Aria had made a scene for awhile about spending the night in separate rooms, but Greyson felt it was only right for them not to share. Pouting, Aria finally agreed and took the keys for the room across from his.
Laying down in his bed, Greyson was relieved to be off his feet. Waves of drowsiness came over him as his eyelids drooped. Before even taking his shoes off, he fell into a deep sleep.
Deep breathing echoed throughout the room as a silent figure made its way into the room. Not coming through the door, the lithe shadow had fazed through the wall without any sound. Lucius had not sensed another presence until the figure was only a couple feet away from the bed. His eyes shot open in alarm and was about to notify Greyson before he realized that the intruder seemed familiar. Looking closely he saw Aria's familiar face in the moonlight. He only slightly let down his guard without waking up Greyson because he was curious as to what her goal was.
Aria quietly approached before touching Greyson's silver hair. Her brows started to tighten in thought as she seemed to be troubled by him.
"You smell familiar and comfortable... I wonder why that is... You look half-elf which means you shouldn't have any relation to me or my bloodline." She whispered in frustration. Lucius quietly listened to her thoughts while a.n.a.lyzing the situation himself.
Bloodline? Lucius suddenly realized that Aria must not be human. He could tell she had a special aura about her, but he didn't know which race she could be descended from. Magic beasts? He would be rather shocked if this were true, though, because only the super high level beasts could transform to a humanoid form at such a low level and usually they all had some sort of remaining animal feature like wings or tails. Instinct told him that Aria's current look is her real body, but could he be wrong? Was she a dragon? She was obviously not elf because she did not think Greyson should be related to her through that bloodline.
"Does Greyson have another bloodline? One that makes his eyes change colors? But then what race is that bloodline from?" Lucius thought to himself. Finally, he inwardly shook his head and tried not to think about it. All of this was too complicated and he honestly felt that Greyson's bloodline ident.i.ties were not important. Greyson was Greyson and most races did not accept mixed blood people easily, so it was best to just have people a.s.sume he is half-elf. The cat could tell she meant no harm and was just trying to resonate with Greyson's bloodline, so he closed his eyes and went to sleep.
When he woke up the next day, Lucius saw that Aria had left at some point. He didn't feel the need to mention anything to Greyson so he kept the night visit a secret.
Greyson, on the other hand, had no idea of last night's situation and only woke up feeling refreshed for a new day. He decided to go to the capital's painting a.s.sociation and receive his awards today since there was no specific date he was supposed to come. The letter had only given him the last day he was able to come to take his rewards by before it would be given to second place.
When he exited his room, the door opposite of him also opened revealing an excited Aria. She quickly grabbed his hand and dragged him downstairs for a hearty breakfast included in the tavern's room price. Paying no attention to etiquette, Aria scarfed down the food quickly without pause. Greyson almost couldn't eat his own food because he had been given such a huge shock. He soon felt his stomach rumbling though and decided to dig in as well. Both young kids had ravenous appet.i.tes which made all the surrounding tavern occupants stare at them in surprise. Greyson had always known that he ate enormous amounts, but he was surprised that Aria's appet.i.te did not lose out to him in the least.
After the third serving of food, the tavern boss was practically crying while begging them to stop eating. The owner felt bad since it was said that breakfast was included, however, with the way the children were eating he would be eaten out of business due to this rule of his. Greyson stopped while scratching his nose in embarra.s.sment. They really had eaten so much that he could understand the boss's plight.
Pulling Aria away from the food, Greyson managed to drag her out of the tavern and towards the painting a.s.sociation. Asking around for directions, he had easily made his way towards the building. The establishment was quite grand and large showing off its wealth and importance. Painting was a wealthy pastime and hobby and the well-known artists could sell their works for enormous amounts of money. They were also hired to paint portraits for aristocratic families or royalty. He admired the design of the building before walking in to the front desk. A proud looking man stood at the desk and while helping visitors and members. Greyson could tell that the man was very arrogant and seemed to look down on those who walked through the door unless they were well-known painters whom he flashed a servile smile at and flattered. While he was waiting in line, Greyson saw the many sides of the man and quickly was disgusted by his obvious difference in treatment. Aria also showed her hostility for the shameless man, but she held it in because Greyson had asked for her to not make a scene.
