Genetic Ascension - Chapter 362: Winner [Bonus]

Chapter 362: Winner [Bonus]

Sylas blade practically blinked across space, appearing before the back of the Generals neck in a flash. General Aleen hurried to turn around as he sensed something that snapped him out of his berserk state for just a moment. However, that was when Sylas own gaze flashed.

The singular Skill was ripped apart, separating into several pieces under his control, and then assaulted the General from all sides.


*<Chilling Scythe>* was a Skill, even at Legendary Mastery, that wasnt even close to 200 Damage. It was far too weak, and it only got weaker after Sylas split it apart like he did. But he didnt need the Skill to attack. He only needed it as a vessel to deliver his real killing blow.

As expected, the blades couldnt even pierce through the Generals skin. Even though Sylas controlled it to squeeze through the gaps in his armor and assault his weaknesses, it didnt make a difference. However, this was already the result Sylas was expecting.

The poison within the *<Chilling Scythe>* exploded and coated the Generals skin. In that moment, the penetrating power of the Ice-Poison Runes all acted at once. If Sylas had to do it himself, even with Rune Breath, it would be too great of a pull on his mind. He might pass out from the attempt alone.

But what was the venom sack of the Arctic Emperor Cobra if not the strongest concentration of Ice-Poison Runes, maybe on Earth right now?

The Generals speed instantly plummeted as he took hundreds of points of Damage in the blink of an eye. Sylas didnt rest on his laurels. He couldnt allow the General to dispel the status effect again.

His Madness bore down on the Generals mind with everything he had, interrupting the smoothness of his thoughts. At the same time, Sylas and all of his mirror images rushed at him from all angles. And as though he wasnt satisfied with this alone, Azraels sword made an appearance.

The skies were filled with sword shadows, and General Aleen began to madly punch out at them all. Even after he had shattered several images, he still didnt seem to notice that there was a problem.

Sylas circled to his back and unleashed a punch at his head.

*<Psychedelic Punch>.*

It was a risk. He only had one good arm left, and if he used it like this, he would be helpless if the situation changed again. And yet, despite having already calculated that risk, there was a coolness in Sylas eyes right now as though he didnt understand how much danger he was putting himself in.


Blood spurted, and Sylas felt his wrist crack against the skull of the General. Strong. General Aleen was truly strong. Such a point-blank blow had only barely broken skin and sent his head snapping forward. He wasnt anywhere close to having his head explode like his steed before him.

But this was enough.

His skull might be intact, but what about the brain rattling inside?

A behind-the-head blow was one of the most dangerous things you could do in boxing. In fact, it was so dangerous that it was illegal. Points would be deducted for a mistake, and egregious examples could lead to outright disqualification. And obviously those blows couldnt break skulls either.

General Aleen stumbled, his eyes losing focus, and his knees wobbling. The poison took hold even further, and the added sluggishness sent him to his knees. Azraels sword descended from the front, rebounding against his skull again and sending him teetering backward right into a Tail Whip that Sylas unleashed with everything he had.

Sylas could practically feel his abdominal muscles creaking beneath the torque he put them under, but it was like he couldnt feel pain at all. His shin smashed against the side of General Aleens skull, and the echo of another bone fracturing resonated.

Sylas hopped back on one foot, gingerly holding his other up in the air. Secretly, he used his tail to maintain his balance so that to the outside viewer, it looked like there was nothing wrong with him at all. His cool, green eyes looked forward with indifference.

Slowly, the sound of the crowd faded back into his ears. However, the noise was much quieter than one would have expected. From start to finish, not even two minutes had passed. No one could seem to see the savage injuries that Sylas had suffered. All they had seen was General Aleen facing loss after loss. Comparatively, there was only a single ghastly wound on Sylas shoulder as for General Aleen

He had lost his horse, his mind, and now he was bleeding from all seven orifices. His bloodshot eyes pooled with crimson tears that quickly iced over. Those crimson veins became icy blue, and the last thing anyone saw were Ice-Poison Runes dancing in the depths of his eyes before he froze completely.


The General collapsed to the ground, his armor remaining the only thing that stopped him from shattering into countless pieces.


The crowd lost it, but it was those very few Earthlings who managed to find a method to sneak in that felt the most impact. General Aleens Level, to them, was nothing but a bunch of question marks; they didnt even have the right to see his stats like Sylas did. In fact, if not for Madness becoming Silver in Mastery, Sylas would have only seen question marks as well.

Their hearts couldnt help but beat wildly. Was it really possible for one of their own to be so powerful already? To kill such an opponent in just two minutes?

Sylas coated his fractured leg with Basic Aetherflow and his telekinesis as his scales faded away. He looked up and met the eyes of City Lord Plinli, a man that he had directly ignored from the very start. Then, he put the corpse of General Aleen and his steed away before vanishing down the same corridor.

At that moment, one of the Earthlings in the crowd stored away a device and rushed away, a look of excitement on his somewhat chubby face.