Unbeknownst to Greyson who was fast asleep, Sister Lily had come back in to check on him. She came and tucked him in, but, just as she was leaving, she saw the letter on top of his desk. She quietly walked over and realized the letter was addressed to her. Curious of its contents, Lily quickly opened the folded paper and read his explanation. She first wanted to punish him for wanting to leave, however, after seeing the new information and his goals, she decided to let him go. Part of her worried immensely about what would happen to Greyson once he was not under her protection anymore. She was also suspicious to how he knew the information about magic. If he was correct, though, Lily wanted the best life for him. Against her better judgment, she quietly refolded the paper and went downstairs. She quickly came back with another small bag of bread and dried meat and a letter. After placing the stuff she brought in his travel bag, Lily kissed Greyson good night and walked out.
Once Sister Lily closed the door behind her, Lucius eyes opened and stared at the door in deep thought before quickly closing again as he fell asleep.
Early the next morning, Greyson jumped out of bed. Clearly excited, he quickly made his bed one last time then double-checked his room. Seeing everything in order, he ran downstairs to see Sister Lily baking bread for breakfast. Feeling slightly emotional, he ran up to her and gave her a tight hug. Sister Lily felt tears coming up so she tried to calm herself.
"Going out again?" She tried to keep her voice steady without giving herself away. Greyson just nodded while continuing to hold onto her.
"Well, just make sure to return safely, okay?"
"Okay..." Finally letting go, Greyson quickly grabbed a piece of bread then ran for the door.
"I'll be back!" He yelled over to Sister Lily but did not look back towards her. He ran further and further away from the church until he suddenly stopped and turned back. Taking one last look, Greyson let one tear drop from his eyes before turning away. Determination reflecting in his eyes, he continued to run in the direction of the capital.
Lily stopped her work for breakfast and walked over to the chapel. She knelt down and prayed for Greyson's safety and prosperity in his ventures outside. Wiping away her tears, she went back to her daily ch.o.r.e routines as if nothing special happened.
"Hey, you know, last night I saw Sister Lily come back into the room. I'm pretty sure she knew that you were leaving today. She read your letter last night." Lucius spoke up after they were far enough away from the church.
"What?! And she didn't stop me?" Greyson felt shocked at her silent approval.
"I'm not sure about her exact thoughts, but she put some food and a letter into your bag. Why don't you see what the letter says?"
Heeding Lucius's advice, Greyson put his bag down and searched around for the letter. Rummaging around, he found a small note addressed to him.
By the time you read this you will probably be on your way to the capital. Hmph, you thought you could just leave without telling me anything! I know you better than you know yourself! But because I do, I know that there are amazing things in store for your future. Much bigger things await you and I don't want you to feel regret being stuck in the small, remote Willow Town. I can't say I won't worry nor can I guarantee that you will not suffer while exploring, but I believe that you will push through everything. No matter if you greatly succeed or make small accomplishments, I will always be proud of you. If life ever gets too hard for you, know that the church is always your home and we will always welcome you back. Stay safe, make lots of friends, and have tons of fun! I'll be waiting for your return.
Sister Lily
Reading her heartfelt words, Greyson could no longer continue acting tough. He hugged the letter and cried. Lucius was shocked by his sudden breakdown and could only silently sit next to Greyson until he was done.
Around 10 minutes later, Greyson cries quieted down and he slowly stopped crying.
"Are you finally done crying? My goodness, if I knew you were such a crybaby earlier, I wouldn't have decided to follow you around. Maybe I should find someone else. I don't deal well with children in the first place." Lucius sighed.
Greyson rolled his eyes in response saying, "Did I ask you to follow? This was all your own decision not mine. It's not like I could force you to stay." Wiping his eyes, Greyson finally put his bag back in order and got up off the ground.
"Well, I convinced you to leave saying that I could protect you along the way so I can't exactly abandon you now. Plus, I am a cat of my word." Lucius retorted. Greyson just smiled and started walking. He knew Lucius sounded grumpy and full of himself, but he could tell the cat was a friend and very caring underneath all that fur.
Having let out all his emotions, Greyson felt relaxed and continued onward. Lucius jumped up onto Greyson's shoulder and rested there as they left Willow Town behind them.