Game Loading - Chapter 78-79

Chapter 78-79

Open World 3

Xie Xi shared the new side task with Jiang Xie.

Jiang Xie raised his eyebrows after seeing it and clarified for the confused Xie Xi. "You have to make a choice. Different choices will lead to different outcomes."

Xie Xi asked, "They are players. Why is there a task a.s.signed about them?"

Jiang Xie replied, "This is a real world. Why can't players become tasks?"

Xie Xi sobered up.

A quasi-world was a real world and players were also real. There was no difference between then in the centre.

Everything in the quasi-world could be used to publish tasks and players could also be a.s.signed as tasks,

Xie Xi stared at the four people in the distance and his mind worked quickly.

The task was to save them or kill them. Xie Xi eyed these words.

Who was the 'them' referring to? Chen Qing and Kong Rongliang? Or was it to save all four people?

Based on the current situation, they were still safe.

Chen Qing was bitten but hadn't become a zombie. Even if he did become a zombie, a zombie with no legs would have very low fighting power. Kong Rongliang might not act but the man and woman behind him wouldn't sit idly by.

Then what was exactly the danger? Why was it 'save them' instead of 'save Chen Qing'?

Xie Xi couldn't see far with his current vision. He asked Jiang Xie, "Master, are there zombies behind them?"

"I will take a look." Jiang Xie looked around and couldn't see anything. Then his eyes narrowed and he stared at something in the back. "The black fog of the forest is spreading outward. If this continues, the zombies inside will be close to them."

Xie Xi understood the words. It seemed that in order to save them, he had to take this group of people away from the black fog and zombies!

Jiang Xie knew that Xie Xi had made a decision but he still questioned, "What will you choose?"

It didn't matter if he saved or killed them. Jiang Xie had seen this multiple choice question and clearly knew what the focus was.

The most important thing was to look at your heart and make a decision. There was no saviour or demon here. Not regretting was the true creed.

Xie Xi replied, "First save them if possible!"

He was an ordinary people. He couldn't kill people for no reason and it was impossible for him to ignore the life of strangers. All he could do was his best. If he couldn't save them then he would give up on the task. The side task wasn't impossible and there was no need to bear the guilt of killing for a small reward!

Jiang Xie wasn't surprised and his lips curved. "Yes."

Xie Xi had an idea about how to save them. The zombies were numerous and fierce but they were also easy to deal with. They didn't have a brain and only knew how to follow the heat source. To save these people, they just needed to light a fire in the opposite direction.

At this time, Kong Rongliang had already arrived by Chen Qing's side. He ignored the pus and rancid smell of the lower body and carried the person.

Chen Qing still scolded him. "You d.a.m.n mindless Kong Rongliang. Why are you saving me?

I can't live. I have no legs and I can't use any props. I can only die!"

Kong Rongliang was silent as he kept carrying the person.

"Stupid, you are a big fool!" Chen Qing scolded, tears and snot running down his face, making it even uglier.

Then the woman screamed, "Zombies… zombies are coming again!"

The black fog of the forest suddenly accelerated. The zombies inside smelt prey and issued low roars.

The last man was pale and couldn't endure it anymore. "Cheng Han, don't worry about Kong Rongliang. Let's go!"

The woman named Cheng Han watched the approaching dark fog and then the body covered with pus and blood. Kong Rongliang wasn't willing to leave Chen Qing…

She gritted her teeth and finally succ.u.mbed to her heart. "I can't control them. Tian Tao, we will go first!" Then she followed the man and ran towards the brightness.

They were well-qualified and their legs were extremely fast. They only ran a bit before disappearing. Kong Rongliang was focused on strength. He was holding Chen Qing and was probably afraid that too many b.u.mps would aggravate his injuries. Thus, he ran very slowly.

He saw the black fog approaching and the zombies nearing.

Chen Qing's voice was hoa.r.s.e. "Kong Rongliang, you are stupid. Those selected by the Central Government are wastes abandoned by their original world. I have long been d.a.m.ned and it isn't worth it…"

"No." Kong Rongliang scoffed. "You aren't a waste. I would've died in the last world if it wasn't for you."

