Get To Know About Wife Fan - Chapter 19

Chapter 19

I didn't! It wasn't me! Don't talk nonsense!

Sheng Qiao forced to calm down: “ah? Really? ” She looked up at the sky and said, “I'm afraid it's going to rain, ah, it's so cold.”

Words fall, she gets up, holds the flowerpot, and runs away.

Huo Xi squatted in place for a while and got up to enter the room without expression.

Barrage guessed what Huo Xi said just now.

[Sheng Qiao is in a panic. Was she scolded by Huo Xi?]

[Huo Xi is very cultured and never scolds, thank you.]

[Maybe he can't stand Sheng Qiao and tell her to keep away from himself.]

[I hope she can really keep away. It's better not to appear in the sight of Huo Xi.]

[What are you jealous about in barrage? I don't think Sheng Qiao intentionally pasted Huo Xi. If you have the ability, you can ask the program group to invite you to join it.]

[You can you up, this silly sentence, I see it in 8102.]

[She dares to post it. Everyone is watching the live broadcast.]

[I want to see my precious Xi and I don't want to see Sheng Qiao. I'm so miserable.]

[I'm in pain, too. I'm holding on to the urge to poke my eyes.]

[Why don't you go ahead? There are not only your idols, you have the most talk.]

[If Sheng Qiao leaves, your Huo Xi will starve to death. The flow fans doesn't look good to anyone.]

The task in the afternoon is to take publicity photos.

Sheng Qiao is willing to keep away from Huo Xi when taking photos in order to strangle the show group's speculation on CP. After taking photos, everyone went back to the room to take a nap. She didn't have the habit of taking a nap. She watched TV in the living room alone. When it was almost supper time, she chopped and diced the streaky pork that she bought at noon, and then fried them into miscellaneous sauce in the oil pot with sauce.

Feng Wei was the first to be attracted by the fragrance. She took off her makeup. The whole person looked very thin and spoke in a shallow voice. When she looked at the miscellaneous sauce, her eyes were bright. She asked Sheng Qiao, “What are you doing?”

“Noodles with mixed sauce.”

She inhaled the taste and said a little wistfully, “I haven't eaten meat for a long time.”

Sheng Qiao takes a look at her. There is heating in the room. She is wearing a close fitting T-s.h.i.+rt and tight jeans. She is super slim, but she is also thin without any weight. Supermodels do have to work hard to manage their bodies.

Sheng Qiao uses her chopsticks to dip into a ball of miscellaneous sauce and hands it to her. “Have a taste.”

Feng Wei frowned and hesitated. After thinking about it, she put out her tongue and licked it. Then she was satisfied: “it's so delicious.”

People who took a nap went downstairs one after another, and was led to the kitchen by the fragrance. All the people were there. She cooked water and noodles. Feng Wei didn't eat,so she only put five people's measure. When she finally served them to the table, the miscellaneous sauce on the noodles was golden yellow by the light. The camera gave a close-up, which made the audience mouth water.

[Suddenly I want to eat noodles with mixed sauce. I'm going to order some takeout.]

[Me too! ]

[The more I look at Sheng Qiao, the more pleasing I think she looks.]

[You think she looks pleasing with noodles with mixed sauce? She did it specially for you to look, OK?]

[Two meals were all made by Sheng Qiao. Even if she did it intentionally for the audience, she did pay her labor.]

[Even delicious food can't stop you contrarian's mouth! ]

Knowing that Feng Wei doesn't eat at night, Sheng Qiao fills her with a bowl of noodle soup, adds a half spoon of miscellaneous sauce, and comforts her by saying, “warm your stomach, taste fresh, it will not add much meat.”

Feng Wei smelled the fragrance and didn't refuse any more. Just drinking it, she heard Zhong Shen shouting with dissatisfaction: “Qiao Qiao! Why is there more sauce in Huo Xi's bowl than ours! “

Sheng Qiao:"……"

Several people went to see the bowl of Huo Xi. By contrast, it seems that there is more sauce. Golden meat grains wrap noodles, and the color is darker than theirs.

Sheng Qiao did not change her expression: "I don't know. I dropped it conveniently. If yous is not enough, I'll divide you a little more. “

Zhong Shen knew her thoughtfulness, but he couldn't p.r.i.c.k it on the spot. He said angrily, “no, be careful next time, don't let people think you are partial!”

