Genetic Ascension - Chapter 341: Condoms [Bonus]

Chapter 341: Condoms [Bonus]

Sylas wasnt nearly as mad as Cassarae thought he was. That wasnt because he was so sure that she was lying either. After all, he hadnt been by Cassaraes side in 10 years. In that time, she had finished off her last year of high school and gone off to campus. Who knew what happened or how she could have changed in that time? He wasnt naive enough to be sure she had been some holy saintess the entire time.

However, if Sylas was going to make his decisions based on that, he would have never put his foot down in the first place. These were simply things that he just didnt give a damn about.

There was a primal desire in him to be the first and the only, but there was an even stronger primal desire in him to be the best and the last.

Cassarae also represented something else to him, something that he wasnt quite able to put into words. Maybe if he was able to do that, his Madness Comprehension would be Gold instead of Silver.

Whatever it was, he would figure it out eventually. As for the rest, it could wait until he had dealt with other things.


Cassarae eventually stood as if she was ready to leave and go and do something, only to find that her parents were still standing in the room.

What the hell? Why havent you two left yet?

Paul and Geraldene looked toward one another before laughing. Their daughter had been so lost in her own thoughts that she didnt even realize that they were still here. Didnt that say everything that needed to be said?

You know, Cass, you shouldnt be so stubborn, Geraldene said, nodding to herself.

Cassaraes lip twitched. Was this mother of hers, the most stubborn person she knew, about to lecture her about stubbornness? Was she their daughter? Or was Sylas their son?

What are you talking about, Mom? I have business to handle; we can pick this up later.

You know what Im talking about. Youre a grown woman; you should know how men are by now. There are two paths they take when they chase after something thats hard to get. Either they eventually give up, or they finally taste it and then toss it away.

Are you being serious right now? Cassarae looked at her mother like she didnt even recognize her.

Im just saying, youre getting a little on in the years department, dont you think? Youre already 26.


And who knows how many men youve been with by now. Its a good thing that Little Syl is a very confident man and doesnt care very much.


Paul and Geraldene blinked, then looked toward one another before bursting into a fit of laughter. They laughed so hard that tears started streaming down their faces.

A 26-year-old virgin, I cant breathe!

Cassarae turned as red as an apple. She almost never showed such an embarrassed expression. Even when Sylas had basically just confessed to her, she reacted with anger instead. But her parents had a problem they loved pulling practical jokes too much. It felt like she was the one raising them instead of the other way around.

Because of this, she never told her parents about her love life, and they honestly had no idea. There was only so far motherly intuition could take Geraldene when you were raising a teenager and now a grown woman.

If anything, Geraldene could finally rest her heart at ease.

With a daughter like hers, things could only really go one of two ways. Either she would disdain any man she came across, or she would hop on whatever ride looked the most fun at the time. With Cassaraes personality, Geraldene wouldnt be surprised to hear that her daughter was either one. That was why she had insisted Cassarae at least go to the same university she taught at.

But now it seemed that she had worried for nothing. Although their daughter was already 26, when did parents ever stop worrying?

That said, what Geraldene really latched onto was the fact that Cassarae was in such a hurry to defend herself. Clearly that wasnt for their sake.

Her thoughts might as well have been an open book to them.

It seems we have to buy them some condoms, Paul, Geraldene said seriously. Where do you get them in the apocalypse?

Condoms? Why do they need that? Paul replied just as seriously. Lets have the firecracker pop a few babies out, then he wont be able to escape.

Geraldene pondered this for a moment before nodding seriously. Youre right; that really is the better plan. Do you know how to track your fertility days, dear? Let Mom teach you.

The more they spoke, the redder Cassarae became until she exploded.

This time, it wasnt in rage, though. She just hightailed it out of her own office, rushing away at her fastest possible speed.

Cass, dear. Wait! Geraldene called after her. Dont you want to hear about my recommendations for lube? Talk to her, Paul.

My daughter is a magnet; she doesnt need advice on seduction, she needs advice on keeping a man.

Ah! Geraldene slapped her forehead. I never taught her how to cook; she always refused!

Forget you; you dont know how to cook either. Ill teach her how to cook. If she makes the kid my famous prime rib, hell be in love for life.

Paul Jos!

Cassarae rushed out of her building and took deep, heaving breaths. Finally escaped.

City Lady.

Cassarae looked up to see the last face she wanted to see right now. But when she saw that Gregory was actually a bit angry and flustered, she actually felt more relaxed.

Whats the matter, Gregory?

Its like this

Cassarae listened intently and eventually had to do her best to hold back her smile.

Hes done such a thing? Thats absolutely unacceptable. When he returns, youre under strict orders to escort him to my office. I will interrogate him personally. Is that understood?

Gregorys expression flickered, but he had no choice but to nod.

Yes, City Lady. I will do as you instruct.


Cassarae nodded before walking away. As for her destination, that was, of course, Mayas workshop. Not only would she upgrade it now, but she had come bearing gifts.

Gregory could only watch her walk away in silence. Inwardly, his heart was trembling. Why was the City Ladys Will so much more powerful now? What happened in this short time?