Pus.h.i.+ng out with arms, he screamed out, "GO!" To his disappointment, the snow stayed where it was with no sign of any movement. Suddenly, Greyson felt very thankful he found somewhere alone. Again and again, he moved his arms wildly trying to feel that same connection to the snow. Nothing, nothing, NOTHING! He felt frustrated with his uselessness and decided that maybe moving the tree would prove easier.
Trying to move on from his previous failures, he started to stare intently at the tree in front him. In his head, Greyson begged the tree to move. He stared so hard that he felt he was going cross-eyed. Guessing that he could maybe feel the tree more if he touched it, Greyson came up to the tree and placed his hand on it. Nothing again. He waited and waited while touching, even hugging, the tree. Nothing.
"ARGH... Ow!" Taking his frustration out on the tree, he kicked it with all his might only to grab his foot in pain right after. G.o.d, why was he becoming more and more like the idiotic children at the church? Kicking a tree like that was something Wolf would do if he threw one of his tantrums.
"Are you one of those crazy humans I hear about?" A voice suddenly questioned.
"Who are you?!" Greyson called out while looking around to find the owner of the voice.
"Just a pa.s.serby who couldn't help but feel curious about your antics. First you were waving your arms all around in the snow then you decided to start molesting a tree. So I couldn't help but question you. Mother told me sometimes humans just snap when they are by themselves in the wild, yanno? But you seem to be a baby human, what happened to you that you turned out like this?" Just as Greyson felt speechless by the response of the voice, he heard the snow crunching beside him. Looking over, he felt shocked. In front of him stood a odd looking kitten. It was very cute with smooth and sleek looking silver fur, but the odd part was that the cat had two tails and different colored eyes. One was blue and one was green.
"I thought I wasn't crazy... but I'm suddenly not sure because I obviously think a cat is speaking to me." Greyson finally slowly responded feeling confused.
"Well even if you aren't crazy, you're certainly not the brightest human." The cat then rolled its eyes, "Haven't you heard that some magic beasts are very intelligent and can also speak the human language?"
"Really? Well, no, this is the first time I've heard about this... Wait, I'm not dumb and I'm not crazy! I don't know why I have to listen to you criticize me. I'm just trying to use magic!" Greyson suddenly realized he was getting insulted by a cat and felt offended.
"There's not a whole lot magic going on for someone who is trying to use magic," the cat responded sarcastically.
"I can use magic! I did it yesterday! I moved the snow. I just... don't remember how I did it." Greyson wanted to defend himself, but his voice got softer at the end in embarra.s.sment.
"Hm? Move the snow? Like this?" The cat's attention was piqued as it lifted its paw. To Greyson's surprise, the snow suddenly formed into a ball. Too busy fascinating over the ball that magically formed, Greyson didn't notice the mischief in the cat's eyes. With another wave of its paw, the cat caused the s...o...b..ll to smash into Greyson's face.
"Hey! What was that for? No, more importantly, how did you do that?" Greyson was hungry for more knowledge and looked towards the cat earnestly while forgetting about the prank quickly.
"Because I'm an all-powerful G.o.d... obviously I used magic." The cat mocked Greyson again, but feeling an odd sense of superiority that pleased him, he claimed, "You seem to be a rather pretty human. I guess the magnificent, I, can teach you how to use magic. No need for deep thanks, dumb human. I'm just feeling generous towards the pitiful." Although he was slightly tempted to strangle the cat, Greyson held back and looked towards it with hope sparkling in his eyes.
"Hm... where to start... Pretty much there are tiny spirits for every element in the world. Light, dark, water, fire, earth, wind are the main elements. While there are also some more rare element conditions like lightning or spatial. Using magic, you need to attract these elements into your body. Once you can feel and communicate with the elements, you can move and control things of the elements. Most people are only sensitive to one element, some of the rarer geniuses can use multiple elements. There are also some people who are very sensitive to the elements and are favored by them. Magic beasts and elves tend to be more sensitive than humans." Although the cat made his explanation simplistic, the reality was that most people could never understand with just that much information. The cat was obviously a rare tier of a magical beast species so it was talented and just as intelligent as humans. Using magic was like breathing. Most humans also needed spells and chants to control the element, too.
"Feel the elements? I guess I could try..." Feeling suspicious, Greyson still lied down in the snow and tried to feel the water element. He started to calm down and breathe slowly, almost like he was falling asleep. The impatience of earlier left him as he tried to picture the environment as living spirits. He suddenly snapped his eyes open while his blue eyes glowed. He looked around and saw the blue elements circling around him. He reached out his hands to touch them feeling comfortable in their company.
"Will you help me?" He asked gently. All around he could hear their whispers. Greyson suddenly felt in control and looked towards the obviously shocked cat. Smirking as a devious thought crossed his mind, he asked a favor from the elements. The cat was not as distracted as the earlier Greyson and felt the movement of the elements, so he quickly dodged before the snow enveloped him. But the snow did not stop as it clung to the cat's foot and froze. The cat realized it was caught and the snow froze all around it. He huffed angrily while looking towards his trapped leg.
"Really biting the hand that fed you, huh? I just gave you wisdom, shouldn't you be respecting me as your teacher? But you seem to be a pretty talented human, I didn't say much and you already got it. Plus, the elements seem to love you. How unfair." The cat ignored the fact that he was as talented as Greyson and just felt annoyed. He quickly broke out of the snow as he was more powerful than Greyson. Ignoring the cat's complaints, Greyson smiled and celebrated that he could use magic. He kept testing out his abilities. He formed s...o...b..a.l.l.s like the cat earlier and threw them everywhere and formed snow sculptures of random animals and people. But before he could be too happy, Greyson felt dizzy and suddenly fainted into the ground.
"Hmph, and he says he's not dumb. Well you're obviously only a novice level 1 magician, how could you use magic that often? Now you've gone and fainted... but... you're pretty interesting and easy on the eyes. I guess I could follow you around." Thinking it through, the cat decided to hide and wait for the kid to wake up and leave or for someone to come get him.
If Greyson could wake up, he would protest feeling wronged. The cat obviously didn't tell him about the limits of magic power, so how was he supposed to know that it would make him faint.