After dinner, Zhong Shen suggested playing the game. He was aggrieved and said to Sheng Qiao, “Qiao Qiao, since you didn't take me, I've fallen back from diamonds to gold.”

Playing the game requires five persons and there are six guests, so one person will be ignored. Just as Feng Wei and Le Xiao can't play games, Feng Wei directly said, “I can't, you can play.”

Then she was to go upstairs, Sheng Qiao pull her: “you five play, I guide you.”

Le Xiao hasn't touched the game before, but the three boys want to play. Naturally, she can't fall behind. She quickly downloaded the game, and said sheepishly, “I'm not good at it. You need to help me.”

“I don't play with novices,” said Zhong Shen.

He was slapped by Sheng Qiao: “is there any difference between you and novice at your level?”

The audience in barrage are going to laugh to die.

[Hasn't Zhong Shen been derided enough by Sheng Qiao yet?]

[Just as his Cai Wenji, how he is so shameless to dislike Le Xiao?]

[I really want to see Sheng Qiao play an on the spot. Last time I saw the performance picture of the crew, I was really shocked.]

[The game of five, the sixth is really embarra.s.sing.]

[That's why Sheng Qiao pull Feng Wei. She doesn't play and be a guide, I am really warmed up by this move.]

[My Qiao is really a very warm and kind little angel.]

[WTF, some people use the word “angel” to describe Sheng Qiao. I can't look at the word “angel” directly any more.]

[Birdman is similar.]

As long as someone praises Sheng Qiao, the anti-fans can't wait to appear. The fan base is small, but there are a large number of anti-fans and fanning Xi Lights. Qiao's fans can only hide in silence.

At the beginning of the game, Sheng Qiao stood behind Le Xiao and Feng Wei and began to teach them how to press the key, how to buy equipment, how to walk and how to put skills.

Novice operation is not proficient, frequently making mistakes, the camera will close-up the game screen, the audience can see Le Xiao and Feng Wei two people keep the fancy death, the audience are anxious to see it, but Sheng Qiao is not anxious, one by one to teach them how to avoid.

Feng Wei is getting better under her guidance. At least she doesn't give away her head anymore. Occasionally, she can help her teammates get a head. Instead, Le Xiao is always in a hurry. When she sees the enemy, she panics. She puts her skills everywhere and runs around. Her body is all over the corner of the king's Canyon.

Seeing that she was going to cry, Sheng Qiao patted her head and said softly, “I'll take you alone in a moment. They are high in rank and we don't play with them.”

Le Xiao pouted and let out an unhappy sound.

After a few games, everyone went back to their room to go to bed. After was.h.i.+ng and changing pajamas, Sheng Qiao went to knock on Le Xiao's door. Le Xiao is on the computer in the room, and the webpage shows the operation strategy of the game.

The girl is a cruel person.

Sheng Qiao said, “don't look at that, go to the game, follow me all the way, and play more you will know.”

Le Xiao is dubious. She plays with Sheng Qiao.

It's a totally different game experience.

——Follow me, don't exceed me.

——Press 2, then press 3, then press 1.

——Go back, stop, go into the gra.s.s, don't move, wait for me to come back.

——Learn to look at the small map, stand in the gra.s.s, do not come out.

——Come on, follow me, I'll be right next to you.

——Run back, stop, turn back and press 2, then run left.

Is the game so fun? Feel the enemy are tofu, a knife a head! Le Xiao was excited to play, and suddenly drifted a little. She left the sight range of Sheng Qiao and was quickly caught by the enemy.

The whole room was filled with Le Xiao's screams: “Qiao Qiao help me!!!”

Then there was Sheng Qiao's calm voice: “hold on, come right now, you put 2 skills first.”

“Ah, ah, I can't let it go I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die!”

Words fall, the human figure in the screen flashes, the enemy is fixed, and then the blood line drops, falling to the ground and dying.

Sheng Qiao wrists, “you are not so easy to die.”

The audience was stunned by her awesome operation.

[I've been touched by this scene!!! ]

[I'm sorry… Want to eat this pair of CP.]

