General, Your Wife Is Requesting Your Return Home For Farming - Chapter 1102: The Origin of the Big Boss

Chapter 1102: The Origin of the Big Boss

Chapter 1102: The Origin of the Big Boss

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After a long afternoon, the three little ones finally exhausted their stamina and fell asleep.

After getting rid of the three disciples carrying their big bags, he used his qinggong to arrive at the back door of the Protectorate.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, he quietly removed the bolt and pulled the door open.

Just as he took a step out, a phoenix feather floated down from the sky.

His pupils constricted and he immediately retracted his foot, closing the door without thinking!

Tonight, Su Xiaoxiao was supposed to bring Dahu, Erhu, and Xiaohu to the Marquis of Zhenbeis Estate, but the three little ones were sleeping soundly and could not be woken up.

It looked like they were going to sleep until dawn.

Su Xiaoxiao could only go to the Su family with Wei Ting.

As for Su Cheng and Su Ergou, they often went to the Su family. It was not a big deal for them to go this time. Hi Hence, the two of them accompanied Cheng Sang and Zongzheng Wei to the lake.

Matriarch Su was happy to see the two of them and waved for them to sit over.

She was a kind old lady. She had a good temper towards the younger generation and was always smiling. She also liked to coax the younger generation with candy.

Occasionally, she would put on a straight face and only target the Old Marquis.

Wei Ting handed over a box of royal tribute tea leaves. Grandmother, this is a gift Xiaoxiao picked for you.

Matriarch Su and the Old Marquis liked to drink tea.

However it didnt matter if it was tea leaves because she just liked to hear Wei Ting call her grandmother.

Matriarch Su was so happy that she couldnt close her mouth. You chose it, right? Xiaoxiao doesnt understand tea leaves.

Su Xiaoxiao was embarra.s.sed.

The couple had a good relations.h.i.+p, and Matriarch Wei was happy for them.

If only your brothers were getting married soon.

Matriarch Su wanted to carry a few more great-grandchildren.

Matriarch Su asked Su Xiaoxiao if it was hard for her to get pregnant and if her body was heavy.

Soon, Madam Tao came over.

She had brought many baby clothes that she had personally made for Wei Xiaobao.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at these cute clothes and was extremely charmed.

Wei Ting stayed behind to talk to Matriarch Su and Madam Tao.

Su Xiaoxiao went to find Su Xuan.

Eldest Cousin, Second Cousin, Third Cousin, Su Li.

On the way, Su Xiaoxiao b.u.mped into Su MO, Su Qi, Su Yu, and Su Li.

Poor Su Li. He was the one who had not been called brother.

Su Li snorted coldly. Call me Fifth Cousin!

Su MO said, Youre not allowed to be fierce to your sister.

Su Li, who had been suppressed by his brother, was speechless. Su Qi asked, Cousin, why did you go to the Southern Wilderness for so long?

Su Yu said, Thats right, thats right. Grandma and Mother miss you.

Su Qi mercilessly undermined him. Youve clearly been nagging about missing her too.

Su Yu rolled his eyes at him. Didnt you nag?

Very good, Second Brother and Third Brother were arguing again.

Su MO shook his head and said to Su Xiaoxiao, Go sit at Ah Xuans place. The three of them went to Su Xuans courtyard.

During the two to three days that Su Xuan was unconscious, Su Li stayed by his side. He was so obedient that he seemed to have become a different person. Now that Su Xuan had returned home obediently, Su Lis nature was undoubtedly revealed again.

It was as if a top had grown on his b.u.t.t and he couldnt stop moving on the stone bench.

Get out if you want to! Su MOs eyes hurt.

Su Li ran away happily.

Su Xuan poured tea for Su MO and warm water for Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao took a sip. Its not sweet.

Su Xuan glanced at her. You have to drink less of the sweet liquids now. Su Xiaoxiao frowned bitterly and continued to drink water.