Chen Qing roared, "Then cherish your d.a.m.n life! I didn't save you for you to die!"

Kong Rongliang didn't say anything and kept running.

Xie Xi was setting a fire and couldn't hear their words. He only vaguely heard Chen Qing's loud voice saying those selected by the Central Government were abandoned wastes.

X also told him that he was selected because no one needed him and he no longer needed that world. Were all players like this?

Then what about X? Sixth Prince Sirius flashed through Xie Xi's mind. It was impossible for Xie Xi to forget his words.

'Sein, there is no light at the bottom of the sea.'

The fire was lit and Xie Xi no longer thought about it as he focused on spreading the fire.

Jiang Xie told him, "Give it to me. You go first."

They had lit the fire in the opposite direction of Kong Rongliang and Chen Qing, so that the zombies would give up on those heat sources and rush to this side.  Jiang Xie urged Xie Xi to go to Kong Rongliang first since it was safer.

Xie Xi answered, "We will do it together."

"Why are you being polite?" Jiang Xie's lips curved. "I am your Master, right?"

His smiling appearance made Xie Xi feel guilty. X definitely knew that Xie Xi was lying to him and knew they weren't in a teacher-student relations.h.i.+p!

However, Xie Xi couldn't let him think about it.

Xie Xi told him, "It is because you are my master that we have to be together."

Jiang Xie, "…"

"Isn't it natural for an apprentice to follow their master?"

Jiang Xie knew this little liar was trying to coax him and couldn't help smiling slightly. Then he looked at the goodwill value to wake himself up.

There was a raging fire and the attention of the zombies was diverted. One by one, they came to this side, causing the dark fog to spread over here. Jiang Xie and Xie Xi immediately left and caught up with Kong Rongliang.

Kong Rongliang wasn't stupid. Once he saw the fire, he knew it was artificially created. Then Xie Xi and Jiang Xie appeared at this time and he instantly understood. "Thank you!"

Xie Xi told him, "The fire will soon go out. We have to quickly find a place to hide!"

Kong Rongliang nodded again while the Chen Qing in his arms started scolding him, "Put me down! Stop dragging down other people!"

Xie Xi glanced at him and quickly looked away. Sure enough, this appearance was terrible… there were pus and decaying flesh but Kong Rongliang didn't care.

Jiang Xie knew what Xie Xi was thinking and felt this person was funny and cute. He moved a bit faster, quietly separating Xie Xi and Kong Rongliang and blocking Chen Qing from view.

Xie Xi was startled and glanced at him.

Jiang Xie winked with his left eye.

Xie Xi stiffened and turned away. He thought in his heart, 'Too flashy!'

Since this was disrespectful towards his teacher, he held back and didn't say it.

Jiang Xie and Xie Xi's fire wasn't small. It burned for seven or eight minutes. This was enough time for them to distance themselves from the zombie tide and they temporarily hid at the foot of a mountain.

Zombies chased after heat sources but they were afraid of the light of the world. It was relatively safe under this bright rock.

Kong Rongliang put down Chen Qing and thanked Xie Xi and Jiang Xie.

Xie Xi shook his head and said, "It is nothing." He didn't do anything other than lighting a fire.

Jiang Xie stared at him and didn't speak. Xie Xi knew he was asking about the progress of the task.

Xie Xi took a look and froze.

Jiang Xie, "?"

Xie Xi directly shared the side task.

(6) Find him a pair of legs.

(6) Kill them.

It was a multiple choice question again. What was searching for legs? Who were they for? Chen Qing? What about after finding them? Could they be restored?

The other option was more toxic. If he didn't want to look for legs then he wouldn't look. Why did he need to kill someone? He still needed to kill them? Was it because Chen Qing would die and Kong Rongliang would retaliate? That's why he needed to kill both of them?

How was this side task so unfair?

Xie Xi watched Jiang Xie and Jiang Xie watched him back.

Xie Xi's mouth moved, 'I want to look for legs.'

Jiang Xie, 'Wait, I will go quickly.'

Xie Xi, 'I'll go.'

Jiang Xie, 'The apprentice should be obedient.'

