_Remarks._--Specimens of this subspecies from the area between the Uinta Mountains and the mountains of the Wyoming and Wind River ranges, are clearly intergrades between _E. m. consobrinus_ and _E. m. minimus_ and are here referred to _E. m. consobrinus_. These specimens are paler than typical _E. m. consobrinus_ and considerably darker than _E. m.
minimus_. These intergrades came from an area where the habitat is intermediate between that of _E. m. consobrinus_ and _E. m. minimus_ but more nearly like that of _E. m. consobrinus_.
_Specimens examined._--Total number, 135.
_Yellowstone Park_: Fishing Bridge, 1 (MM).
_Park Co._: SW slope Whirlwind Peak, 9,000 ft., 1.
_Teton Co._: N end Blacktail b.u.t.te, 6,600 ft., 1 mi. E Moose, 1; Bar BC Ranch, 6,500 ft., 2-1/2 mi. NE Moose, 2; 3-3/4 mi. E Moose, 6,300 ft., 3; 3-3/4 mi. E and 3/4 mi. S Moran, 6,210 ft., 2; 5 mi.
S Moran, 1 (FC); 2 mi. S Elk Ranch, 2 (FC); 7 mi. S Moran, 1 (FC); 19 mi. E and 2 mi. S Moran, 1; Flat Creek Pa.s.s, 1 (MM); Flat Creek-Crystal Creek Divide, 1 (MM); Flat Creek-Granite Creek Divide, 5 (MM); Dry Hollow, Jackson, 1 (MM); Jackson, 4 (MM); Jenny Lake, 2 (MM); Sheep Creek, Jackson, 1 (MM).
_Lincoln Co._: 3 mi. N and 11 mi. E Alpine, 5,650 ft., 2; 13 mi. N and 2 mi. W Afton, 6,100 ft., 2; 10 mi. N and 2 mi. W Afton, 6,100 ft., 2; 6 mi. N and 2 mi. E Sage, 6,050 ft., 1; Kemmerer, 1; c.u.mberland, 14 mi. S and 1 mi. W Kemmerer, 6,550 ft., 6.
_Sublette Co._: 5 mi. E and 9 mi. N Pinedale, 9,200 ft., 12; 10 mi.
NE Pinedale, 8,000 ft., 2; W end Half Moon Lake, 7,900 ft., 5; 3 mi. E and 5 mi. N Pinedale, 7,500 ft., 3; 2-1/4 mi. NE Pinedale, 7,500 ft, 3; 4 mi. W Pinedale, 7,200 ft., 2; 19 mi. W and 2 mi. S Big Piney, 7,700 ft., 1; 31 mi. N Pinedale, 8,025 ft., 2.
_Fremont Co._: Togwotee Pa.s.s, 3 (1 FC); Moccasin Lake, 10,100 ft., 19 mi. W and 4 mi. N Lander, 1; 16 mi. S and 5-1/2 mi. W Lander, 8,650 ft., 1; 23-1/2 mi. S and 5 mi. W Lander, 8,600 ft., 1; 3 mi.
E and 1/2 mi. N South Pa.s.s City, 7,900 ft., 7; Mosquito Park R.S., 9,500 ft., 17-1/2 mi. W and 2-1/2 mi. N Lander, 1; 4 mi. S and 8-1/2 mi. W Lander, 9,200 ft., 1.
_Uinta Co._: 1/2 mi. S c.u.mberland [Lincoln County], 1; 2 mi. W Fort Bridger, 6,070 ft., 1; 8-1/2 mi. W Fort Bridger, 6,700 ft., 17; 1/2 mi. S Mountain View, 6,900 ft., 2; 6 mi. S and 2-1/2 mi. E Robertson, 8,200 ft., 3; 8 mi. S and 2-1/2 mi. E Robertson, 8,300 ft., 1; 9 mi. S Robertson, 8,000 ft., 5; 9-1/2 mi. S and 1 mi. W Robertson, 8,600 ft., 2; 10 mi. S and 1 mi. W Robertson, 8,700 ft., 4; 13 mi. S and 2 mi. E Robertson, 9,200 ft., 7; 2 mi. E and 12 mi.
S Robertson, Ashley Nat. For., 9,000 ft., 1; 11-1/2 mi. S and 2 mi.
E Robertson, 9,200 ft., 1; 4-1/2 mi. S and 4 mi. E Robertson, 8,025 ft., 1.
