In big bold letters, the top three names stood out from the rest . Right there at number one read:
First Place: Greyson (Idris Kingdom) - 77 tokens
Although he already suspected as such from all the telling signs, it was still gratifying to read his name in the number one spot . Just out of curiosity, he read down the list to try to find the other Idris Kingdom team partic.i.p.ants . On the way down, he took note of the top nine below him since they would most likely be his fiercest compet.i.tors throughout the rest of the selection . After all, collecting tokens also required a certain amount of strength . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .
Second Place: Kane Zemunol (Kirin Kingdom) - 43 tokens
Advertis.e.m.e.ntThird Place: Eris Whitstone (Maewen Kingdom) - 36 tokens
. . .
Eleventh Place: Wilfried Yce (Kirin Kingdom) - 20 tokens
When he saw someone with 20 tokens, his first thought was that idiot from earlier who announced that he would win . Actually, there were also some people who tied with him at 20 tokens, but he was the highest as it was marked that he had one magister level stage five magic beast token . His name was Wilfried Yce, so it seems that he was part of the royal family in that Tier One Kingdom . Ignoring the rest of the names, Greyson continued looking down the list until he finally spotted a familiar person .
Twentieth Place: Palmira Yce (Idris Kingdom) - 17 tokens
She was the highest due to the quality of her tokens, as well . Some of the placements seemed slightly strange because people in lower placements could have fairly amounts of tokens . However, they could not rank higher since all their tokens were from weaker magic beasts which makes their results less impressive . Greyson thought this type of system was better, otherwise it would really be too unfair towards the stronger contestants who just ended up never finding a lot of magic beasts . Considering her strength, Greyson believed that she actually did very well . Maybe it was mostly due to luck, since there were definitely more than 20 people who were stronger than Palmira here .
He kept going down further, but he did not see any other names from the Idris Kingdom in the top 64 places . This result did not come as a complete surprise since the top 64 should be all the stage four and stage five magister level magicians who were partic.i.p.ating . The weeding out process had already started and it seems that this was the end of the road for the rest of the partic.i.p.ants . In the end, they were truly too weak to be considered for the true selection . Surprisingly enough, when he was scanning the list, he saw a partic.i.p.ant from the Dalia Kingdom who actually placed 30th . The name was one that he was extremely familiar with . Her name was Leilena Holland! It seemed to be too much of a coincidence to be a different person, so he was certain that this was the same Head Teacher of the Wind Department from the Dalia Academy . His first wind element teacher! Was she below the age limit? Actually, during his time learning from them, Greyson never managed to ask them what their actual ages and levels were .
Once he saw her name, he started scanning the crowd hoping to spot her light pink curls in the group . Frowning deeply, he did not see her anywhere . He was also surprised that he had not seen her at all before this and she had not made any effort to come see him, either . Slightly disheartened, he wondered if she did not want to see him . It had been more than 7 years since he last saw her . But that did not mean they were not close enough to greet each other . Feeling nostalgic, Greyson felt a desire to go back to visit his teachers and the church, as well . From the moment he left the Dalia Kingdom, he had never gone back to see how all his friends and family were doing . Actually, there were slight feelings of guilt because it felt as if he had just completely forgotten about them for so long . Maybe that was why his teacher did not come to him? Did she think that he had forgotten about them?
Meanwhile, the rest of the partic.i.p.ants all had delayed reactions to the top placings . Once the rankings were revealed, everyone was too busy trying to find their own names that they completely ignored who was at the top or not . However, amidst the sighs of relief and the ugly expressions of grief, there were a couple unwilling glares that made their way to Greyson . Too fixed in his thoughts, Greyson did not sense them . And even he did, he would not care about their feelings of ill will . It was inevitable that people would feel disgruntled about him being first place . Before long, everyone finally noticed Greyson's 77 tokens and a commotion broke out . Winning was not that big a deal since everyone was already aware of his level of power, however, the fact that he won by such a large margin came as a surprise . Putting strength aside, just how much luck would one need to be able to run into 77 magic beasts in only 3 days' time . It was not as if the Dead Woods was a small concentrated area, that one could run into a magic beast every couple of steps . The hit was too strong as some people really felt that the world was so unjust . Good-looking, talented, and lucky . Some of the people who looked up his background could only comfort themselves with the fact that Greyson was just an orphan . At least, he was not given everything at birth .
