I am not displeased with the remark.
Did we see the festivity. Water is amusing.
Do I want to go away.
No indeed I do not want to go away.
Two months.
In two months.
Politely miss me.
Call what.
Call Milly.
Don't you understand the difference.
He wanted fifty dollars for six days.
We did not refuse a visit.
No one refuses a visit.
I do.
I see.
A little finish. What was that noise.
I am very pleased to have a good fire.
Here are my stars and stripes.
Yes it's the flag.
What time is it.
Day time.
Of course and the morning.
I always go well prepared.
Of course you would.
What do I think.
Is not this certain.
That there are a great many places where one would not be as comfortable.
Where we would not be so comfortable.
Certainly I don't deny that.
We have been so happy here. Yes but that has nothing to do with the people. No it hasn't. But I like to see what I see here. You know perfectly well you will be just as well pleased with something else.
Why do mules go together. Because those people are religious. They are very religious. Were you invited.
Then I will finish it here.
This is very easy to please. Cups and saucers altogether.
We are going to have a picnic. With chicken not today today we are going to have eggs and salad and vegetables and brown bread and what else.
False smuggled contraband tobacco. You mean by that that it isn't tobacco. No it's only leaves. I laugh.
When they did not see me.
I saw them again.
I did not like it.
I count her dresses again.
Can you draw a dress.