Games For All Occasions - Part 30

Part 30

7. Pudding--An aborigine. Indian.

8. Cake--A tropical sea plant. Sponge.

9. Fruit--To waste away and Eve's temptation. Pineapple.

10. Wine--A part of the foot and a letter. Tokay.


The Guests

1. A verdant one. Greene (Anna Katherine).

2. To evade. Dodge (Mary Mapes).

3. A head covering and a tavern. Wiggin (Kate Douglas).

4. What ships and schooners often cross. Barr (Amelia E.).

5. A thistle's product and a head dress. Burnett (Frances Hodgson).

6. A part of the human body. Foote (Mary Hallock).

7. A pig's house and a measurement. Pennell (Elizabeth).

8. A guardian's trust. Ward (Mrs. Humphry).

9. Act of a poor cook. Burnham. (Clara Louise).

10. What the rebellion made of every negro. Freeman (Mary E. Wilkins).

The Menu

1. Fruit--Small shot. Grape fruit.

2. Fish--A soft sh.e.l.led sign of the Zodiac. Crab.

3. Roast--A genial English author. Lamb.

4. Sauce--A money maker. Mint.

5. Vegetable--A city of Belgium and what a leaf does in spring.

Brussels sprouts.

6. Salad--Elizabeth and her German. Garden.

7. Tarts--Water in motion. Currant.

8. Cake--A precious metal. Gold.

9. Ice--A celebrated prince. Orange (William of).

10. The floral Decorations--The flowers that bloomed on their lips.