Xie Xi, "…" He suddenly regretted pretending to be teacher and apprentice. He should've said that he was Jiang Xie's saviour and Jiang Xie accompanied him to pay him back. Then Jiang Xie would be obedient!

Unfortunately, it was already too late.

However, it wasn't difficult to find a pair of legs. There were zombies everyone and Jiang Xie could easily find a pair of legs.

Xie Xi was somewhat disgusted by the zombies…

Kong Rongliang was saying, "What should I do? How can I help you with this injury?"

Chen Qing cursed. "What f.u.c.king help? I am dead. Even a G.o.d can't save me!"

"You can be cured as long as you go back to the centre."

"How can I go back when I can't accomplish the task?"

Kong Rongliang told him, "I will help you do it."

Chen Qing shouted, "You are dreaming. Wait for me to become a zombie and I will kill you first!"

Xie Xi glanced at Chen Qing. Chen Qing was fierce towards Kong Rongliang but he was more normal towards Xie Xi. "This little brother, quickly take this idiot and leave. I really will drag you down!"

Xie Xi knew that he would have to face more disgusting zombies in the future and forced himself to look at his half zombie. "What will you do when we leave?"

Chen Qing told him, "It isn't a big deal to die." Xie Xi replied, "Death is easy. What if you want to die but can't die?"

Chen Qing was stunned.

Xie Xi emphasized, "Seeing you like this, you haven't lost your mind, which means you won't be a mindless zombie. If you become a new species, what if you still keep your mind but you're filled with a desire to eat people?"

Kong Rongliang and Chen Qing, "!"

"Don't say that I didn't warn you." Xie Xi's eyes narrowed. "At that time, you won't be able to die even if you want to."

The foolish man and half zombie was stupefied.

Jiang Xie's ears were so good that he heard this even when he was collecting legs.

He smiled. "This little liar."

Jiang Xie dragged back the legs where he saw that Kong Rongliang and Chen Qing were quiet and a bit stunned.

Xie Xi was cleaning his ears.

Jiang Xie thought he would be afraid of this disgusting thing and placed the legs behind him. "I found it."

Xie Xi's eyes lit up and he flattered, "Master, you are really fast."

Wasn't he also quick to compliment? Jiang Xie placed the legs next to Chen Qing and took advantage of this to block the zombie.

He motioned to Xie Xi to look at the next task.

(7) Put the legs on him.

(7) Kill them.

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Open World 4

Xie Xi shared the task while his eyes were saying, 'Did this big idiot and half zombie offend this open world?  Why did it always want them to die?'

Jiang Xie read his eyes but spoke irrelevant words. "You are very lucky."

Xie Xi, "???"

Was it good luck to install zombie legs on a half zombie? Or was it good luck to kill?

Since leaving his original world, Xie Xi couldn't believe in his luck. This 'good luck' brought him to this life or death training course!

Killing was impossible. After all, this big idiot and half zombie weren't villains. Why should he kill them?

Jiang Xie brought back a pair of zombie legs and Kong Rongliang and Chen Qing both saw it. They couldn't figure out what was going on.

Kong Rongliang hurriedly said, "If you are hungry, I still have food here."

Xie Xi, "???"

Chen Qing's missing legs didn't stop him from hitting the fool. "Stupid, shut up!"

Kong Rongliang closed his mouth but his eyes were still full of: If you want to eat, I have better food here. Forget the zombie legs…

Xie Xi turned a blind eye and seriously considered the killing option!

"Chen Qing." Xie Xi stared at the half zombie. "Do you want to stand up?"

Chen Qing was stunned and didn't understand. Xie Xi had some ambiguous concepts in his mind but wasn't quite certain. This didn't prevent him from using his acting skills.

"I'm not sure if there will be any side effects, if you can stand or even how long you can stay sane."

He was born with a pretty face that was soft and tender. Now that he spoke in this tone of voice that didn't fluctuate at all, he gave off a sense of deterrence.

Chen Qing's face was covered with dirt and only his pair of eyes lit up. "Can you let me stand up?"

Xie Xi replied, "I can try."

Kong Rongliang was more excited than Chen Qing. "Benefactor! Please save him!"

Then the big person fell to his knees."