_Additional records_ (Howell 1929:48): _Yellowstone Park_: Bunsen Peak; Swan Lake Valley; Canyon; Lake Station; Firehole River; Summit Lake; Snow Pa.s.s. _Park Co._: Beartooth Lake; Whirlwind Peak, near Pahaska Tepee; Valley; Needle Mountain. _Teton Co._: Elk, Jackson Hole; Teton Pa.s.s. _Lincoln Co._: Thayne; head of La Barge Creek; Smith Fork, 7,000 to 8,000 ft. _Sublette Co._: 12 mi. N Kendall; Merna; Fremont Lake; Surveyor Park, 12 mi. NE Pinedale; Bronx; Little Sandy Creek; Stanley; Big Sandy. _Fremont Co._: Lake Fork, Wind River Mountains; Fremont Peak; South Pa.s.s City. _Uinta Co._: Bear River Divide, 14 mi. N Evanstone; Evanstone; Ft.
Bridger; Spring Valley; Henry's Fork, 5 mi. W Lone Tree; Lone Tree; Sage Creek (exact locality unknown).
Eutamias minimus pallidus (J. A. Allen)
_Tamias quadrivittatus b._ var. _pallidus_ J. A. Allen, Proc.
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 16:289, 1874.
_Eutamias minimus pallidus_, Howell, Jour. Mamm. 3:183, August 4, 1922.
_Lectotype._--Skull and skin, No. 11656/38311 (NM); from Camp Thorne, near Glendive, Dawson County, Montana; obtained on July 18, 1873, by J. A. Allen; original No. 200.
_Diagnosis._--Size large; over-all tone of upper parts pale grayish brown; baculum large.
_Description._--_Color pattern_: Crown Pale Smoke Gray mixed with Clay Color; facial stripes Fuscous Black mixed with Clay Color; anterior margin of ear and hairs inside posterior part of pinna Pale Pinkish Buff; posterior margin of ear and postauricular patch grayish white; median dorsal dark stripe black with Clay Color along margins; other dorsal dark stripes Fuscous mixed with Clay Color; median pair of dorsal light stripes Pale Smoke Gray; lateral pair of dorsal light stripes creamy white; sides Cinnamon Buff; rump and thighs Smoke Gray mixed with Pale Buff; dorsal surface of tail Fuscous Black slightly mixed with Warm Buff; ventral surface of tail Pinkish Cinnamon or Pinkish Buff, with Fuscous Black along margin and Warm Buff along outermost edge; antipalmar and antiplantar surfaces of feet Pinkish Buff, Warm Buff or Pale Yellow-Orange; underparts white with dark underfur. _Skull_ and _Baculum_: Large but of same proportions as in other subspecies of _E. minimus_.
_Comparisons._--From _E. m. silvaticus_, the subspecies from the Black Hills, _E. m. pallidus_ differs in: Paler; underside of tail paler; sides paler.
From _E. m. confinis_, the subspecies from the Big Horn Mountains, _E. m. pallidus_ differs in: Over-all tone of upper parts paler; sides paler; underside of tail paler.
From _E. m. operarius_, the subspecies from the mountains in south-central Wyoming, _E. m. pallidus_ differs in: Over-all tone of upper parts paler; sides paler; underside of tail paler.
For comparisons with _E. m. minimus_ and _E. m. consobrinus_, see the accounts of those subspecies.
_Remarks._--Specimens from near Buffalo, Johnson Co., are intergrades between _E. m. pallidus_ and _E. m. confinis_ and are referable to _E.
m. confinis_. Specimens from near Sundance (not in Bear Lodge Mountains), Crook Co., are intergrades between _E. m. pallidus_ and _E.
m. silvaticus_ (Howell 1929:55). Specimens from the Laramie Range in Converse Co. are intergrades between _E. m. pallidus_ and _E. m.
operarius_, and referable to _E. m. operarius_. Specimens from near Greybull, Big Horn Co., are intergrades between _E. m. pallidus_ and _E. m. minimus_ and are referable to _E. m. pallidus_. These specimens show no intergradation with _E. m. confinis_ which occurs but a short distance to the east in the Big Horn Mountains. Intergradation between _E. m. pallidus_ and _E. m. minimus_ probably exists in northeastern Natrona Co. and southwestern Johnson Co.
Comparisons of specimens of _E. m. pallidus_ and _E. m. cacodemus_, indicates that, in my opinion, _E. m. cacodemus_ is ent.i.tled to subspecific recognition, for, the relationship between _E. m. pallidus_ to _E. m. cacodemus_ is the same as that between _E. m. pallidus_ and _E. m. confinis_.
_Specimens examined._--Total number, 58.
_Park Co._: 2 mi. S and 2 mi. E Met.e.e.t.se, 5,750 ft., 3.
