Gate Guardian - Song Of The Frozen Soul - 318 The Lewdest Chapter! Please Don't Read!

318 The Lewdest Chapter! Please Don't Read!

Three days have pa.s.sed since the most horrible incident that happened in my life. The emotional trauma I had started to heal as I continue to live on with the man I love in the Brightmore Shrine.

Just like in the previous timeline, Brightmore Shrine is completely abandoned. It sits on top of a tall hill which means we are certainly secluded from the village nearby and is considered by the townspeople as a haunted place. Rikkun said that it is most unlikely that the Gate Guardians will pursue us at this point because everybody knows how much we hated this place. It sounds so ironic that the shrine we used to be scared about is now our only safe sanctuary.

On the first day, Rikkun and I tried to renovate the functional parts of the building. We tried to clean all the rooms and discovered a wide hall that is twice as wide as those in Kozukata Shrine, dozens of cla.s.srooms, and even an underground archive library. We never thought that this shrine is more than what it seems, and we can definitely say that we can stay here for a long time, maybe even move here permanently.

It may sound like we're trespa.s.sing, but we're not. Brightmore Shrine is owned by the Brightmore Witches, so I am the sole heir to this place. It feels weird for me to own this whole shrine and even the pathways down to the foot of the mountain, but I guess I have no choice but to continue my mother's legacy in this place.

Speaking of my mother's legacy, I discovered her nursery rhyme books when I was cleaning the library. There's a ton of them, maybe fitted to fill up a very very large cabinet! I was surprised that there are also stories and songs that I never heard of from my mother, so I was glad that we went to this place.

We spent the next days renovating the very shrine, for there is nothing actually to do here. When afternoons came, Rikkun and I will take a stroll in the town to have a greater idea of how this place works. Just like when we last came here, this area is highly uncivilized. Electric lines still do not exist here. 

The people here live their life by farming wheat, oat, and rice, raising cows and sheep, and even fis.h.i.+ng in the lakes. The women and elderly knit clothes and make organic baskets. The children here also work by getting firewood in the nearby forest. But still, I can see them happily living their lives.

There are no amus.e.m.e.nt centers here. If you want to get tipsy, you can go to the local pub. If you are hungry, you go to the local pub. That place is the only entertainment for the people here, and sadly, we can't go in there. That pub is owned by an old woman who wanted to murder me, and if I remember correctly from Book 2, Rikkun punched her in the face. We may be on a different timeline, but we can't risk going inside.

"Ah, this place is boring. I think the shrine library is more interesting than this primitive town." Rikkun would often say with a loud grunt. Most people who pa.s.s around would hear him, so I had to punch him and make a public apology for his disrespect.

As for our living here, Rikkun covers it all up. He had money saved up, but it's not the main source of our food. He often abuses his G.o.d Fragment powers to gain supplies. He would use the G.o.ddess of Hunting's powers to hunt a wild boar or squirrel. He would use the G.o.ddess of Spring's power to quickly cultivate potatoes in the mountains. He would also use the G.o.d of the Sea's powers to catch big fishes in the lake. Rikkun can live on his own now, and it feels bad that I more look like a dead weight for him.

And so, I decided to volunteer as the cook. My cooking skills are a bit higher than Rikkun since he's dependent on the internet. There's no internet here, so I have a higher ground! I'll definitely prepare the food he can't make, and I will serve him the best dishes I learned from my stay in the Kozukata Shrine!

Come to think of it, we seem to live like husband and wife now!

Yeah... We definitely live like married couples. Every night, we would do lewd things together. We even saw Kamasutra in the archives of the shrine, complete from volume one to sixteen! Ever since our first time during that night, both of us became so addicted to it that we started experimenting with the book of lewdness.

Sometimes, it would even hinder us from our daily activities which shows how thirsty we both are.


One time, when I was in the kitchen, I was immediately a.s.saulted by a gentle hand from behind. Rikkun grabbed my thigh and squeezed my right breast as he whispered behind my ear in an erotic manner.

"Hey, Tiara… You really are the perfect wife now... Let's do it again."

"R-Rikkun, don't! I-I'm still cooking our meal! Please wait until dinner is over-kyah!"

