"It's nice to see that you are still the same old Grey. We really missed having you around." Greyson smiled hearing her words before looking towards the other children who were still standing around wide-eyed trying to compute the situation. Chuckling at the shock on their faces, he approached the injured children. The first person he ended up walking towards happened to be Wolf, but Greyson had no real ill-feelings towards the other boy. His eyes switched to a beautiful gold as a bright light shown around him. A bright light enveloped around Wolf as all his surface injuries healed in the blink of an eye. Greyson moved along healing all of the other children who were hurt by using Heal. No one was seriously in danger of losing their life so he did not feel the need to go overboard and use Angel's Touch.
Looking at the light s.h.i.+ning on the them, all the injured kids were scared at first looking into the unfamiliar boy's golden eyes, however they felt an extremely comfortable warmth flow through them that made them drop all defenses. The light element was the most gentle of the seven he possessed and those a.s.sociated with the element tended to be gentler. Even Greyson felt a soft part of his heart hurt for the children as he healed them and saw there slightly dest.i.tute conditions. Maybe it was the element effecting him, or maybe he had really just let all of that childhood bullying go because he knew the kids really wanted to include him but he was the one who rejected them. In these years, it seemed as if the church had really taken a hit in funds.
Glancing around, he could see the rags the other kids were wearing that weren't faring much better than the torn clothes of the now healed children. Taking a good look at Sister Lily, he could tell her habit had not been replaced but instead mended multiple times, even her hands were rougher. The sadness and regret that waved over him for leaving, quickly turned to an anger he didn't know he possessed.
"Sister... What's happened during this time?" Although he hesitated, Greyson was determined to help. He had the power and the financial savings to at least keep this dying church above ground. He couldn't help everyone, but it was enough to help his family. Sister Lily bit her lips as if in conflict. She looked at the boy in front of her who had miraculously appeared with his magic power grown. He put up a mature front, but she still could feel her damp dress from his tears. Making a decision, she instead smiled.
"Grey, it's nothing important. We are a church. Sometimes, funds and donations are not as strong as other years as we live off of the generosity of others. When the town suffers, we suffer the most because those people are keeping their money close to survive while cutting off our funds. Willow Town is just going through a rough spot." Greyson wrinkled his brows not entirely believing her words. Part of it was probably true, but then...
"Who were those group of men? Why were they hara.s.sing the other kids and you?" Looking intently into her eyes for lies, Greyson continued to interrogate.
"Oh, Grey, they were just angry store-owners. The kids are hungry... They steal sometimes... I severely punish them, but at the same time I feel it is due to my inadequacy. Ever since Priest Williams pa.s.sed away, bless his soul, the church had not been paying attention to this branch all the way in the middle of nowhere." Greyson nodded slowly starting to buy into her story. The Priest Williams she spoke about was the founder of this church. Apparently, he was fairly famous and a big deal in the major church city, Seraph. He was the una.s.suming son of some amazing Cardinal in the church system, but decided he was doing G.o.d's work better in the impoverished outskirts of society. Greyson rather admired the man and even if he had pa.s.sed away before Greyson had even turned 1. All the stories around town about him and even the way he died was a deep proclamation of his character. He had pa.s.sed away after contracting a disease while praying over a sick man from a random plague occurrence. No one was willing to get close to him while the man was begging for closure before death except the Priest. Some people whispered that Priest Williams was actually banished because he had no light magic and was a disgrace to his family. Who know? After pa.s.sing away, however, no one was making small, barely secret donations to support his son's dream. Just a horde of holy city soldiers to carry the body away in a majestic coffin.
The church was slowly bleeding away money even while he was here. He just did not realize it would become so serious.