Xie Xi, "…"

"Don't be too happy. I'm not sure what will happen." Xie Xi's eyes were sharp as he lowered his voice. "You saw it, these are real zombie legs. Perhaps you can rely on them to stand up. Perhaps you will become infected by them and turn into a real zombie."

Chen Qing calmed down.

Xie Xi stared at him and questioned, "Do you still want to try it?"

If Chen Qing didn't want to then Xie Xi wouldn't do it. This was Xie Xi's task but it was Chen Qing's future. It was no different from killing a person without their consent.

This was a side task and it wasn't a big deal to give it up. Chen Qing silently watched the zombie legs.

Xie Xi didn't speak and waited for him to reply. After a while, Chen Qing opened his mouth. "Can you make me a promise?"

"Tell me."

Chen Qing said, "If I completely become a zombie, please kill me."

Comrade Old Kong instantly became tearful.

Xie Xi looked at the man with dirt and pus on his face and couldn't see his original face. Xie Xi nodded. "Okay."

Chen Qing heard this flat and quiet word and unloaded his burden. "Then I will trouble you!"

Who wanted to die if they could live? Who would be willing to give up a chance to live?

It might be stepping on the tip of a needle or walking a wire rope but as long as he could pa.s.s the yellow spring and return to the world, he would endure all the hards.h.i.+ps.

Xie Xi pretended to be calm towards the big idiot and the half zombie. In fact, he was anxious and looked at Jiang Xie.

Jiang Xie was smiling. He saw this guilty appearance and once again thought this person was cute. Jiang Xie's thin lips moved, 'Do it calmly.'

Xie Xi didn't understand and confusion filled his eyes. 'Hold it down?'

Jiang Xie stared at the -365 goodwill to calm down and slowly mouthed, 'It is fine if you align them.'

Xie Xi understood but he couldn't help asking, 'Is it possible?' Jiang Xie thought of this 'forewarned is forearmed' appearance and his heart felt itchy like ants were crawling on them. 'Yes, small doctor.'

Xie Xi could only read the first half of the sentence. 'Small what?' Should he be more careful?

Xie Xi breathed out and started to feel more comfortable.

The side task gave him such a hint which meant it was a task that could be completed. He should be able to place the legs on Chen Qing. As for how to do it, he just needed to fumble around.

The thing that made Xie Xi more worried was that this image was too disgusting. Jiang Xie had chosen a pair of relatively neat zombie legs but it was extremely impactful.

Forget the zombie part. The pair of legs alone were shocking! Xie Xi had died many times and his ability to tolerate b.l.o.o.d.y images was much stronger. He had to do this.

Jiang Xie wanted to help but this task was different from finding legs. He could help find legs but installing them wouldn't work. Xie Xi had to do it personally.

He looked at the child's disgustingly pale face and couldn't help feeling distressed. Then he looked at the -365 goodwill again and instantly woke up.

Jiang Xie smiled wryly. This was the first time he discovered that he had the M attribute, otherwise how could he feel this way despite the -365 goodwill?

Then Jiang Xie thought again. He just needed to wait for this world to finish and the degree of goodwill would definitely change. A conservative estimate.. perhaps it would be positive 365.

Xie Xi placed the zombie legs against Chen Qing's body. He looked at the two pieces of rotten meat and could barely open his eyes.

Would this really work? Xie Xi glanced at the side task and saw that it was really completed! The seventh task disappeared and a new task emerged.

(8) Use Repair on him.

(8) Kill them.

Xie Xi directly ignored the second option and stared at the first option. Repair? What was this?

Xie Xi shared the new side task with Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie wasn't surprised at all and he whispered, "A skill."

Xie Xi hurriedly opened the system interface and entered the skills subpage.  He had a total of two skills, both of which were disabled. Now he had a new skill: Beginner Repair.

Didn't this open world disable all skills?

Xie Xi read the skill description.

Beginner Repair: Put two things together so you can see their fate.

So unreliable!

There was also a line of words below: [This is a side task reward skill that will disappear after leaving the current world.]

Now Xie Xi understood.

No wonder why Jiang Xie said he was lucky. Jiang Xie knew that this side task would give him a follow-up skill.

