"An anti-magic charm... These are supposed to be really expensive and only used for dangerous criminals so they won't escape before their execution. How could one be here?" Although he had not personally looked at an anti-magic charm before, he had read about them because they were extremely dangerous for magicians. One reason was because they blocked mana from entering the body so the magician would be rendered weak and without magic. However, the worst part is that it is a slow death. Although magicians were still human in appearance, their bodies were fundamentally different. A magician cannot live without mana, they cannot become normal humans without mana. No mana meant death. Similar to how humans need water and food to live, mana is that for magicians. Greyson could already feel how weak his body had become as his mana was draining out slowly. If he were more powerful, he could potentially last years, but at the intermediate level he could only last maybe a month.
Just as he was contemplating his escape plan, he could hear the clanging of a metal door opening with multiple footsteps which followed. Looking up curiously, he came face-to-face with an ugly mug he wished he would never have to see again. That old man! It was him! Was he really cousin's with the king? Greyson felt unprecedented loathing towards this persistent and disgusting lecher. All this just to kidnap him? The fact that a man like this could be put into power and order around elite magicians like that group of five made Greyson's heart sink. Was the king blind? Or did he just not care because he wished to support his family?
"Aw, baby, keep looking at me with such fire in your eyes and I might do something dangerous..." The old man began licking his lips. Greyson felt nausea and thought he could puke right at that moment. Coming closer, the old man knelt down and stroked Greyson's face.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you for now. Or well, I guess I can't promise that. I won't KILL you for now, so no need to fear. You will soon come around." Greyson pulled his face away and spat at the old man's face.
"I abhor you. The minute I am free, I will make sure to break you so you won't be able to touch anything the rest of your life." Hatred for the situation and hatred for this man welled up within Greyson and he felt a burning sensation begin that colored his vision red.
Snorting, the old man wiped away the spit and slapped Greyson then sent a barrage of kicks.
"Brat, I'll make you beg for mercy. Just like that cute little friend of yours. I made sure she suffered h.e.l.l on earth before I sent her off. Maybe you'll meet again on the other side." An ugly sneer formed on the man's face as he watched Greyson's face closely waiting for the despair to hit. He didn't wait long. Greyson heard his words and it felt like his world had cracked. Although he knew the world was violent, since he had never personally lost anyone he did not really pay attention. From an objective point of view, Greyson barely knew her. But only he knew how much Aria really meant to him. They were different, yet matched in a way he couldn't explain. She made him laugh with her ridiculous behavior and hyperactive personality. Just imagining her landing in this man's hands made his "tough-guy" act fall apart.
"You're lying! I know you're lying! You just want me to believe that. None of your men were powerful enough to take her away..." Greyson was half-mad as he shouted back. It wasn't true... It couldn't be true...
"Hmph, I though you would say that, so I brought some evidence. Bring her in!" The soldiers behind began dragging a body in behind them. Greyson felt his body trembling and his vision tunneling to the body. It was thrown in front of him and all he could see was a familiar ma.s.s of chocolate brown hair. Stumbling over to the body, a shaky hand pushed away the hair to reveal familiar tawny eyes. Her features had always been on the ordinary side, but her eyes always glowed and sparkled with life. He could almost feel his heart tear in two. Body wracking sobs came about as he hugged the dead girl's body to him. All he could think about was her warm smile and stature full of justice. His fault... Everything was his fault! She never would have been targeted or killed if she hadn't met him. Greyson's fingers slowly caressed her bruised body and bleeding wounds. Every single mark on her body felt like it cut deeper and deeper into his heart. She didn't deserve this, no one deserves this... It was that man... THAT OLD MONSTER!
First it was deep sadness, but it soon changed into unconstrained rage. He looked at the grinning old man and felt pure hate. So much hate that he wished he could tear the man apart limb from limb.
Suddenly his body turned hot, like something within him was burning and just waiting to be unleashed. At first he curled up in pain, but soon he could feel unprecedented power flow through his veins. Finally, a loud roar resounded from his mouth and the anti-magic charm around his neck shattered. His pupils turned purple and constricted into slits while silver scales grew on his arms. He ripped the chains from the walls and charged at the crowd.
The next moments were a complete blur. His vision was dyed red and his rage and hate was beaten into the people in the cell. By the time he came to, he was stumbling out of a large mansion inside the capital. Feeling confused and covered in blood, he staggered slowly to the tavern and up to his room. Once he opened the door, he was bombarded by the worried faces of his teachers and Lucius. He could hear them asking questions, but he couldn't make out any noise. Exhaustion slowly forced his eyes closed and he fainted.
"Rosalie, I don't think we should just leave. What if he is worried about what happened to me afterwards?"
"My lady, we have to go back. Don't worry, it's better if he a.s.sumes you're dead because your father will not be letting you out anytime soon. You know how many people are after your father's weaknesses and you running around like this is seriously dangerous. If it were any other request I could allow you to be playful, however, we need to leave now." The playful blonde put on a serious expression that allowed no questions.
"But... No! I will at least tell him that I am fine!" Aria turned to run towards the tavern, but before she could run off something struck her hard on the back of the neck. Her vision tunneled and she pa.s.sed out into Rosalie's arms.
"I'm sorry, Aria, I just can't let you go. He's better off forgetting you..." Rosalie quietly whispered before disappearing into the shadows with Aria in tow.