Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 927

Chapter 927

The latest website: In the team competition, talents are still emerging. On the third and fourth days, knights emerged one after another.

On the third day, Viserys's bodyguard Gendry became the focus of the audience with a wooden longsword. He was tall and muscular, inheriting his father's physique. He also had a pair of blue eyes and bushy brunette.

However, compared with the shocking appearance of the Giant Prince the day before, Gendry appeared to be a lot more 'low-key'. He is also known for his strength, but his style of play is quite satisfactory. Defeated the enemy and won the first round of team competition.

Gendry is twenty-three years old this year. After all these years, he has already guessed his identity, but Gendry has no feelings for his father.

Although no one can ignore the murder of their father and feel at ease.

But Gendry has been with Viserys since childhood as a squire.

Although it is difficult to admit, Gendry's feelings for Viserys accumulated over the years will definitely be much better than his father who abandoned his wife and children.

After Robert's death, Viserys also talked to Gendry about his life experience, told him the secret that had been hidden for many years, and told Gendry that there were actually more than a dozen of his illegitimate brothers in the world.

But Viserys did not want to seek them, nor would he seek them.

Although there are many illegitimate children of Robert, there is no official identity endorsement, and it is not even a greater threat than Joffrey. After all, this world is not friendly to illegitimate children, and it is not anyone who jumps out and claims that an identity can be recognized.

There is no paternity test in this world, unless the Targaryen family has very distinct blood characteristics, but even the silver-haired purple eyes of the Targaryen family still have a considerable number of people in Volantis, Rhys and other places. Such appearance characteristics.

So Viserys told Gendry that if he wanted to, he could restore the Baratheon family name for him, allowing him to rebuild the Baratheon family and build his own castle.

Because Viserys trusts Gendry, the squire who grew up with him, Gendry is indeed a kind-hearted, simple boy without much ambition, but Gendry's other illegitimate brothers do not have such blessings .

However, Viserys' proposal was not unattractive, but Gendry didn't hesitate for too long, then shook his head and refused.

"No, Your Majesty."

He didn't want to take the Baratheon name, and there were many considerations.

But Gendry still asked Viserys to leave the power to sweep his father's grave. He wanted to go out of town regularly to weed his father's grave and tidy up the tombstones.

And Viserys didn't say much after hearing Gendry's choice and request, so he agreed, and at the same time gave Robert's Storm Hammer to him.

Now that Gendry appears on the battlefield of the Kingsguard, he roars after defeating the enemy, indeed when people see Robert Baratheon in a trance decades ago when he was young.

After Gendry, some dazzling knights emerged one after another, and soon the last day came.

People have experienced these consecutive days of watching the game. Although some talented performances are eye-catching, watching for several days in a row still makes people a little tired.

This tournament has wiped out some of the future geniuses of the empire. It is almost foreseeable that even if some of these people do not become the Kingsguard, they will still be figures who will have a decisive influence on the situation of the empire in the future.

However, on the last day, people thought that the first round of the team competition of the competition was about to end, and that there would not be any bright talents emerging in the future.

At this time, a young knight with long white-blond hair fluttering and dark blue eyes that were almost purple was born.

With an absolutely crushing swordsmanship performance, he shocked people's attention and became the biggest focus of the audience, almost comparable to the previous giant prince, more shocking than Arya, Brienne, Dickon Tully and others many.

Because this handsome and beautiful girl looks like a girl, and there are even some shy young knights, the swordsmanship displayed is extremely amazing.

This battle presented a one-sided situation. The young knight's teammate was defeated by the opponent, and then he was left alone to face the siege of more than a dozen enemy knights.

However, this young knight was unusually calm. He picked up another wooden sword from the ground and changed it to two-handed swords. He looked at the surrounding enemies calmly.

"Give it up, boy."

"The battle ends here."

However, the commander who was the enemy in the team competition saw this and couldn't help but persuade.

He looked at the coat of arms on the other side's chest, plus the performance of the other side just now, and wanted to rely on persuasion to get the other side to lay down their weapons.

"You look so good-looking, don't break your face."

His voice fell, and several of the knights who were close to the victorious side couldn't help laughing.

There are indeed some problems with the distribution of teams in this game.

Most of the knights on the other side are young masters inherited from the family, and most of them are veterans who were knighted on the battlefield, so the battle presented a one-sided situation from the beginning.

However, the few people on his side who were knocked down were all knocked down by this young knight. Although he was a little sarcastic in words, in fact, the commander of the other side still attached great importance to this young knight.

After all, this is the "Dawn Sword" of the new generation of the Dane family...

The young earl of Starfall City, the new generation of 'Dawn Excalibur' Edric The Dawn Excalibur of all dynasties is one of the top masters in Westeros, and even can Known as the 'Juggernaut', he certainly wouldn't ignore him because of his young and beautiful face.

However, the young Dawn Excalibur Edric Dayne did not have the Divine Sword 'Dawn' in his hand at this moment, only two wooden swords.

He was very calm when he heard the other party's sarcasm and persuasion, a pair of dark blue and purple eyes swept over everyone who surrounded him, then shook his head, his white teeth lightly opened, and he said softly.

"No, the battle just started here."

"Come on together."

Then more than a dozen knights attacked him, and the new generation of Dawn Excalibur swung the double swords in his hands and fought the first battle of his future legendary epic.