_Big Horn Co._: 6 mi. NW Greybull, 3,800 ft., 6; Greybull, 4 (BS); 7 mi. S Basin, 3,900 ft., 5.
_Sheridan Co._: 5 mi. NE Clearmont, 3,900 ft., 1.
_Campbell Co._: 5 mi. N and 8 mi. W Spotted Horse, 9; 6 mi. W and 4 mi. S Rockypoint, 4,200 ft., 1; 4 mi. S and 3 mi. W Rockypoint, 5; Middle b.u.t.te, 6,010 ft., 38 mi. S and 19 mi. W Gillette, 3; South b.u.t.te, 6,000 ft., 17-1/2 mi. W and 40-1/2 mi. S Gillette, 2; Ivy Creek, 8 mi. W and 5 mi. N Spotted Horse, 6.
_Crook Co._: Moorcroft, Belle Fourche Valley, 8 (BS).
_Washakie Co._: 15 mi. W Tensleep, in badlands, 1 (BS); 8 mi. S and 8 mi. W Worland, 1; 10 mi. S Tensleep, near No Wood Creek, 2 (BS).
_Goshen Co._: Rawhide b.u.t.tes, 12 mi. S and 1 mi. W Lusk, 1.
_Laramie Co._: unspecified, 1.
_Additional records_ (Howell 1929:44): _Big Horn Co._: Otto; Hyattville. _Sheridan Co._: Powder River at mouth of Clear Creek; Sheridan; Arvada. _Weston Co._: Thornton; Upton; Pine Ridge; Newcastle. _Hot Springs Co._: head of Bridger Creek; Willow Creek, 10 mi. SW Thermopolis. _Washakie Co._: 10 mi. S Manderson; Otter Creek, Bighorn Basin. _Johnson Co._: Powder River Basin, near Pumpkin b.u.t.tes. _Natrona Co._: Merino. _Converse Co._: Douglas.
_Platte Co._: Guernsey; 15 mi. SW Wheatland. _Goshen Co._: Rawhide b.u.t.te. _Localities for which counties are unknown_: Owl Creek Mountains; North Platte River.
Eutamias minimus confinis Howell
_Eutamias minimus confinis_ Howell, Jour. Mamm. 6:52, February 15, 1925.
_Type._--Female, adult, skull and skin No. 168957 (NM); from head of Trapper Creek, west slope of Bighorn Mountains, Big Horn County, Wyoming; obtained on July 7, 1910, by Merrit Cary; original No.
_Diagnosis._--Size large; over-all tone of upper parts grayish brown; baculum large, as in _E. m. pallidus_.
_Description._--_Color pattern_: Crown Clay Color mixed with Pale Smoke Gray; upper facial stripe Fuscous Black; other facial stripes Fuscous Black slightly mixed with Tawny; anterior margin of ear Yellow Ocher or Ochraceous-Orange; hairs inside posterior part of pinna Yellow Ocher or Ochraceous-Orange; posterior margin of ear Smoke Gray; postauricular patch buffy white or Smoke Gray; dorsal dark stripes black or Fuscous Black more or less mixed with Tawny or Tawny-Olive; dorsal light stripes creamy white, sometimes washed with Pale Smoke Gray; sides Raw Sienna or Cinnamon Buff; rump and thighs Pale Smoke Gray mixed with Tawny-Olive; dorsal surface of tail black mixed with Clay Color; ventral surface of tail Clay Color, black along margin and Light Buff or Light Ochraceous Buff along outermost edge; antipalmar and antiplantar surfaces of feet Pinkish Buff; underparts creamy white sometimes with grayish underfur. _Skull_ and _Baculum_: Large but proportionally the same as in other subspecies of _E. minimus_.
_Comparisons._--From _E. m. silvaticus_, the subspecies from the Black Hills, _E. m. confinis_ differs in: General tone of upper parts darker, more reddish and less grayish; ventral surface of tail more tawny; skull and baculum of same size and proportions.
From _E. m. operarius_, the subspecies from the Laramie Range and other mountains of south-central Wyoming, _E. m. confinis_ differs in: Rump and thighs darker; sides darker; general tone of upper parts more grayish.
For comparisons with _E. m. minimus_, _E. m. consobrinus_, and _E.
m. pallidus_, see the accounts of those subspecies.
_Remarks._--This subspecies is endemic to the Bighorn Mountains.
Intergradation between _E. m. confinis_ and _E. m. minimus_ and between _E. m. pallidus_ and _E. m. confinis_ have already been discussed in the accounts of those subspecies.
_Specimens examined._--Total number, 85.