"Did they do anything while you were held captive?"
"No, I told you, they were not evil beasts. Though it may seem strange, I feel bad they were forced into such an awkward situation. Unable to back down, but not fully willing to jump into the fight. I could tell they wished I would just magically disappear from their hands."
"Heh, wish granted I guess." Greyson chuckled. "What kind of awful luck is that, though? What happened to the good fortune you brag always follows you?"
"I'm not sure, either." Frustrated, Lucius really was clueless. This experience was a first for him. "Maybe there is such thing as bad luck within the tribe and I just happen to be the one with relatively weaker fortune compared to the rest of the Destiny Cats."
"Hahaha, maybe. Or it could be this was a form of good luck since I was able to find you faster. I doubt you would have been able to invite me to the Destiny Cat haven, otherwise."
"Well, that is true. I was supposed to stay with the tribe until I reached adulthood to reduce the danger. There would have been no way I could contact you during that time. No one would trust you enough to not expose the position secretly. Now that I think about it, the Elder might end up summoning me back once more after the chaotic period of the move is over."
"What? Like randomly?"
"I'm not certain. Just be prepared if I disappear again, okay? Don't freak out."
"Don't freak out? DON'T FREAK OUT?! After all this trouble I went through. I swear if you get summoned back, I am not going to go out and save you again. You can die for all I care, then. What if you leave tomorrow, wouldn't all my struggles be a waste of time? I'm annoyed just thinking about it."
"But if I die, don't you die?" Lucius teased.
"I want to void this ridiculous contract, what was I even thinking back then? You merely took advantage of a young, ingenuous boy to swindle me into signing my life away." Vexed to no end, Greyson stomped his foot down hard.
"Hey, hey, Grey. Take it easy on my back okay? My scales may be hard, but I can nevertheless feel it if you kick that hard!" Cerul cried out indignantly. The shout snapped Greyson back to reality. The rest of the group shot him weird looks after his unwarranted outburst. Embarra.s.sed, he remembered that his conversation with Lucius was all mental so he looked rather foolish.
Glaring over at the cat, he noticed Lucius rolling around while laughing. Fuming, Greyson went over and kicked him off Cerul before plopping back down to meditate.
"Hey!" Lucius floated back up using the wind element. Greyson just proceeded to ignore him and focused on his meditation.