The open world disabled skills but the skills gained in the world weren't disabled. Beginner Repair might only be available in the current world but it was still a great benefit!

Xie Xi used the skill and the zombie legs and Chen Qing's body visibly connected together. The thing that made people feel better was that the pus disappeared after the fusion. The legs were still purple-blue but this problem wasn't big as long as pants were worn!

Kong Rongliang and Chen Qing were both stunned. Once Repair was over, Kong Rongliang couldn't help asking, "Didn't this world disable skills?"

Xie Xi didn't say anything.

Chen Qing's mind still hadn't returned.

Xie Xi asked him, "How do you feel?"

Chen Qing moved his legs and found that he could really stand up!

His eyes were red as he bowed to Xie Xi. "You saved my life. In the future, you can give me any command!"

Xie Xi finished the task and didn't want to bear this favour. He poured cold water on Chen Qing. "Don't be happy too early. I will kill you myself if you become a zombie."

Chen Qing was choked up. "Thank you, I'm very grateful!"

Previously Kong Rongliang hadn't cried but now he teared up and had a runny nose as he spoke words that couldn't be understood.

Xie Xi, "…"

Saving people was really troublesome.

Kong Rongliang was really eager. Due to this grace of saving Chen Qing's life, he wanted to help Xie Xi and Jiang Xie with their tasks.

The half zombie had a clever mind. He saw that Jiang Xie and Xie Xi had an extraordinary ability and him and the big idiot would just drag them down. Thus, he didn't ask about Jiang Xie and Xie Xi's task, instead explaining their own tasks.

"Kong Rongliang's main task is to kill the witch Xifu while my main task is to survive the arena. Our side tasks are blue-grade and it is the carousel and experience I love you."

Sharing tasks was equal to sharing information. Under normal circ.u.mstances, players wouldn't actively share their tasks. After all, players had a compet.i.tive relations.h.i.+p. Giving information was equivalent to putting themselves in a dangerous place.

However, Chen Qing and Kong Rongliang didn't have these scruples. Xie Xi saved them and they had no way to repay him. Thus, it was appropriate for them to share what they knew.

Xie Xi was surprised after hearing it. These were all messy tasks.

The main task was okay. Killing the witch Xifu indicated that there was a witch called Xifu. Surviving the arena was also understandable. The side tasks where the confusing one. What was the carousel and experience I love you? The blue rating also wasn't low.

Chen Qing added, "The witch is in the underground labyrinth. There was an entrance to the underground labyrinth in the forest. Unfortunately, a large zombie was blocking it. We wanted to sneak in and got attacked by a flying zombie…" Then he lost a pair of legs.

The underground labyrinth?

Xie Xi glanced at Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie's main task was to explore the underground labyrinth.

Chen Qing kept speaking, "The main tasks of Cheng Hao and Tian Tao who were previously with us were also related to the underground labyrinth. They didn't elaborate but my guess is that the major battleground of this open world should be there."

Xie Xi nodded. "Maybe there are other entrances that can be found."

Chen Qing understood. "it's possible."

Xie Xi observed Chen Qing and let go of his worries after finding that this person didn't become a zombie.

He didn't know if Chen Qing's luck was good or this Beginner Repair technique was very powerful. In any case, Comrade Chen Qing was half a person and half a zombie.

They saw that Xie Xi and Jiang Xie had no intention of travelling with them and Chen Qing and Kong Rongliang set off to find the entrance of the labyrinth.

Before they left, Kong Rongliang gave them all his food. Xie Xi tried to refuse but the 1.9 metres tall Kong Rongliang whispered, "Please accept it, you must accept it!"

Xie Xi was afraid of him and had to accept it as a medical expense.

They left and Xie Xi finally sighed with relief.

Jiang Xie wanted to say, 'Do you like being alone with your master?'

Then he steadied himself with the goodwill and changed his words. "What is the new task?"

This was why Xie Xi didn't want to be with the big idiot and half zombie. He said, "I'll share it with you."

(9) Open the underground game field.

The task had changed and the other two people had left. However, the new task was confusing. What was 'open the underground game field?'

Why was it open instead of enter?

What did the underground game field have to do with the maze?

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