget it, I'm all like this, she will die here.”

Lunch is a box lunch that workers give out uniformly. Sheng Qiao doesn't select. She sits cross legged on the ground and starts eating after taking the box lunch. Her image is so grounded that the netizens can't laugh after a while.

[My father is a construction worker. He is really tired.]

[It's fine in winter, but it's really peeling in summer.]

[And the dust is too much. It's bad for the lungs to breathe too much dust after a long time.]

[That's what the bottom jobs are like. All they earn is hard-earned money.]

[In fact, Sheng Qiao is very hardworking. Ordinary stars can't stand this kind of suffering.]

[I feel pain when I look at the blisters in the palm of her hand.]

[It used to be said that she was flirtatious. She really regarded herself as a donkey.]

[I went from anti-fans to fans yesterday, but I don't want to talk about it. My face hurts.]

A lot of "anti-fans to fans" appeared on the screen.

In the picture, Sheng Qiao is still eating. She suddenly shakes while eating. The boxed rice in her hand suddenly falls on the ground, and her body is vomiting violently sideways.

This scared the audience and the director group. The a.s.sistant hurriedly went up to check the situation. She had just spit out a mess. At last, her bile was almost coming out. Her face was white as paper, and the whole person was shaking.

The a.s.sistant was stunned. He cried and called 120. All the people around surrounded her. The camera suddenly shook. Sheng Qiao's follow-up PD put the machine on the ground, picked her up and ran out.

The netizens watching the live broadcast were horrified, and they guessed whether it was food poisoning or not.

On the barrage people were panic stricken, and Sheng Qiao, who was lying on the back of PD, finally slowed down and said: “I'm ok, it's food allergy…”

Today's lunch is fish flavored eggplant. She doesn't know the allergy history of the original owner. She didn't pay attention to it at all when she ate it. A few mouthfuls of it suddenly turned in her stomach, and then her lips and throat began to become numb.

Her former high school friend was allergic to almonds. She knew this better. She suddenly realized that she might be allergic to eggplant. She threw a box of rice and began to vomit.

It's her carelessness. After becoming Sheng Qiao, she should go for a comprehensive physical examination to master the whole situation of this body.

Soon, when she was carried to the car, Sheng Qiao's whole mouth began to swell and her words were vague. She held the a.s.sistant's hand and said, “Domm sai to them. It's juss allergy. I will be OK soo.”

The live broadcast continues, and the netizens who hear her say it finally calm down.

It's allergy. It's OK.

A netizen suddenly remembered:

[It's said that Sheng Qiao had a box lunch and vomited in the crew before. Is it because of allergies? ]

[I don't know. At that time, she was scolded for being flirtatious. She had to open a small stove alone when the protagonists and actresses ate boxed meals.]

[I seem to have a lot of misunderstandings about her.]

[At that time, if it was due to allergies that cause vomiting, she should do a test to understand her own allergens and then be careful in food. How could it happen again today?]

[It may be that she is too tired and hungry to move bricks in the morning. Ah, I love little Qiao.]

The ambulance soon sent Sheng Qiao to the hospital. After finis.h.i.+ng the treatment, she put on a drip. There was a tranquilizer in the liquid. After a long morning of tiredness, she soon fell asleep.

When she woke up, it was already dark.

When she opened her eyes, she can smell the strong smell of disinfectant water. For a moment, it's like going back to the day of the car accident a few months ago.

She leaped over and sat up, her sound alerted the boy playing mobile phone on the opposite sofa.

He quickly approached, holding down the back of her hand, “don't move!”

Sheng Qiao looked up, lost at the bottom of her eyes, and the face of the young man was clear in front of her eyes. She looked at him for a long time without blinking, and gently called him: “Huo Xi…”

Realizing that she didn't change back, Sheng Qiao sighed slightly.

Huo Xi let go of her hand, stood up straight and looked at her for a few eyes: “you are disappointed to see me?”

“No, no, no, no, no…” Sheng Qiao said, “I just don't like hospitals.”

“You don't like hospitals but don't know how to avoid risks. You don't even know what food you are allergic to.”

Sheng Qiao left her mouth and thought of something. She quickly touched her face: “am I still swollen?”

“It was swollen,” Huo Xi said.

The room was quiet and there was no camera. The director group stopped shooting after she was sent to the hospital. Huo Xi sat back in the opposite chair and asked her, “are you hungry?”

Only when he asked, did she feel empty in the stomach. She vomited badly in the morning. At this time, she was hungry and uncomfortable.

“Le Xiao and Lu Yihan are making soup for you at home. They should come here soon. Feng Wei hasn't come back to the pet shop yet. Zhong Shen went to the construction site for you this afternoon. “

That's why he was left to take care of herself?

What kind of blessing is this from the third generation?!

Idol actually came to the hospital to take care of her!

At this moment, only one song can express her mood:

——I don't deserve it.

NOTICE: This is edited machine translation.

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