A moment later, she said to Su Xuan, We understand your situation. Dont you understand yourself?

For the first time, Su Xuan did not avoid the topic. If youre referring to the

Heart Guide and the Rakshasa Secret Technique, I know the consequences.

Su MO had always thought that his brother had been forced by the Alliances Alliance Master. He thought the Alliances Alliance Master had also forced him to practice the Rakshasa Secret Technique.

Su Xiaoxiao felt that the Head of the Secret Service wanted to practice, but she couldnt figure out why.

Will you leave again? Su Xiaoxiao asked.

Su MO looked at his brother without blinking. He also wanted to know this answer.

No, Su Xuan said softly. Unless the day comes when I cant control myself.

Su Xiaoxiao said seriously, Wei Tings master said that Granny Ghost of Thousand Mountain Island might be able to remove your Heart Guide or have a way to restrain your Rakshasa Secret Technique.

Su Xuan asked, Granny Ghost, Nie Jinfeng?

Su Xiaoxiao blinked. You know her? Ah, yes, shes the wife of the Alliances Alliance Master. Youre from the Alliance, so youve naturally heard of her. Have you seen her? ???ew?b?o???.com

Su Xuan said, Ive never seen her before. But if youre counting on her to remove my Heart Guide, I advise you to give up.

Why? Su Xiaoxiao asked.

Su Xuan sighed. Shes a strange person and has long cut ties with the outside world. She even refused to see my master. She wont help.

Su Xiaoxiao clenched her fists. How will I know if I dont try? I dont care. Anyway, I wont give up! Su MO nodded.

He agreed with his sister.

Su Xuan looked at his brother and Su Xiaoxiao. Who told you about Granny Ghost?

Su Xiaoxiao replied, Wei Tings master is the senior who has been watching you these past two days. He should be from Thousand Mountain Island. Have you seen him before?

Su Xuan recalled carefully. No.

Su Xiaoxiao continued, Then what about Ling Yun?

Su Xuan said, Dont we see Ling Yun every day?

Su Xiaoxiao said, I mean, have you seen Ling Yun on the island?

Su Xuan muttered, Is he from Thousand Mountain Island?

Su Xiaoxiao rested her chin on her hands. Thats what Wei Ting and I guessed. He knows that senior. He and the senior know Thousand Mountains Island like the back of their hands, so we want to ask if youve seen the two of them on the island?

Su Xuan shook his head. I havent been to the island many times and havent stayed for a few days. I rarely see anyone outside the Alliance.

After a pause, he asked, Whats that seniors name? Su Xiaoxiao said bluntly, I only know that his surname is Qiu.


Su Xuan was deep in thought, On the island, Ive heard of an expert surnamed Qiu. His background is quite mysterious, and even the Alliance knows very little about him. I only know that he was once the number one expert of

Thousand Mountain Island and liked to challenge various sects. If those sects lose, they will hand over their ultimate techniques. If they win they can ask him for anything.

The corners of Su Xiaoxiaos mouth twitched. It sounds a little casual. Did he win much?

Su Xuan nodded. So far, Old Qiu has only lost once, to Granny Ghost, Nie

Jinfeng. After that, he fled the island.

Su Xiaoxiao asked sharply, Did Granny Ghost make a request that he couldnt fulfill?

Su Xuan thought for a moment and said, I heard that he was to cut off his arm.

Uh Granny Ghost was so cruel.

Su Xuan suddenly looked at Su Xiaoxiao with a faint smile and said playfully,

Dont you want Granny Ghost to remove the Heart Guide for me? Why dont you take a bet that Senior is Elder Qiu? Cut off his arm and send it to Granny Ghost. Perhaps Granny Ghost will be happy and be willing to help.

Su Xiaoxiao covered Xiaobaos ear through her stomach.

Xiaobao didnt want to hear about all these violence!

The Head of the Secret Service was even more ferocious than Granny Ghost!