They came face to face with the man who had a neutral expression looking at the two young children in front of him.
"What can I help you with?"
"I'm here to claim my prize for the Junior Painting Compet.i.tion."
"Hm? For what place?"
"First place."
"Hah! First place? You? You don't look any older than 8 years old. The age limit for this compet.i.tion is 14. Who are you trying to fool? How long could you have been painting that you beat kids that old? Scram! This a.s.sociation isn't for kids like you to fool around in!" Hearing his words, Greyson frowned.
"I really am the winner of first place. My name is Greyson and I am from Academy City. The winning painting is called 'A Mother's Smile.' My portrait should have come along with the painting and I have letters from the of Dalia Magic Academy as well as my painting teacher." He held in his anger and spoke evenly.
"Hmph, I don't have time for your pranks. Men! Come pull these brats out!" He refused to listen and called for the guards. Large men dressed in black robes approached with a threatening atmosphere. They reached to grab Greyson and Aria and throw them out. When their hands had almost touched the two, Aria lashed out and kicked both of them down. The men went flying before slamming into the wall. Not feeling the output of mana, Greyson looked at Aria in shock due to her physical strength. The thought of her not being human suddenly occurred to him which would make sense since she seemed not to know anything about society, she ate way too much, and she was ridiculously strong even without her high level of magic. Although he was curious, he decided not to ask since she had not mentioned it.
The attendant, on the other hand, was terrified. He saw the st.u.r.dy men lying unconscious on the floor and gulped down nervously. The young girl whipped her head around and the man flinched.
"Do you still want those weaklings to take care of us?" She sneered sarcastically. Greyson shook his head and sighed at her violent temper. Normally she had such a caring heart for the poor and weak, but at these moments she would beat first and ask questions later.
"N, n, no. NO! Of course not! Uh, I will get the manager right now for you." He stuttered in fear while slowly backing up before running away with his tail between his legs.
"Hmph, coward." Aria curled her lip in disdain and looked over at Greyson waiting for his praise.
"Ah, nice job... I guess?" He offered.
"That's all?" She glared then pouted before sniffing and turning her face away. Greyson felt helpless but decided not to think about it.
Before long, an old man entered into the a.s.sociation before the manager made his way back. The old man glanced at Greyson's face before his eyes lit up in recognition and briskly walked over. He smiled brightly and Greyson got the impression of a gentle and warm grandfather.
"You're Greyson correct?" He asked. Greyson was surprised by the man's question but nodded anyways.
"I knew it! Hahaha, good boy. Your painting was amazing. I was sincerely in awe of the emotion that it emitted. I've been waiting in excitement to meet you!"
"No, no. You overpraise me. It's just good at an amateur level." Greyson smiled nicely feeling a good impression of this old man. While they began talking, the attendant and the manager had walked over looking angry at first before shaking in shock when they saw the old man.
"P, p, president! Do you know this boy?"
"Huh? Well of course I do, he is the first place winner of the juvenile compet.i.tion, Greyson. It's kind of hard to mistake someone with his looks. He had sent a portrait in."
"He's really that Greyson??" The attendant went pale.
"Yes? What's going on?" The old man's expression sank when he felt the atmosphere wasn't right.
"Old man, this pig-for-brains decided on his own that Greyson was lying that he was the winner and was trying to throw us out with your thugs." Aria suddenly spoke out. Greyson almost fell to the ground from her explanation while the attendant was about to flare up in anger before thinking back to her kick from earlier and swallowed his words.
"Alvin, is this true?!" The good-natured president suddenly had a scary expression as he turned towards the shaking attendant.
