Eyeing Greyson who was sitting in front of him in meditation, the Duke just sighed as he rubbed his temples. Truthfully, the Duke rejected the Emperor's request at first. Zaire was a man who disliked troublesome things and was especially scornful of spoiled n.o.ble children. His branch of the military specifically only accepted commoners or middle-cla.s.s citizens. Spoiled and arrogant, those young masters and ladies did not understand that bloodline meant nothing on the battlefield. They all die the same way and bleed the same color. He has met his fair share of n.o.ble children who knew how to work and train hard but continued to look down on commoners. It's was like everything about them was perfect except the overwhelming flaw of an inflated sense of self-importance. They could make beautiful strategies on paper and then easily turn to sacrificing the commoner soldiers in real situations. Disappointment, turned to frustration, which ended with loathing. Akin to talking to brick walls, his teachings fell on deaf ears. He banged his head against them till his skull cracked, nevertheless, they did not see the error of their ways. Why should he add on to his already busy schedule to babysit them? Most likely, they would be two types of people: ones who would either try to cozy up to him for connections or were polite to his face due to his position but disregarded his advice.
In the end, his brother pestered him so much that Zaire gave in. Greyson also played a major role as the Duke was very impressed by this young and shockingly talented boy. As a man who took pride in his country, he was long dissatisfied with the status quo. The rest of the n.o.bles all seemed to tacitly accept their inferiority and no longer pushed to better themselves. They just allowed themselves to stay satisfied and take pride in being so-called geniuses in this remote corner of the continent. This once a decade humiliation did not seem to affect them any longer. Their overwhelming losses are painful and discouraging one moment, but quickly forgotten in the next. But the Duke refused to be resigned to fate so easily. Unfortunately, he was not blessed with the ability to change their position himself. Disillusioned by his own inept.i.tude and his failed apprentices, Zaire could feel the long years whittle away at his original ardor. Someone like Greyson, who was truly an individual capable of turning their situation around, reignited his pa.s.sion and enthusiasm to better the Snow Country.
Other teachers might want to bury this diamond in the rough to "keep commoners in their place" or accept a bribe from Duke Mendenhall to cause trouble for Greyson. The Emperor, who was well-aware of his younger brother's personality, made sure to purposefully bring up this worry. Was Zaire intelligent enough to see through this little scheme? Of course. But he decided to let himself be fooled. His elder brother's worries were the cold reality. Many n.o.bles no longer wished to keep their eyes on the bigger picture. Most of them would rather ignore Greyson's talent and instead strangle this "threat" to their prestige.
Helpless against them although he hated their complicity, the Duke knew he was the best choice. Maybe the Outer Region Compet.i.tion will truly go differently this time as anything was better than dead last every single time. Sticking his hand in and aiding talents of his Snow Country did not hurt him anyways. He saw Greyson and the princess from the Maewen Kingdom, Eris, take two spots which was unprecedented. The situation was already different from the start which only fortified his resolve. He had hardened his heart and was determined to take an aggressive stance against the other eight if they decide to act up. Normally, he would act neutrally because he needed to play a balancing act between n.o.ble power and imperial power. However, no matter the consequences, he would whip this team into the best shape and coordination they could be.
A new fire burned in this usually stony-faced man's eyes.
Greyson was wholly unaware of the Duke's resolve and was actually worried about this very same issue. Back when he met the eight other representatives in front of the throne room, he could sense the dislike in most of them. Not always as outspoken as say Keaton's hatred but more a type of subtle alienation. Training with them would be a difficult task based on his first impression. He wondered whether it was better to quietly fulfill his responsibilities and ignore the possible insults or not be afraid to b.u.t.t heads with them. He was not fond of the idea of backing down because he did not want to be a pushover that allowed everyone to step all over him. Yet, at the same time, it felt rather stupid to continually pick a fight with people over every little thing. His inner pondering continued throughout his meditation until the Duke called out to him.
"Greyson, it's time to go meet with the rest. They should be arriving at the training field soon."
"Okay." Nodding, he quickly got up to follow.
"How are you? Will training again be alright?"
"Thankfully, my light element is really perfect for these types of situations. Physically, I am back at my peak, and the meditation just now allowed me to recover most of my mana stores. Your Grace also went easy on me this morning, which I'm grateful for."
"Yes, well, I would not want to be the reason that the others get a bad impression of you. Speaking of, I want you to know that I will have your back. I really have high expectations for you in the compet.i.tion. I do not wish for your abilities to be dragged down by pointless conflicts with the rest of the team. Really, I find the teachings of n.o.bles distasteful. They act as if they should be the only ones allowed to use magic in this world." Speaking from his heart, Zaire hoped to encourage Greyson and give him confidence to confront the others if they treat him badly.
"Although I hope it won't deteriorate into that kind of situation, I am grateful for Your Grace's thoughts."
The Duke just nodded in response as the two silently made their way back to the training ground.
When they arrived, the only two already there were Prince Braiden and Princess Aphina. Both of them seemed rather surprised to see their uncle and Greyson arrive together but soon regained their bearings.
"Uncle, you did not tell us that the two of you were so close!" Aphina spoke out quickly.