One especially resentful glare focused in on Greyson . This time, Greyson could not ignore the malicious intent and turned to look at the source . Not turning away his vision, the man did not seem at all fazed by the fact that he was caught . It was a young man with brown hair and hazel eyes . Someone who would not really stand out in a crowd . Not recognizing the man, Greyson just took note of him before quickly looking away . Treated so nonchalantly made the young man's temper flare even more, but he did not say anything and continued simmering silently in anger .
"Alright, I will now announce the prizes for the top three . First place will receive a Two-Star Healing Potion straight from our Lunar City's top alchemists . Second place will receive his choice of a White Witch wood or a Black Night wood . Third place receives a Tier Two Wind Escape Talisman . " Once the crowd began to quiet down on its own, Braiden started to speak . As it was still the second stage of the selection, the prizes did not cause too much excitement . Especially for Greyson since a Two-Star Healing Potion would have an even weaker effect that his own light element healing spells . The star rating refers to the efficacy of the potion and to what level magician the potion is most potent for . The same could be said about the tier rating for talismans, magic tools, and arrays . The mangathering array that Greyson used thus far was only a tier two mangathering array . Therefore, its efficacy was also becoming insufficient for Greyson level .
"Thank you to those who have come all this way to partic.i.p.ate . Even if you did not make it into the top 64 rankings, we still invite you to stay until the entire selection process is over . You are welcome to stay in your current accommodations until the end . As for those who are moving forward, I will now announce the arrangement for the third test . Not too long ago, our military managed to discover a two-star dungeon . Our magicians have already long cleared the dungeon and reaped the rewards; however, the challenges and tests are still in place . A great magister magician has already placed wooden tokens that have a number marked on it in the s.p.a.ce before the exit . The first person to make it to the end will grab the wood token marked with a "1" and so on and so forth . We are not responsible for you making it out because we have no way to take control of a dungeon; thus, the threat of death is still very real and possible . If you choose to forfeit, there are no consequences . This time only the top 32 will make it to the last stage of the selection . We will be meeting in Lunar City's imperial palace as all the partic.i.p.ants will have to use a teleportation circle to get to the dungeon location . Since we are the planners of this test, the partic.i.p.ants will be able to use it for free . If some of you want to come along for the excitement, you will have to pay the teleportation fee . After all, we are not running a charity and I a.s.sume most of you can afford it . "
Hearing the word dungeon, Greyson could not help but perk up a little to pay attention . It seems that the Moon Empire really did put some thought into these stages . Each dungeon had its own special type of challenges and tests to continue through . This dungeon would also a.s.sess more than just strength just like the other ones . Though, Greyson had a feeling the last stage afterwards will be the normal tournament-style battles . The real outer region tournament ended the same way, as well . Most felt that the best way to rank power and talent was still through straightforward battling . Not that Greyson disagreed, it was just slightly boring to always be competing in the same ways .
Now that the announcements and results were done, everyone was free to head back to Lunar City . Some could follow Braiden, while other could go back faster if they had different means . Greyson was one of those who went ahead since he already remembered the route . When he felt that he was far enough away from the crowd, Greyson released Zephyr and rode on his back . With his partner's speed, they made it back to the city in record time . When Greyson finally rushed back into his cozy room, he saw Lucius trying to beat off the clingy Snow . Already feeling his eyes drooping, Greyson barely got his boots off before hopping into the bed .
"Hey, Old Lu, keep watch for me . Can you make sure no one bothers me for a couple hours? I am way too tired . " Yawning, Greyson murmured those words over to Lucius knowing that the cat could still hear him . After reaching a zone that felt "safe" to him, it was like the concerns that were constantly weighing on his mind were released and he could just let himself relax .
"Hey, I'm not a watchdog . . . And you're sleeping . . . " At first, Lucius wanted to protest, but Greyson almost immediately pa.s.sed out . Huffing in irritation, he still decided to be the bigger cat and help the kid out .
"Snow, you keep watch . I am going to take a nap . "
"Okay!" Innocently nodding, Snow did not see any reason to reject . She had lots of energy to spare anyways .
"Hmmm . . . it is nice that he picked up a couple more . Now, I can just relegate duties . " Happily grinning, Lucius suddenly felt that it was not so bad having the extra company .