Miss Millicent Wynne.
Why do you sell your name so.
I do not.
Of course you do.
You mean to.
You ask every one about a train.
We were ashamed about the train.
Were you.
Yes we had reason to be.
I can understand. You can understand everything.
A Spanish lesson.
Begin now.
By leaving the room.
No by mentioning why you have been hesitating.
I have not been hesitating and besides I wish to learn English.
Do you.
To read.
To read.
But you read very well.
This cannot be said.
You mean we admire you.
You can do so.
Were they ashamed of their water.
n.o.body has any water.
This is what they told us.
Mexico tide water. I meant not to spell it so.
Mexico tied water.
Mexico border.
I love the letters m and o.
Mr. Gilbert. I do not know that child.
He speaks to you.
Yes he does.
And what does he say.
He asks me what I bequeath to the English.
Does he.
Mrs. Nettie Silk. Have a good time.
We will.
When you say that you pa.s.s this way.
You do naturally.
Why don't you return my books.
Do you want them.
Not just at present. You can lend them.
All of them.
Yes all of them.
Thank you so much.
Mrs. William Lane. We found that house.
Yes and we have been accepted.