The young boy was concentrated and hard at work creating a snow replica of Sister Lily when a small foot came around and kicked down his snow.
"Greyson, why don't you play with us?! Stop creating these stupid things!" Another of the young boys playing had come over with the entire group following behind him. The quiet boy turned and glared over at the boy with his piercing blue eyes then got up and left.
"Hey! Greyson! Don't ignore me!" the boy's temper flared and he stomped into the ground yelling.
"Wolf, hey that enough... Just leave him alone," one of the quiet girls protested.
"Hmph! He's just weird and never talks. Sister Lily says to play with him, but it's him who doesn't play with us. He's only 5 years old and like that. He must be dumb." Wolf sneered while glaring at the boy leaving.
The little boy, Greyson, did not listen to their words and kept building his snow sculptures. As he was hard at work, another large shadow came from behind. Worried it was the same boy, he turned around and tried to block the small Sister Lily he made. Turning around, he saw the very nun he was creating. Sister Lily was not especially pretty but she had a warm feeling that made everyone like her. She smiled down at the cute little boy, asking, "Is this me?" The boy blushed then nodded.
Laughing, Sister Lily patted his head, "It is very well made. You are so talented!" Happiness quickly lit up the boy's face as he smiled. Lily looked on almost in a daze. Greyson had beautiful white hair and sparkling blue eyes with very cute features.
"You're going to steal all the female hearts of the world when you grow up. Mark my words! You should smile more, who could deny any of your requests if you smiled?" Sister Lily joked with him. He quickly stopped smiling and went back to his serious and cold demeanor. Shaking his head, he wrote out on the ground "I only smile for Sister Lily!" She giggled reading his message and pinched his cheek.
"I guess that's okay too. You can't be a player when you grow up or I won't talk to you!" Greyson widened his eyes in terror at her words and quickly nodded his head seriously.
"Alright, alright. Enough joking. I came over because I need to go into town to grab ingredients. How about you come along with me?" Sister Lily asked him while smiling. Greyson swiftly grabbed her hand and started walking to town without answering. Laughing again at his cute actions, Lily picked him up and started towards town.
Willow Town was the closest populated area near the church. Sister Lily and Greyson quickly headed down. All eyes turned towards them and looked over. Feeling their eyes, Greyson quickly buried his head into Lily's neck. He heard the murmurs feeling uncomfortable.
"Hey, he's that child right?" "Yeah, that beautiful orphan everyone in town talks about..." "From the church, huh?"
Sister Lily quickly put Greyson on the ground and glared at the people on the road, "Yes, have you never seen a pretty child before? Keep your eyes to yourself. Otherwise I'll a.s.sume your a pervert who likes children." With that everyone looked awkward and turned back to get on with their businesses. Greyson looked up at her in adoration. Feeling pleased, Lily ruffled his hair and continued to shop for fresh food. She seriously shopped while haggling with the owners while Greyson just quietly followed behind her. He quietly smiled looking at her and thinking of her sudden fierceness. After they finished shopping, they walked towards the church hand in hand while Lily carried the food in a basket on her back.
Greyson happily skipped around while Sister Lily warmly smiled watching him. Suddenly, a rough hand grabbed onto her arm and pulled her back. Yelping in surprise, she turned to look and came face to face with an obviously drunk man. Looking worried, she tried to pull her arm from his grasp.
"Sir, I would appreciate if you let go."
"Whattaya mean pretty lady~, come hang out with me. Mmmm, a sister, huh? So that means your all chaste and stuff right? Let me show you a good time." He made a disgusting smile that sent gooseb.u.mps up her spine.
"No! I need to get back to the church!"
"Just for a minute, come on!"
"No! Please just let..." Before she could finish, Greyson quickly came over and punched the man square in the b.a.l.l.s. Grunting in pain, the man suddenly knelt in pain. Overcome with anger, he forgot the pain he was in and kicked Greyson. Shocked, Lily went to check on Greyson.
"What kind of weak man bullies children?! Even if I needed a man, it most certainly wouldn't be you! A disgusting coward who only knows how to pick on women and children and get drunk all the time."
"What did you say to me?!" the man quickly walked over and grabbed onto Lily again giving her a hard slap. He started ripping her nun habit. Lily started to panic and tried to fight the man off. Greyson saw all of this in horror and felt the anger boiling inside him. He joined in the effort of pulling the man away but to no avail. Desperation hit him as he suddenly felt a pull towards the snow on the ground. Following instinct, he waved his arms violently as his blue eyes glowed.
"NO!" he screamed. The snow suddenly exploded with strength and sent the man flying in shock. He hit the tree behind with a thud and pa.s.sed out. Greyson's eyes suddenly glowed brown and the tree branches grabbed the man and tied him up. Seeing all this was done, Greyson felt dizzy before the world turned black as he pa.s.sed out.