The journey would actually take quite a long time . The Idris Kingdom was not too far from the imperial capital, however, there were dangerous roadblocks in between the two locations . The worst one was the Red Snow Fields . This expanse was named thus after all the blood that was spilled there . Though the tales and rumors that the snow there was now permanently dyed red were nonsense, the danger of this area is very real . Sprawled all throughout are thousands of different ice element and water element magic beasts . Unlike the ones located in the Beast Empire, these are all low-level bloodline magic beasts with little to no intelligence . The only difference between them and normal animals is their ability to use the elements . Most of these magic beasts are either carnivores or just aggressive towards humans . Any group that wants to pa.s.s through the Snow Fields must be prepared to die or hopefully have a great magister level magician escorting them . Any magic beast that can have great magister-like power would have already migrated to the Beast Empire and thrived there because their power is an indicator of a higher-level bloodline .
On the way, Elder Sweetbow and the Old King all warned the group that they would not step forward unless absolutely necessary . The weaker magic beasts were all their responsibility . As young men and women, they all had no qualms with this announcement since they were fired up to prove their power to their peers . Greyson noticed that while Palmira acted disinterested, her eyes lit up with similar excitement . Nicholas and Ignis showed the most obvious enthusiasm, while Sebastien and Ezra were only a little behind them . Quinn pasted that same lopsided smile on his face and his expression remained slightly unreadable . Fires of compet.i.tiveness lit, all of them wished to show off and kill the most magic beasts . While he did feel some happiness towards being able to stretch his limbs a bit, Greyson was probably the only one who was legitimately unmoved by their little contest . In reality, his strength overshot the rest by so much that he could only feel detached from the atmosphere . If he went all out, they would never have the chance to even touch the magic beasts . Thus, he decided he would only act out occasionally to keep the friendly compet.i.tion fun and entertaining for everyone .
He actually failed to realize that his decision would only make the rest of the group look down on him .
. . .
"Hahaha! That's the 50th one for me! I should have the most out of everyone now~" Nicholas grinned widely . His smile seemed rather off-putting with the magic beast's blood staining his skin and clothes .
"Hmph! You have just been killing the small fry that are not even at the magister level . We should only be counting the magic beasts above the magister level because those are the only ones that are real challenges . " Sebastien, clearly dissatisfied with Nicholas' bragging, made his own suggestion .
"Yeah, I second that . Nicholas, you are taking advantage of the surroundings and using large covering spells . That way you are killing large groups of weaker magic beasts all at once . " Ignis also felt indignant over the results . Especially since he, as a fire element magician, was suffering the largest handicap . The Red Snow Fields were so cold that it felt as if the air pierced into the bones of the people travelling through . Thankfully, as magister level magicians, they had a higher resistance . However, Ignis was still uncomfortable in this environment where the fire element had lower presence .
"Hey now, you can't complain about that . You guys are just unlucky, don't be sore losers . " Not going along with them, Nicholas just turned his head and joked .
"Hehehe, don't fight you guys . Well, Ignis and Second Highness are only just a little lower than Nicholas . Whereas, I only have around 10 kills throughout this trip . " Ezra flirtatious giggles rang out and placated the rest of the group .
"Ezra is right! Look at me, I only got a couple myself . " Quinn chimed in with his own little self-deprecating smile .
"Some is better than none . At least you are not like some other useless people . . . " Sebastien's tone suddenly turned sarcastic and pointedly glared in Greyson's direction .
Actually, Greyson felt really helpless as well . These accusations were really so unfair to him . Obviously, it was the rest of the group that were just too eager . The minute even just a small hint of a magic beast appears, they immediately jump off the bird's back and attack . Not that Greyson could not sense them as fast, he just felt that it was really not worth the effort . In the end, it would be silly for someone of his strength to so fervently search for weak magic beasts to slaughter . If they were just a little slower in attacking and left some for him, he would partic.i.p.ate and attack a few himself . Seeing Sebastien picking a fight with him, Greyson did feel slightly displeased . From the very start, Nicholas was the only one who paid him any attention . Sebastien would just glare at Greyson with distaste . He really could not understand why this Second Prince disliked him so much even though they had yet to say a word to each other .
Greyson took a quick glance at Palmira who had deemed these activities beneath her . She continued to watch the "compet.i.tion" with a look like she was watching children play around . Smirking evilly inwardly, Greyson finally decided to reply .
"Princess Palmira, it seems that we are being looked down upon, no?" Dragging the aloof eldest princess into the mix, Greyson decided to not take the insult lying down . He really did not see any reason to let the prince just walk all over him without fighting back .
Palmira's eyebrows knit with annoyance, but there was really nothing she could say . She also had not acted out to defeat the magic beasts . Although, it was obvious that this was because of her age, status, and power, to say it that plainly would be insulting to the ones who have been acting out . With no other choice, she looked over at her younger brother with disappointment .
"Sebastien, just because you all want to so joyfully compete does not mean that others want to . Plus, with your strength, it is only an obvious result that you would kill more magic beasts than the other here . What is there to brag about?"