"Well, no matter, Sister Lily. I have the funds now to keep this church running until at least I die." Under a normal month, the church spends maybe around 1-2 silvers if not less when converted from the copper coins used here. Greyson even has 10 gold coins. One gold coin was the equivalent to 10,000 copper coins. 100 copper coins for every 1 silver coin and 100 silver coins for every 1 gold coin. As long as the church lives frugally, 1/10 of his fortune could keep them running 100 years. Before coming to the church, he had gone to Academy City's bank and traded his one gold coin for 9,800 copper coins as, unfortunately, the banks do not go for a one-hundred percent exchange. However, he could not avoid it as what would throwing a gold coin to Sister Lily do? Nothing but get the church attacked and robbed. Plus, she couldn't just buy all her needs in bulk right at this moment and no one in Willow Town probably had change even for a silver coin let alone a gold one.
Reaching into his spatial bag, Greyson quickly pulled out his prepared coin box which was quite hefty as it held an even 10,000 copper coins. The 2,000 came from his own personal coins that were just laying around. He also placed a small bag with 10 silver coins enclosed inside the box just as an emergency fund. Watching as Greyson pulled his neat trick of pulling a humongous box from a small knapsack left the kids with jaws dropping to the floor.
"Sister Lily use this money! I want to help you now and all the other kids who could benefit from this church as orphans." Greyson felt proud thinking of the amount he was giving and the help he could now provide. So I guess this is the upside of having power? Sister Lily stood shocked for awhile before finally opening the box to the enormous amount of copper coins. Peaking into the small bag, she also saw the 10 silver coin emergency fund.
Truly shocked. Lily could not express her surprise at the amount. Although she knew magician's made more money, but Greyson was still 8. How could he have this money? Was this all he had saved up working dangerous jobs?
"Greyson..." She spoke seriously while calling his full name.
"I can't accept this money. I do not even know how you worked to get this much or even if you will have any left for yourself after this. This is the money you worked hard to earn, I am not just going to take it like I have some kind of ent.i.tlement. I did NOT raise you hoping for you to give me monetary reward."
"No, no, no. Sister Lily, this is not me feeling like I owe you. I wholeheartedly want this church to continue being to other kids what it was for me. A home. I also think you are underestimating my capabilities too much. Don't look down on me just because I am young. I have talent. I made a lot of money selling magic beast cores, playing at concerts, and painting. I even got 10 gold recently from a painting compet.i.tion as an award for first place!" Greyson felt slightly hurt hearing her doubts about where the money came from and his reasons for giving it. Some bragging was in order apparently. He wasn't one to really put himself on a pedestal, but apparently Sister Lily needed to know just how capable and awesome he had become.
"Really?" She looked skeptical still not completely believing him. Rolling his eyes in annoyance, he suddenly smirked when an evil idea formed. She did not want to believe in his power? Well, what's a better show of power than a dragon? Transferring mana to his core, Zephyr was rudely awakened and sent out which cause him to roar in defiance.
The whole crowd jumped and backed away in fright seeing the majestic silver dragon just pop out of nowhere. But they soon realized this amazing being was playfully circling around the silver haired golden-eyed boy in front of them.
"Gr, Grey. This..."
"This is my partner beast, Zephyr. A dragon." A smug look grew on his face after seeing everyone's shock. It felt good to be self-absorbed every now and then.
"You did not seem to believe my level of power, so I just wished to show you that this amount of money really is not much to me right now, but I know that it could mean the world for this church. Please. Accept it?" He reverted back to his pitiful teary-eyed expression without a hint of shame. Sister Lily saw that ridiculous face which Greyson a.s.sumed he had always tricked her with and couldn't help but burst into a giggle. A giggle which then soon transformed into loud and happy laughter. He might seem majestic, but he was still the bratty and awkward 5-year-old kid who did not know how to interact with other humans.
"Alright, alright. I'll accept it since you are such a rich and great person now." She smiled warmly while petting his head affectionately.
"Let's get inside already! What's the point of standing around outside? I'll cook up all your favorite dishes to welcome you back!