"You should address me as 'Instructor'. I won't give you any special treatment just because we are related." His words were rather cold, but one could see a hint of doting in his gaze. Braiden and Aphina were his favorite nephew and niece and he treated them much better than the rest.
"Hmph, fine. Then, instructor, how did the two of you end up coming together?" Clearly enunciating the new t.i.tle, Aphina asked once again.
"I am giving Greyson individual training as some of his basics need work."
"What? Special treatment?" Gasping in mock surprise, Aphina put on a look of envy but inwardly snickered in schadenfreude. She experienced first-hand just how great her uncle's 'special treatment' was.
"Oh? Jealous? You can join him in the morning if you would like. Having an opponent makes training easier anyways. I should not treat anyone in the group differently."
Now, Aphina's expression finally changed.
"Hahaha. No, how could I intrude?"
"What intrusion? I don't think Greyson would have any complaints. Right?" The Duke turned to Greyson.
Although he had not known the Duke for very long, Greyson thought he had a good grasp of his character. Yet who would have known that the always stoic Duke would have such a mischievous side. But Greyson knew whose side to take in these situations...
"Of course, I wouldn't mind. I have heard great things about Her Highness's great talent. I'm sure she would have plenty to teach and enlighten me on." Greyson smiled.
"Yes, sister, I believe sparring and training with Greyson would be a great experience." Prince Braiden chimed in.
Watching them all gang up on her, Aphina suddenly felt the urge to cry.
"Alright, alright, mercy, uncle. I don't think my body can handle anymore morning training sessions on top of this team training." Pleading for leniency almost immediately, Aphina regretted not keeping her big mouth shut.
"Hehe, that's why you should learn to restrain your playful side, sister. It will always come back to bite you."
Little traitor. Aphina thought as she shot him a dirty look.
"My offer extends to you as well, Braiden." The Duke threw out.
"Huh? Oh... Well, I am rather busy in the mornings..." Panicked, Braiden quickly used the first lame excuse he could think of.
"Hm? Busy, I see."
"Yes... Very busy..."
Aphina quickly sneered at him, "karma sure came quick."
Greyson just watched their little play in amus.e.m.e.nt. Actually, the training wasn't that bad, right? Okay, maybe he could not actually say that in good conscience, so he understood why the two of them avoided it like the plague.
"Well, it seems that the honor will remain mine for the moment."
"Now, you two should learn from Greyson. He accepts the hard training and still sees it as an honor."
"Yes, instructor." The two obediently responded. However, they just inwardly rolled their eyes and cursed Greyson for being a suck-up.
Although this was short interaction, the air seemed to lighten and everyone felt a bit closer. Greyson also felt that these two royal heirs were surprisingly easy to get along with just like their uncle.
"Oh, where are my manners. Allow me to formally introduce myself: I am the 12th Imperial Princess of the Moon Empire, Aphina Yce. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Slightly curtsying, Aphina switched over to a more formal expression and introduced herself politely.
"The pleasure is mine, Your Highness."
"You should know me by now, Greyson, but I will introduce myself again. I am the 10th Imperial Prince of the Moon Empire, Braiden Yce."
"Yes, nice to see you again, Your Highness."
The group of them continued some small talk as they waited for the arrival of the rest of the representatives. The next to come was Eris, who gave him a playful wink before speaking with the rest. Seeing her act so differently in a formal situation made Greyson almost feel like doubting his eyes.
Each member trickled in one by one until there were still three people missing. The meeting time came and went. Seconds turned to minutes as the Duke's expression turned darker and darker.
"Who are the ones who are still missing?" The calm in his voice did not hide the icy intent underneath.
"Lord Keaton Mendenhall, son of Duke Mendenhall; The Honourable Cherell Ashtree, daughter of Viscount Ashtree; and the Honourable Collin Meleldred, son of Baron Meleldred." Braiden quickly answered. He also felt cold sweat running down his back for those three. One of the things his uncle hates most in this world is unpunctuality.
"I will give them five more minutes. If they are not here, I will speak with His Imperial Majesty about switching them out." Zaire suddenly announced.
"Your Grace, that does not seem appropriate. They may have some unspoken circ.u.mstance that is keeping them from arriving on time." The one who spoke up in their defense was Lord Trevion Vervan.
"Lord Vervan seems to have a better understanding of those three. Then, are you aware of something that would coincidentally keep all three of them from arriving today?"
"I am not close enough with any of them to be aware of their circ.u.mstances, Your Grace. I just wish to implore you to consider the repercussions of taking such a hard stance over a small matter." Frowning, Trevion still continued explaining himself as he seemingly took himself to be the leader of the n.o.ble representatives. Although Braiden was a prince, he was far down the line of inheritance and not favored by the Empress, thus his actual power was not much in the Empire. Compared to Trevion who was the first-in-line of his Ducal family and the eldest of the representatives.
"I am well aware of the repercussions as is His Imperial Majesty. It would do Lord Vervan well to remember that His Imperial Majesty a.s.signed me in charge of your training, thereby instilling me the power to make the decisions about this team."
Almost hearing the swords being drawn from this conversation, Greyson already felt that the team training was starting off on the wrong foot...