"Teacher." Greyson quickly greeted him, but obviously showed his impatience to meet the principle.
"Let him enter, Elendil." The princ.i.p.al's voice echoed out before Elendil had a chance to answer Greyson. Elendil just nodded in greeting before opening the door to the office. The first thing Greyson noticed was the familiar platinum silver hair, but this hair was shoulder length and obviously unkempt. There were also the signature pointed ears, however, they were only slightly pointed which signified a mixed blood elf. Other than these new features, the princ.i.p.al's face did not undergo any real changes. His eyes were still a warm brown and he still had ever constant lighthearted smile. Feeling a little surprised by the Princ.i.p.al's plain looks, Greyson did not realize he had been blatantly staring. The princ.i.p.al could read his expression easily and chuckled.
"You are probably wondering why I'm not good-looking? It's a common misunderstanding that elves are a beautiful race, even the men. This is because only elves in important positions will go out of the elven territory on diplomatic missions. The closer you were related to the royal bloodline of the Queen, the more beautiful you are born. Elves are favored by mother nature as a race but the royal bloodline is even more talented thus they tend to all be good-looking. My mother was a normal low-level servant elf while my father was a normal farmer as well, so I was not born with any extraordinary looks. Most elves are normal looking except for their particular hair color and pointed ears." Greyson had indeed heard about the elves' good looks as a race and that's why they were popular in the slave market, but now he realized that most people were just ill-informed. However, he was not surprised as elves were a very arrogant and private race that did not welcome outsiders into their cities other than for special occasions.
"I'm sorry, I did not mean to stare so rudely." Although the princ.i.p.al reacted calmly, Greyson felt bad so blatantly staring at the man's face. The Princ.i.p.al was being humble, though, he was rather good-looking compared to the average man and had a kind disposition that invited people in and made them comfortable.
"Hahaha. It's no big deal, I knew you had no bad intentions. I could tell from your clear eyes. But no matter, this is not why you came today, correct? Come over and pa.s.s me your right hand. I will look over your bloodline now to be able to get a good idea of what's going on inside you."
Greyson nodded and obediently placed his hand inside the Princ.i.p.al's palms. He felt a gentle mana enter his body to probe, but he did not prevent it and allowed for the mana to spread around his body. The Princ.i.p.al's expression suddenly broke from its calm, however, the more he had examined Greyson's body.
"I cannot tell the concrete situation with your bloodline. I really have to wonder who your parents were and who their parents were. I can feel a strong elf and dragon bloodline inside you and also something else which I can't identify. Both of your bloodlines have awakened a little, the elf bloodline changed your hair color and the dragon bloodline has made your body much tougher. Awakening your bloodline is normally a natural process that cannot be rushed, so the most you could do is to learn how to utilize the dragon bloodline that you have awakened. But I must warn you to be extra careful. Your bloodlines are not simple, they are definitely not from any random elf and dragon, so unless you can find some kind of method to help them mix together your bloodlines will conflict and harm your body instead. You've experienced the power your dragon bloodline contains, right? Well imagine two going off at once inside of your body. They will fight and rip apart your body! At this point, it seems like it will be awhile before your bloodline awakens so you don't have to immediately worry, but keep an eye out for methods of mixing bloodlines together."
Greyson had thought back to that night and shuddered when he remembered the sheer power and pain he had felt that night. Taking his pain as experience, he knew that he had to take the Princ.i.p.al's words very seriously.
"How do I learn to control my bloodline?"
"Hmmm... for now, I will have you come here every day in the morning to practice with me. After you learn the concepts well enough for yourself then I will have you just practice on your own time." The princ.i.p.al thought for a moment then teach Greyson personally since this would have the best effect.
"Oh, that's right. I heard that the prize for the painting compet.i.tion is for your painting to be sold in an auction at Idris Kingdom's top auction house, so by the new year you will be heading over to the Idris Kingdom."
Shocked by the Princ.i.p.al's knowledge of his matters, Greyson just slowly nodded.
"Hahaha, don't be too surprised. You are one of our top students so of course I pay some extra attention. Well anyways, with this trip to the Idris Kingdom, are you thinking of taking the exam that is coming up around the same time? With your current age, level, and talent, you could get in easily." Greyson hesitated to answer at first, but soon hardened his expression before nodding seriously. He paused because by acknowledging this was also acknowledging that he was leaving this academy soon which even Greyson had yet to really come to terms with. Obviously he had made up his mind, but actually saying that he was leaving soon out loud was difficult. The almost 2 1/2 years spent here had allowed him to make many new connections and friends, even teachers that filled the empty s.p.a.ce in his heart after he left Sister Lily. Leaving was going to be really tough on him, but he knew that to continue growing more powerful he could not stay.
"I can see that you feel hesitant about leaving everyone here, however, do not be. I told you the moment you entered that your goal should be getting into the Idris Kingdom Magic Academy. That is where you will find may more opportunities and peers that could pressure you to a.s.sist your growth. None of your teachers and friends here would want to be guilty of blocking your way, so I feel you should continue training here then leave in peace." The Princ.i.p.al's eyes seemed to see the through everything, but, instead of being put off by his thoughts being exposed, Greyson was grateful for his words of encouragement.
"Alright, as long as you understand. Now on to the fun things, right? First, I should give you this disguise technique. It very easy to learn but also extremely useful to use. You can't use it to change your actual facial structure too much, however, it will change your hair, eye, and skin color." Flipping his hand, the Princ.i.p.al handed over a thin, gray book with no t.i.tle. Oddly shady looking, Greyson still received the book and started to flip through it. There was a mana chart that drew out different cycles that will change his face and features differently. He just had to control his mana through the provided patterns in the mana channels running through his face for the spell to work. It was more memorization than actual comprehension which was usually the case with non-attribute magic. Curious to try, Greyson started leading his mana following one of the patterns and soon his face changed little by little. At the end he had short brown hair and brown eyes with some freckles and wheat colored skin. Although his facial structure was the same, the change in his features made his face unnoticeable in a crowd. Nodding after looking at his reflection, Greyson felt pleased with the spell's effects.
"Well don't you catch on quickly. Speaking from experience, life is just so much easier when you look like any average person. I thought it would at least take you a day, but, seeing as you understand the spell already, I will teach you the beginning methods of accessing your bloodline." The Princ.i.p.al's carefree manner suddenly became serious. Greyson followed suit and allowed his disguise to disperse as he sat up to listen carefully to the Princ.i.p.al's following words.
"It's really not that hard actually. I'm just going to have to keep beating you until your bloodline activates to protect you." He finished. Greyson's eye began to twitch as he started to wonder if he had misheard since the Princ.i.p.al kept a straight face the entire time.
"So you'll beat me up?"
Greyson mind felt like it just collapsed for a second and he was unsure on how to answer. All his expectations ended with him being beaten up. It was disappointing and distressing all at the same time, but he couldn't help but agree to the method since he did not have any other ideas.