I immediately dropped the spatula as I was drowned in ecstasy. Rikkun has slid his fingers to my private parts and started to lick the back of my neck.

"I'm sorry, my love. I can't hold it any longer."



One afternoon, when I was cleaning the front of the shrine with my broom, Rikkun grabbed me and pinned me to a wall. He made a wall-slam like a highschool boy who is about to do some confession. But I know that I'm not going to get a confession since we're already lovers.

"Tiara, I love you," Rikkun said.

"E-Eh!?" I tilted my head.

Suddenly, Rikkun attacked with a kiss. We made a french kiss that definitely felt good as I had a great time slurping his soft sweet lips and his slimy tongue. After about five minutes, he withdrew his lips, our mixed saliva spreading outward like a mozzarella cheese in a hot pizza.

"I want to fill you up, Tiara," Rikkun said as he forced me to bend over. He also started to roll my skirt upwards.

"W-Wait, Rikkun! It's still broad daylight! They might see us!" I shrieked.

"n.o.body will see us. We are secluded here in the mountains." Rikkun said.

"The squirrels may be watching us! I-It's embarra.s.sing!" I covered my blus.h.i.+ng face with my hand.

Rikkun did not hear my idiotic reasoning. He just continued to ravage me hard until both of us are satisfied with pleasure.


Rikkun may be a little too aggressive, and he's quite forceful when it comes to it. I always lose to his masculine charm and always helpless to do anything about it... so I decided to take my revenge.

One night, when he was in the bathroom, I went inside without a warning. I removed my towel to reveal my s.e.xy body which immediately made him beet red.

"T-Tiara… what are you doing…" Rikkun's voice is all cracked and trembling.

"Ara ara, Rikkun…" I seductively crawled to him like a snake. When my face went closer to his left ear, I started to seduce him with my voice. I also held his treasure as I said these words: "Y-You're quite stiff, aren't you?"

"T-Tiara, have you turned full yandere again!?" Rikkun cried. "What happened to your dandere self!?"

"Oh my, trying to talk yourself out, aren't you? How cute~" I maintained my killer smile as I blew on his face. I'm currently summoning my courage to do this act, so I won't be defeated! With determination, I refuse to give up!

"W-Wait, you idiotic pup! Can't you see I'm unclogging the toilet! N-Not now! W-Wait! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!"


There was also this one time when Rikkun went home in the afternoon, tired after hunting meat and fis.h.i.+ng in the lake. To make my live-in partner happy, I prepared everything for him just like how a traditional j.a.panese waifu does.

"I'm home…" Rikkun said when he set foot on the entrance. 

"Welcome home, Rikkun!" I cheerfully said. I've been waiting for him in the entrance like a dog, so he made a gentle head pat as soon as I greeted him.

I briefly looked at my plan written on my palm and summoned my bravery once again. Rikkun saw it, so he immediately struck me a cold glare. I paid no mind to it as I commenced my operation.

"U-Um, Rikkun… Would you like dinner first? A bath? Or maybe… me?"

"Tiara, I'm exhausted. I'm not in the mood-"

"Oh, you have chosen me?" I cheerfully booed my lover's nose. "Rikkun, you naughty~"

"W-WAIT!!!" Rikkun cried with a 100% blush on his face. "Let's have dinner first!"

"Okay… I am your dinner~" I smiled. I transformed into my yandere self. "Come, eat me up, my adorable Rikkun~" 

"Bath! I want a bath!" Rikkun shrieked out.

"Then let's go together~"

I immediately untied my kimono to reveal my charming body. The erotic perfume I saw in a cabinet started to contaminate the room with libido. Because of this, Rikkun spitted blood from his nose.

"T-T-T-Tiara, I'm all dried out of energy! And my hip hurts!"


It was when my crimson eyes flashed on his face that he knew he lost. He froze in place as I started to wrap my arms around his neck and slowly lead him to his demise. Being a Cursed Guardian, my sin of l.u.s.t is multiplied a hundredfold, which made me able to gather this courage in yandere mode.

And so, Rikkun's screams can be heard in the shrine the entire night.