[What's going on with Sheng Qiao's boyfriend strength? ]

[Take Le Xiao away, we won't make an appointment.]

[Dare not rub Huo Xi, do you rub Le Xiao instead?]

[Dog skin plaster is always dog skin plaster.]

[Some people's mind in barrage are really dirty. Anyway, Sheng Qiao won't do anything right?]

[When you hate a person, all her kind and warm actions will become a thorn, which will hurt the black heart of some contrarians.]

After winning several times, Sheng Qiao looked at the time. “It's almost over. Let's play tomorrow.”

Le Xiao blushed excitedly, “Qiao Qiao, you're taking me tomorrow. I don't want to play with them.”

The game experience with them is not good at all!

Sheng Qiao nodded, went out and closed the door, was about to return to her room, and hit the front of Huo Xi in the corridor. He just went downstairs to boil some water. He was walking towards his room with a water cup. When he saw Sheng Qiao, he was stunned and said in a low voice, "You haven't slept yet.”

Under the camera lens, Sheng Qiao was restrained and politely replied, “I played several games with Xiao.” Two or three steps to her door, twist the handle, she whispered: “go to bed early, good night.”

Hu Xi looks at her side face. “Good night.”

Sheng Qiao enters the room as if nothing happened, but secretly turns her ears red.

When it's time to go to bed, there are fewer people watching the live broadcast. Sheng Qiao covers the camera on the wall with her coat and gets into the bed. Over and over, she still can't help but take her mobile phone and send a message to Huo Xi.

——Why do you come to this variety show?

Later she received his reply: owe the director a favor.

Sheng Qiao held her mobile phone for a long time, sighed, and typed slowly: I didn't know you would come, if in the program I bring a bad impact on you, I say sorry first.

Reply from Huo Xi: it's OK, not so much.

After a pause, he said, “have a rest earlier.”

There's nothing more comforting than a word from idol. Sheng Qiao nods her head hard and logs in to her backup committee account before sleeping to post today's good night blog.

When she went online, she found that the number of fans of her own Weibo account and backup committee account increased by more than 100000.

Everyone in the backup group asked: President, the first day of the live broadcast of Qiao Qiao is over. Shall we cut a cut version?

Sheng Qiao replied: Yes, the leader of the online propaganda group is responsible for this. Now we can recruit some fans who can clip videos to the online propaganda group, but we need to strictly check and select, not much but fine.

After arranging the backup publicity task, Sheng Qiao can finally go to sleep.

She didn't have the habit of sleeping late. She woke up automatically at 7:00 in the morning. When she finished was.h.i.+ng and went out, all the doors in the corridor were still closed. She went downstairs and fried an egg for herself and heated a gla.s.s of milk.

After eating, she opens glory of kings and prepare to play a game to refresh her mind. Just after landing, she received an invitation from Huo Xi to form a team.

Sheng Qiao, shaking her hands, glanced up the stairs, accepted the invitation and began to fight against the king's Canyon. After winning two, Sheng Qiao took advantage of the time waiting for resurrection to type on the public screen of the game: “come down for breakfast?”

Huo Xi is fighting with a dragon. He stops and replies, “finish this game.”

“What would you like to eat? Noodles or porridge? “

“All right.”

Teammate sends ten exclamation marks in succession: dragon is robbed WTF! Can you two play the dragon before you show your love?

At the end of the game, Sheng Qiao put away her mobile phone and went to the kitchen. In order not to show her horse's feet, she made five copies. When several people were woken up by the director group and went downstairs, the dinner table was full with hot steam.

Le Xiao is surprised:”Wow, little Qiao, are you a snail girl?”

Huo Xi looks at his favorite fried eggs in soy sauce and drinks hot milk in silence.

They are eating happily. The director group knocks on the small blackboard beside them: “pay attention, the task is released.”

Several people at the same time: are there any tasks?

Director: “there will be mysterious guests coming in the evening. You are responsible for the reception. When the guests leave, they will evaluate your service. Five stars praise and reward the living expenses, three or four stars do not reward and punish, and one or two stars' bad reviews deduct the living expenses. “

Entertain guests?

No, director, you didn't say there were any guests when I came?

NOTICE: This is edited machine translation.

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