General Gatacre - Part 35

Part 35

Royal Military College, Sandhurst: W. F. G. there as cadet, 1860-1, 12 W. F. G. there as professor, 1875-9, 36-7

"Run amok": W. F. G. attempts to disarm man with pistol at Simla, 1887, 69 letter _re_ above, 213

Rundle, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Leslie, K.C.B., K.C.M.G.: commanding a Division on Salisbury Plain, 1899, 218

Salisbury: W. F. G. works there on remount duty, 1904, 275 bicycles to and fro, 275

Salisbury Plain: W. F. G. commands a Division, 1899, 217-18 Chief Umpire, Blue Army, 1903, 271

Salt Lakes, Bupshu. See Kashmir

Sandhurst. See Royal Military College

Sandhurst, Lord, G.C.I.E. etc.: Governor of Bombay, 1895-9, 164, 166, 180

Sannah's Post, O.F.S.; engagement at, 1900, 251 material results of engagement at, 253 change brought about by engagement at, 259

Seaforth Highlanders: 1st Batt. in Egypt, 1898, 188 2nd Batt. in Chitral, 1895, 129

Seton, Col. H. J.: wounded at Stormberg, 1899, 233

Seventy-seventh Regt., afterwards 2nd Batt. (D.C.O.) Middles.e.x Regt.: raised 1787, 13 services and movements of, 14 at Hazaribagh, Allahabad, Barreilly, and Peshawur, 14-17 reaches Portsmouth, 1870, 29 leaves Dover for Rangoon, 1880, 38 moves to Secunderabad, 1883, 51 W. F. G. in command, June 1884 to Dec. 1885, 55-61

Shaw, F. B., Esq.: Resident at Mandalay, 1879, 46

Sikkim: W. F. G. sketches Fort at Lingtu, 1887, 68

Simla: W. F. G. and the servant "run amok, " 1887, 69 rapid ride to Umballa and back, 1887, 70

Sirdar, the: See Kitchener

Sniping: during advance on Chitral, 1895, 143-4

Snow, Brig.-Gen. T. D'O., C.B.: Brigade-Major, Egypt, 1898, 186

South African War Commission, Report of, quoted, 247 and again, 270

Springfontein, O.F.S.: occupied by Third Division troops, 241 troops at, April 3, 1900, 40 scouts and 25 M.I., 255

Staff College, Camberley: W. F. G. admitted, 1873, 33 Drag-hounds, W. F. G. as First Whip, 34

Staff Services, W. F. G.: Instructor in Surveying, B.M.C., 1875-9, 36 D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Aldershot, 1879-80, 37 A.A.G. (officiating) Secunderabad, 1880-1, 39 Mil. Sec. (officiating) to C.-in-C. Bombay, 1881-82, 40 A.Q.M.G. (officiating) Rangoon, 1882, 43 D.Q.M.G., Bengal, 1885-90, 61-97 G.O.C. (officiating), Mandalay, 81-96 A.-G. Bombay, 1890-4, 98-109 G.O.C. Bombay, 1894-97, 110-82 G.O.C. (officiating), Quetta, 1896, 148-60 G.O.C. Third Infantry Brigade, Aldershot, 1897-98, 184-6 G.O.C. Eastern District, 1898-1903, 216-71

Stormberg, C.C.: Sir R. Buller suggests advance to, 223 occupied by Boers, Nov. 1899, 224 W. F. G. makes arrangements for the attack, 229 description of the advance and a.s.sault, Dec. 10, 1899, 231-5 casualties, 235 compared with Magersfontein and Colenso, 236

Sunari Station, Beluchistan: outrage at, 1896, 155

Supya-lat, wife to King Theebaw, 45 deported, 1885, 84

Swann, Brig.-Gen. J. C., C.B.: A.A.G. to W. F. G. while commanding Bombay district; letter _re_ procedure quoted, 115 recollections of, 119

Thaba 'Nchu, O.F.S.: Sir John French's operations near, 247 movements of troops preceding Sannah's Post, 251

Theebaw, King of Burma: succeeds Mindon-Min, 1879, 44 as owner of "Free Lance" (?), 50 surrender of Mandalay, 1885, 83

"_Times_" _History of the War_, quoted, as under: _re_ Col. Pole-Carew's movements, 1900, 243 _re_ telegram about spreading proclamations, 244 _re_ Col. Broadwood's position at Thaba 'Nchu, 252

Transport officer, the: at Mandalay, 88-89

Transport Service, the: P. and O. vessels, 122-5

Toba Plateau, Beluchistan: Camp of Exercise at, 1896, 153

Ton-Hon Expedition, 1889-90, 90-92

Tournament at Bombay, 1894, 122-5

Umballa: rapid ride from Simla, and back, 1887, 70

War Services, W. F. G.: Hazara Field Force, 1888, as A.A. and Q.M.G., 70-81 Ton-Hon Expedition, 1889-90 as Brig.-Gen., 90-92 Chitral Relief Force, 1895, G.O.C. Third Brigade, 128-44 Egypt, advance on Khartoum, 1898, G.O.C. commanding British Brigade and (subsequently) Division, 186-213!

South African Field Force 1899-1900, G.O.C. Third Division, 219-60

Warwickshire Regt. (Royal): 1st Batt. in Egypt, 1898

Wauchope, Maj.-Gen. Andrew. C.B., C.M.G.; commanding First Brigade, Egypt, 1898, 208 his brigade sent forward, 211

Wepener, O.F.S.: telegram ordering occupation of, March 1900, 245 W. F. G.'s anxiety as to safety of detachment, 246 besieged by Boers, 258

de Wet, Christian, Boer General; lays his plans for capture of Waterworks guard, March 1900, 252 value of his victory at Sannah's Post, 253

White, F.-M. Sir George, V.C., G.C.B., etc.: in Burma, 1885, 85 entertains W. F. G. at Lah.o.r.e, 1894, 120 appoints W. F. G. to command Third Brigade, Chitral Relief Force, 1894, 128 letter from, _re_ Marri Raid, 1896, 159 starts for Natal, Sept. 1899, 219 at Ladysmith, 221 relief of Ladysmith, 240

Wolseley, Gen. Sir George, G.C.B.: commanding Mandalay Brigade, 86 returns to his command, 96

_Printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury._

[Ill.u.s.tration: Map of the UPPER NILE]