"President, I just thought that with his age it would highly improbable that he was the one who created that amazing painting. You know that even I had tons of respect for 'A Mother's Smile' and I thought some kid had walked in to blaspheme the painter." Quickly explaining, the attendant came up with a bunch of excuses. The president's expression lightened a little understanding the viewpoint of the man, but he still looked over at Greyson to see if he would accept the man's explanation. Greyson inwardly rolled his eyes while decided to privately handle the matter and tell the president his opinion of the man later. So he subtly shook his head indicating that he would not be following through with the matter right now. Gratefully smiling, the president waved his hand dismissing the attendant and the manager before leading Greyson and Aria into the main hallway of the a.s.sociation. Gasping in shock, Greyson saw a painting hanging in the middle of the wall. It was his! Front and center with lights s.h.i.+ning on the canvas was his painting of Sister Lily. Aria heard his gasp and looked up in the direction of his gaze. Her eyes caught onto the painting and were not able to look away for a good couple of seconds. Her eyes filled with tears as she was taken back to a set of warm arms and a beautiful smile that sang her to sleep. Thinking of her mother, Aria was first enveloped in warm remembrance before her eyes darkened with deep hate and vengeance. However, Greyson and Lucius were too busy taking in the fact that Greyson's painting was hanging so obviously for all to see and did not notice Aria's strange emotions.
"President, how could my painting be hanging here?!" He asked in shock.
"Hoho, young boy, I guess you were not aware of the rewards for this compet.i.tion. The actual monetary award is not much just 10 gold coins. The real meaningful part of the reward is hanging your painting in the center of the a.s.sociation main hall for an entire year so everyone who through will see it and also see your name. Recognition and fame. This is what all painters dream of. The last part of the reward is that we are going to send your painting to the Idris Kingdom to be sold at their top auction house, Purple Lion, after the year is up. They will advertise the painting and get your name known even in a tier one kingdom. You might not get as much money as the other paintings but since it will hanging in the auction house, many powerful and rich people will see your painting. This will be an amazing opportunity for you." The president became excited just speaking about it, even though the painter was not him. He did not realize Greyson had stopped paying attention the moment he mentioned the Idris Kingdom.
Idris Kingdom? Greyson recognized this name from when the had mentioned the kingdom's magic academy to him. Realizing that he could travel to the kingdom a year later for the auction of his painting, Greyson was stuck in thoughts of increasing to the advanced level this year and taking the exam while he is there. Absorbed in these thoughts, he already started laying out his training plans for the year.
"Greyson? Greyson~... GREYSON!" The finally shouted and Greyson was snapped away from his thoughts. He then absentmindedly had small talk with the president before he could finally excuse himself taking the 10 gold coins. Once he stepped out of the a.s.sociation, Aria finally spoke up.
"Greyson, I really liked your painting by the way... It brought up some warm memories of my mother and I..." She complimented. Finally noticing the strangeness in her tone, Greyson looked over and saw how crestfallen the normally hyper girl had become. Feeling bad looking at her expression, he decided to push his thoughts back before grabbing her hand and pulling her along to a sweets cart. He bought two cakes for her. Seeing his thoughts, Aria first felt annoyed that he a.s.sumed food would solve everything for her, but then she still smiled at the fact he was being thoughtful.
Seeing her smile, he smiled back and they happily enjoyed the cakes on the way back to the tavern. He didn't ask because he thought that if she wanted him to know then she would have told him. They just slowly walked back, each with their own thoughts. Once they were back at the tavern, Greyson explained he wanted to head back to the Academy quickly to continue training before the year is up. Aria held him back, though, and after her constant complaining and begging, Greyson decided to stay for the previously intended week and hang around. He also thought he should take the chance to see the capital before going so he wouldn't waste the long trip up.
Slowly falling asleep, Greyson thought about what they should do during the free week of time in the capital.