He spent the rest of the night showing off magic to the younger kids while they "wowed" in fascination and spilling all the events of the past years with Sister Lily. Hearing of the most recent dangerous situation with deaths and murder, she ended up crying in distress and dragged me into the sanctuary to just pray for me and those that have pa.s.sed. Even a blessing for Aria... Although he could tell that she was upset, he knew it was not at him, but the fact that he had suffered such circ.u.mstances. Although he didn't quite picture an angry Sister Lily praying in the church as what he needed, watching her sincere care for him just felt like it grounded him. The times after those events, he had improved but mentally it was like floating in one place. Suddenly, he was back within his body like closure could maybe occur.
He slept like a baby for the first time in months and it was just so peaceful.
Early the next morning, he awoke to loud banging and harsh shouting. When he heard Sister Lily cry out, was when the noises finally registered in his brain and he burst out of bed. Rus.h.i.+ng to the front of the church, he saw a familiar gang of faces plus some new ones. Even one face of a man he truly did not expect. It was the drunk man who he had hit away from Sister Lily the first day he used magic. An awful sense of dread filled him, as Sister Lily's explanation from the other day was getting less and less convincing.
"b.i.t.c.h! You know how long I was in bed thanks to that little orphan freak?! My brother told you to hand him over multiple times now and he's the City Lord of Keres City. You think this little Willow Town can protect you. We'll keep tightening the noose around your neck until the church is broke and all these children become homeless. Why don't you think for the good of everyone and just hand the boy over?"
"I don't know who you are talking about! There is no such boy here!"
"Hmph stinky old man, you only know how to threaten weak women and children! The guy you are looking for is gone and off to great things. He attacked you with magic, yanno? That means he is desired by much more powerful people than your brother. You should just give it up!" To his immense surprise, it was Wolf who spoke up. Greyson suddenly felt immensely guilty for always ignoring the boy.
"Well doesn't this dirty little trash have a lot to say? What do you hillbillies know? Magic? My brother is a novice level stage five magician, okay? And he reached that at 40 years old. He is a prodigy and Keres City has well-known connections in the Edysa Kingdom." The man shamelessly bragged. Hearing his words, Greyson almost choked. 40 years old and a novice level stage five magician? A prodigy? He really did not know how to react. Laugh at the man's obvious irony in calling other ignorant when he was obviously just as ignorant, or get angry at his obvious insulting words. Sighing, he shook his head and stepped out. The minute he moved to the front, the man focused over at him. He kept squinting at him in deep thought before coming to the sudden realization.
"Little b.a.s.t.a.r.d! It's you!" Greyson was actually sincerely shocked the dimwit recognized him. One could call him slow at everything except recognizing faces.
"Finally showed yourself, huh? I took a year and a half to travel back home, heal in bed, then come back for revenge. My brother wouldn't let me actively take out a church because it would look bad, but I could pressure them into dying slowly till they finally threw you out."
"Hey, half-wit trash. Will you get lost now or will I have to force you to get out?" Greyson came out strong, after hearing the trouble this man has caused the couple years he was absent.
"You...What did you say to me?" The man's eyes blazed. While Sister Lily grabbed Greyson's sleeve and indicated him to stop. Furrowing his brows, he was truly speechless. Did she think he was so weak? He hasn't been novice stage five level in forever, let alone his weakling of a brother.
"You know what? I won't even use magic. I'm going to use my sword. You're not worth magic, and I feel the need to let some people lay their worries to rest about my current strength." Disdain filling his face, Greyson spoke casually like this match was a walk in the park.
"Unwanted orphan, let me just put the world out of its misery and rid it of one obvious regret-filled mistake." The man's eyes glinted dangerously. As much as he wished they didn't, the words filled with knives, stabbed deeply into Greyson's insecurities. He knew he buried them deep within his heart, but they existed and this vile man seemed to know how to cut into them.
His eyes turned a fiery red for a second with even flames responding to his anger, but he calmed himself down and coldly drew his sword. Vivienne's training allowed him to at least beat trash like this in his sleep.