"Well, no matter what, a tier four magic tool will be much handier for someone at my level of mana. Genesis will not be able to withstand my stronger attacks anymore due to the overload of energy. Still, I should look into getting more engravings once I get to the capital city of the Moon Empire. The Blacksmith a.s.sociation there must be mult.i.tudes more prominent than this one and have that many more engravings available for sale. Actually, the symbols that he learned from Old Man Thraec back at the Dalia Academy were all the basic amplification engravings. Their abilities were limited to just that; amplifying the strength of whatever element or spell is used. A lot of other engravings included specific skills like this ice element engraving. So, Greyson was not too picky when it came to buying the symbols. Looking over the price, Greyson felt a stabbing pain. It actually cost 100 gold coins! He was not sure that he had enough savings anymore... Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.
Wait! His eyes lit up once more as he thought about the s.p.a.ce storage necklace that his grandparents gave him as a present before they left. Apparently, it also had a protection mechanism that would activate once as a sort of life-saving charm. He forgot to look through it during the trip back, but they claimed they put in some money for him to use later. Pulling it out from under his clothes, the necklace did not look like much. It was a carved dragon made from wood that was connected to a thin string. However, when Greyson entered his mana, he realized that the s.p.a.ce inside was humongous. Multiple buildings worth of s.p.a.ce that were almost completely empty if not for the small amounts that his grandparents left for him. There were three things: a large chest, a dragon scale s.h.i.+eld, and a teleportation charm. The s.h.i.+eld gave him a feeling of intimacy, so he could tell that it must be either his grandfather's or grandmother's scale. At their level, each scale is extremely durable which makes them coveted for s.h.i.+elds and armors. The charm was nothing more than a sheet of parchment with a design painted on it. As long as Greyson burned it, the charm would activate and send him far away from his previous location. The only issue was that the final destination of the charm was random. He could end up going anywhere. Finally, Greyson turned to the chest. Flipping the lid open, his eyes soon glittered with excitement. Thousands of gold coins were stored inside.
"How could there be so much!" He exclaimed. When his grandparents gave him the necklace, they just offhandedly tossed it to him. He a.s.sumed everything inside would not be much and that the real gift was the storage s.p.a.ce. Now that he thought about it, this amount of gold probably did not mean much to them. Years and years of creating teleportation charms and s.p.a.ce storage tools, it would be impossible for the Snow Dragons to not have a high amount of acc.u.mulated wealth. As the two most powerful elders, his grandparents would surely have an inordinate amount of money.
"So, this is what it feels like to have wealthy backers." Chuckling to himself, Greyson could not deny it was a nice feeling. Without further ado, he pulled out 200 gold coins and placed them in a plain sack. Walking up to the front desk, he bought the engraving and also the materials he would need to forge his new tier four magic tool. After quickly finis.h.i.+ng up, Greyson decided to head over to Ronan's place.
Just moments later, he was already Ronan's door. Thinking his friend would be painting around this time, Greyson quietly knocked on the door. Disturbing someone while they were painting was considered offensive and rude in the community. Just because they were friends did not mean that Greyson could just barge in. Soon, he heard a patter of footsteps walking towards the door. The door opened to reveal a messy head of black hair and tired grey eyes. Those same eyes looked towards Greyson and paused. Rubbing his eyes fiercely, Ronan did not believe this was reality for a moment. However, no matter how many times he rubbed, Greyson was still standing there.
"You're back!" Laughing happily, he gave Greyson a hug before inviting him in. Although he was the one doing the surprising, Greyson felt shocked once he actually saw his friend. Ronan was actually two years older than him, only, when they were younger, he was always smaller. However, the 17-year-old Ronan in front of him had obviously grown and matured a lot in these two years. Not so much change happened with his body other than being taller, but a lot changed with his mentality. His shyness was replaced with quiet confidence and steadiness. Greyson guessed that his painting occupation must be going well. Ronan exuded the happiness of success. The only thing that did not change was his magician level.
"You're still at the advanced level stage three?" Greyson blurted out amidst their conversation. Although he was not expecting his friend to break through to the magister level in these two years, he thought he would at least break through to the next stage in two years. Most advanced level magicians are stuck for long amounts of time at the fifth stage, but as long as they have some talent, they can get through the other four stages rather quickly. At this rate, when would Ronan ever become a magister level magician?
"Ah, well... I guess I have not really been concentrating..." Scratching his head feeling slightly embarra.s.sed, Ronan strung out his response. After these two years, Ronan was only at the advanced level stage three. He was not even close to breaking through to the next stage, either. "You know I don't have that much talent other than in painting."
"Yeah, I guess it's better that your painting is going well and you concentrate on that." Forcing a smile, Greyson felt guilty for bringing the topic up. He was just kind of in disbelief.
"Wait, since you came back, does that mean you broke through to the magister level?!" Actually, after Greyson brought up levels, Ronan realized he had forgotten about the reason Greyson left.
Not intending to lie, Greyson nodded straightforwardly.
"No way! That's crazy! Do you know the youngest to break through in our city was Ezra? And she only broke through last year when she was 21! Ignis broke through not too long ago as well. They are both still at the magister level stage one from what I heard."
Listening to his friend, Greyson now knew at least two people who were going with him for the compet.i.tion. But... magister level stage one? Would they be able to accomplish anything at a compet.i.tion where the strongest would definitely be magister level stage five magicians? All of sudden, he could not help but feel this gap. A gap that grew between those he knew here and himself. How could he tell them that he was already at the magister level stage five, as well? Such a stark disparity between himself and those he once saw as friendly rivals. Even Leopold who had once defeated him was completely thrown far off in the background as he had still not made it to the magister level. A mix of loneliness and unhappiness swirled in Greyson's heart. He felt as if he were destined to always leave friends behind and had yet to meet one who could walk with him on his adventures.
Although a little confused as to his friend's sudden bad mood, Ronan allowed Greyson to continue sitting in silence.