Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 904

Chapter 904

Rams is dead.

His death was extremely tragic.

He was burned alive by the red-robed monk Maqiro, the sinner who assassinated the prince, while chanting a fire spell. Rams' body was burned beyond recognition like his fief Harrenhal.

The position of Earl of Harrenhal is like a curse. The Earl of Harrenhal seems to have no good end, and Ramsay has not escaped this curse.

And after Ramsay and Maqi Luo died together, Daenerys was still angry, after all, her son encountered a life-and-death crisis and almost died at the hands of the bad guys.

Later, as one of the rulers of the Valyrian Empire in the post-three eras, the little queen strongly demanded to make a statement on this matter in the Imperial Council, expel and suppress the believers of the Red God Cult throughout the empire, and put them completely eradicated.

However, Daenerys' request was met with opposition from Arianne and Rhaenys.

After all, the believers of the Red God Sect in the empire are also the people of the empire, and the two queens are unwilling to attack their own people unless they have to.

But then the tolerance of the two imperial queens, Arianne and Renis, was exchanged for the intensification of the Red God believers.

They unleashed a riot in King's Landing under the command of a meticulous sent by the distant Red Cult headquarters in Volantis.

This civil riot was fierce and sudden, and even the capital garrison was unable to control the situation. The Unsullied army retreated to the Red Fort and stubbornly defended, and most of the streets of the entire city were occupied by these rioters.

They even wanted to come to the royal forest outside King's Landing in an attempt to kill the dragon of the Targaryen family living here, but they encountered a head-on blow from the dragon.

A riot broke out in the capital of the Empire, and Reness and Daenerys were reluctant to mobilize the dragon to suppress the rebellion, otherwise it would cause even greater losses.

Therefore, on the third day after the riot, the troops stationed outside successfully entered the city of King's Landing, ending this short but powerful riot.

Melisandre once came to Westeros alone to preach, and she worked hard, but ten years of hard work were all in vain.

Melisandre was disheartened and her own beliefs were shaken, so she finally resigned as the vice president of the seminary and prepared to travel the world.

However, although the riot broke out in King's Landing in 306 Aegon's calendar, although it was finally suppressed, this matter could not be left alone.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Empire was taken over by Cobain after Rams' death. Cobain is also a senior in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Si is much more awake.

Under the leadership of Cobain, the Ministry of Internal Affairs found the shadow of the secret plan of the headquarters of the Red God Cult of Volantis from the clues of the King's Landing riot.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. The battle between the gods is breaking out in the sky, but the heaven and the earth, the world of the gods and the world of mortals are actually closely related, so naturally the ground will not become peaceful.

The world of mortals is also a continuation of the battle of the gods, continuing the situation in which the Essos continent in the sky is attacking, and the gods of Westeros are defending.

But unlike the battle of the gods in the sky, the side of Westeros on the ground is in a strong position. The Valyrian Empire, which has risen by lightning, is on both sides of the narrow sea, and its hands have even reached the continent of Essos. The power in the mainland of Soth has already begun to decline.

Therefore, after finding out the truth, the little queen Daenerys was furious. She demanded that the Imperial Council must return with revenge, otherwise she would fly to Volantis on a giant dragon to ask for an explanation.

In the face of the angry Daenerys, the other two queens, Reness and Arianne, did not object this time, because the treasonous behavior of the Red Gods has indeed touched their bottom line.

Her Majesty the three queens were furious, and the huge state machinery reacted immediately, and the armies of Pantos and the Three Sisters Kingdom began to mobilize frequently.

The Blackwater Bay port troop carrier, which has now developed into the world's largest port, has also become active, and it is very likely to launch a war with the outside world to destroy Volantis.

On the one hand, Volantis' reaction to the Empire was in a panic.

In fact, they are also very wronged to the consuls of Volantis. After all, this is not what they did, and the three of them dare not easily provoke the tiger's beard of the empire.

However, this incident broke out, and it was not so easy for them to push the Red Gods out to take the blame.

Because Volantis is the headquarters of the Red God Cult, there are many slaves and commoners who believe in the Red God in this city, and they control all aspects of the city.

If the Archon really pushed the Red God Sect out to take the blame, I'm afraid there will be an uprising in the city the next day, and even the Archon's body will be exposed on the streets.

Therefore, in the face of the pressure of the Valyrian Empire, the consuls of Volantis could only bite the bullet, and at the same time secretly sought help from the outside world, and actively sent messengers to lobby for peace.

The cloud of war between the trading city-states of Volantis and the Valyrian Empire is looming, and the situation is about to break out.

However, it was at this time that a vision suddenly appeared from the sky, which attracted widespread attention.

That is Tyrosh in the Three Sisters This is on the edge of the empire, on an island in the narrow sea.

The current ruler of Tyrosh is still the Maharaja. Viserys started a civil war in the kingdom of the Three Sisters when he sent his fleet to the east. In the end, he could not conquer the kingdom of the Three Sisters through political means. He was there. retains the title and power of the local ruler.

Unlike the mainstream beliefs in Essos, there is a belief in the three-headed gods with strong local cultural characteristics. It is an ancient **** with a human dog's head and three heads.

There are many buildings of the Three Gods built in Tyrosh, including a huge Temple of the Three Gods and a huge statue of the Three Gods.

However, just as the Valyrian Empire and Volantis were in conflict, and the clouds of war between the two sides shrouded, all the statues of the three gods in the city-state of Tyrosh suddenly collapsed, no matter how big or small.

This time 1*7bxWx Zhang Si. It was followed by heavy rain, and this heavy rain was normal at first, and then the color slowly became scarlet.

The statue of the three gods of Tyrosi collapsed, and it rained blood for three consecutive days.

There is a shadowbinder skilled in prophecy who claims that the three gods are dead, in the battle of the gods.

In the future, this war of gods will continue to the world of mortals, and it will be a disaster.

But no one believed him.

Make a big tyrant. God? Who has seen the real god? And the world is at peace, how could a war of gods break out?

This is more like the most realistic disaster marketing in history.

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