General, Your Wife Is Requesting Your Return Home For Farming - Chapter 1031: Reunited (1)

Chapter 1031: Reunited (1)

Chapter 1031: Reunited (1)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

An incomparably bright sky flashed.

Everyones hearts skipped a beat. It was going to be another clap of thunder.

As expected, a thunderclap that was even more deafening than before resounded throughout the entire throne room. Even the window lattice was shaken.

The civil and military officials hearts went numb. They were shocked not by the thunder, but by the words Brother, how do you still like my throne?

Who was a fool to be an official?

This person was clearly saying that he was the brother of the current emperor, and the current emperor had s.n.a.t.c.hed his throne.

But that was strange, wasnt it?

His Majesty had a total of two half-brothers. One had pa.s.sed away from illness, and the other had gone to the fief to be an idle lord.

Moreover, His Majesty was appointed as the Crown Prince back then and naturally succeeded the throne. How could he s.n.a.t.c.h the throne? However, why did this person look so similar to His Majesty?

He was even more similar to his two half-brothers!

It was as if they were born from the same womb.

The King of the Southern Wilderness clenched his fists and suppressed the emotions in his heart. He said in an incomparably dignified manner, Saintess, youve been missing for a few days. Ive been worried about your safety. It turns out that youve secretly rebelled, but dont think that you can spout nonsense in the throne room just because you found someone who looks a little like me! The Saintess said nothing.

Zongzheng Wei said unhurriedly, Zongzheng Ming, do you really only look a little similar to me? Have you forgotten how you replaced me in the Great Mountain Hunt for more than 30 years? ZongZheng Ming?

Wasnt His Majestys name the Zongzheng Wei?

There was no Zongzheng Ming in the royal family.

The civil and military officials muttered in their hearts again.

However, some old ministers had an impression of the Great Mountain Hunt.

His Majesty led an eunuch into the depths of the forest and was attacked by a ferocious beast. When they discovered His Majesty, he was already seriously injured and unconscious, and the eunuch was nowhere to be found. They guessed that he had died in the stomach of the beast.

Zongzheng Wei continued, When Father wanted to kill you back then, Mother couldnt bear to do so and got someone to secretly bring you out of the palace. When you returned to the capital, I took pity on you for suffering among the commoners and bestowed you with a residence, allowing you to live a luxurious life. I even allowed you to dress up as an eunuch and reunite with Mother and me. However, I didnt know that you were ambitious and secretly had the intention to replace me.

An eunuch?

The ministers exchanged glances.

Could it be that the eunuch who went hunting with His Majesty back then was that younger brother?

Wait, these were only this persons words. There was no evidence.

Who didnt know how to make up a story?

A trace of ferocity flashed across the King of the Southern Wildernesss eyes.

Nonsense! What nonsense! Yulin Army, take them down!

Your Majesty!

The Minister of Works stood up with the ceremonial tablet. This matter is very important. Its better for Your Majesty to investigate this in court to prevent false news from spreading to the commoners and attracting the suspicion and anger of the commoners.

The a.s.sistant minister of the Ministry of Rites also stood out with the ceremonial tablet. Thats right, Your Majesty. He keeps saying that youre fake and that hes real. Then why dont we let him furnish the evidence? It wont be too late to punish him if he cant take it out.

Right on the heels of that, many ministers agreed and requested this person to hand over the evidence.

Among these ministers, some were from the Yin familys camp, some were neutral, and some were really thinking for the King of the Southern Wilderness.

They firmly believed in Wilderness and hoped to expose the Saintess and this persons scheme in public.

Zongzheng Wei struck while the iron was hot and goaded the King of the Southern Wilderness. Zongzheng Ming, are you afraid? Are you afraid that Ill expose you with evidence?

The King of the Southern Wilderness snorted and said, Im the True Dragon Son of Heaven. Why should I confront you in the hall? If I allow this precedent today, will I have to listen to anyone who questions me in the future? Im busy and dont have the time! Take him down!

So what if the entire court objected?

He was the one sitting on the dragon throne. His words were an imperial edict!

How could these people dare to disobey?

The guards swarmed forward.

The Saintess suddenly waved the whip in her hand.

If one came, one would be sent flying.

If two came, a pair would be sent flying.

More and more imperial guards surged in from outside the hall.

The King of the Southern Wilderness sat back on the dragon throne and looked at the Saintess disdainfully.

So what if she was skilled in martial arts? Could she fight an army alone?

At this moment, the eunuchs voice suddenly came from outside the hall. The Empress Dowager has arrived

The King of the Southern Wilderness expression changed.

Why was his mother here?


The old Empress Dowager hurriedly stepped into the throne room.

When she saw the flashes of swords in the hall, she hurriedly scolded, What are you doing? Stop!