Quickly shut up by Palmira, Sebastien hung his head in shame . His state did not last long before he turned to shoot a resentful look at Greyson . Sighing deeply, Greyson did not pay any attention to this prince . It was not like he could do anything to Greyson with his level of power anyways . It was only the Second Prince who was acting that way, too . The three from the Academy had all heard about or witnessed Greyson's strength before . Since he is coming for this trip, he must already be a magister level magician . With his seven elements, Greyson should be fairly powerful amongst those at the same stage, so his power should not be weak . They all just a.s.sumed that Greyson was not really that interested in competing with them . Nicholas a.s.sumed the same, but more because he was a kinder person . He did not really care whether Greyson joined in or not, he just wanted to be first .
Interrupting the awkward silence, a sudden loud explosion shocked everyone . Turning their attention to the source, the young magicians noticed a group of ice figures moving towards them . These creatures had no eyes, ears, or mouths, they were made purely from icicles . Where their hands should be were instead sharp and gleaming ice blades .
"Elementals . . . " Nicholas muttered under his breath .
Greyson recognized this group right away . In the entire Omorfos continent, there were beings that were created in places of high element density . They are just called Elementals due to their origin . They are normally unintelligent beings due to elements acc.u.mulating and amalgamating together for an extended amount of time . All of the ones attacking were at varying levels of power, with most of them below the magister level . There was still a decent amount above the magister level . Three of them were actually equal in strength to magister level stage four magicians . Sensing this, Palmira finally went into action . The rest of the group also began attacking the elementals . The weaker ones quickly shattered after only a few attacks while the more powerful ones put up a decent fight . Greyson continued watching with folded arms . Since the fight time was extended this time, there was more than enough time for him to step in, but he did not really have the heart to help them . It was not like any of them were in danger either . Observing Greyson's inactivity, even the Old King did not seem very pleased .
"Elder Sweetbow, he should at least fight a little, right? Being unambitious is not really that large of an issue, but he should at least help out where he can . The rest of them are outnumbered, so every person counts . Although they can take on more than one, it would still take off some pressure if Greyson could a.s.sist . "
"If he wants to lend a hand, he will . I think he is just waiting for the right moment . " Hahaha, my good disciple, you are more similar to me than you think . Sweetbow mused to himself . Clearly, he was a.s.suming that Greyson just wanted to hog the spotlight and act at the best moment .
His comments only made the Old King's frown deepen . But he kept his thoughts to himself and did not say more . There was no rule saying that Greyson had to fight . He was just slightly disappointed since such a young talented magician seemed to be missing an important drive that the other young people had .
Greyson continued watching in a bored manner until he sensed another presence . Eyes lighting up with glee, his body disappeared from its spot . Using his wind element, he arrived right in front of Palmira . Holding his palm out, he summoned a light s.h.i.+eld in a manner of seconds . Before Palmira could react and complain about getting in her way, a hard ice spear slammed into the s.h.i.+eld . Not creating a dent, the spear burst into dust upon impact .
"What . . . " Palmira did not understand how this boy predicted the attack . Then, before her eyes, another Elemental appeared . Only, this one was giving off a much stronger vibe than the other ones before .
"Isn't this close to a great magister level aura? Oh no!" Palmira quickly retreated in a panic and did not bother to warn or bring Greyson along . Looking at her selfishly running away, Greyson just clicked his tongue with a mocking look in his eyes . This only lasted for a moment before he put his focus on his opponent . Flipping his palm, Genesis quickly appeared . Gripping the familiar sword, Greyson attacked first . Slas.h.i.+ng down with the fire element, he cut off the Elemental's arm . However, the limb quickly grew back . Glancing towards his sword, he noticed that the flame was rather weak . Shaking his head, he had to admit that Ignis really would be at a disadvantage here . Switching to the wind element, his sword and body movements grew swifter and his attacks were like a never-ending barrage . The Elemental matched him move for move with a constant icy air flowing about, as well . Greyson could feel his fingers turning blue and he started to lose feeling . Concentrating more, he sent his fire element to heat up his extremities . Although it was not strong enough to attack, the fire element could keep him warm . His eyes turning a deeper blue, Greyson thought of a new spell that he could try out .
For the first time, he actually starting muttering a specific spell underneath his breath . If someone were close to him, they would not be able to understand the words because he was speaking in the draconic language . This was one of the Snow Dragon ancient spells that was shared with him during his stay along with their training method . A large dragon's head formed in the snow with the Ice Elemental stuck in the middle of its mouth . Sharp ice teeth grew from the mouth before it quickly slammed its jaw shut . The impact completely destroyed the Ice Elemental inside . Once the snow slid away and broke the form, there was nothing left . Smiling happily over the power of the spell, Greyson was completely satisfied with the result . It really was not an ancient spell for nothing . Plus, this spell would only grow more powerful along with him .
The rest of the group watched with jaws dropped at the result . First, they were shocked by Greyson's actual strength level which was revealed to be at the magister level stage five! Second, they had never seen such a spell before and were curious about its origin . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .