Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 901

Chapter 901

"You are so tall."

And Viserys looked at the other party with a slight sigh and said.

As a new god, Viserys is not very familiar with the rules of battle between gods, especially since he has no body of his own, just a mortal body.

Of course, Viserys' body is not just as simple as a mortal body. He has also been tempered by the power of the underground demons and can enter the realm of the gods through the flesh.

"bring it on."

Then Viserys folded the dragon spear in his hand, and a gleaming Valyrian steel armor instantly covered his body, transforming into a white-haired dragon knight with ice-blue flames burning in his eyes, and then directly rushed over.

As Viserys' opponent, the tall three-headed **** with a pair of green eyes looked down at the 'little one' on the ground, and then he didn't say a word, just growled lowly.


Then he waved the giant axe in both hands that was about his height, and slashed down fiercely.

The heavy axe carried the sound of howling ghosts and wolves. It seemed that countless grievances had died under the axe of the three gods, and these grievances were now entangled in the giant axe.


And Viserys saw the opponent slash down with an axe. As a precaution, he did not force the next move directly, but dodged backwards.


The axe of the three gods slammed into the ground, and the kingdom of the seven gods shook violently. From ancient times to the present, hundreds of millions of souls who believed in the seven gods were in chaos. place.

However, it is a pity that the fights of the gods affected Chiyu. These fragile souls were unable to resist the danger, and were directly smashed into pieces by the aftermath of the battle of the gods.

"bring it on!"

And Viserys' first battle of gods was less than half a year after he became a god, but he didn't have any fear.

The three-headed **** missed a strike, and then the silver armored dragon knight held the Valyrian steel dragon spear in his hand, and the divine power generated by the burning of the divine fire was attached to the dragon spear.

And this Valyrian steel dragon spear has the ability to kill the gods, otherwise even the hardest material in the world will not be able to hurt the gods.

Viserys burst into the battlefield with the dragon spear in his hand. He stabbed the three gods, who were twenty to thirty feet tall and eight or nine meters tall, and went straight to his chest.

At this moment, the three heads of the three gods, like the three-headed dogs of hell, roared in unison.


The head on the far left suddenly spewed out a crimson flame, and the flame bombarded the dragon spear that Viserys stabbed.


The flames transformed by the three divine powers collided with Viserys' dragon spear. Viserys' body was impacted, and he flew upside down and flew far away, but he was not hurt.


With one hand on the ground, he pulled out a distance of several meters, and then he stood up slightly, and then stood up straight.

"Its head on the far left will breathe fire."

Of course, Viserys was not discouraged when he missed a hit, because he was recording the attack methods of the three gods, trying to find the opponent's flaws.

In the face of Viserys' shot just now, He chose to use the leftmost head to attack, spewing flames transformed with divine power to repel Viserys.

"And what about the remaining two heads?"

Then Viserys looked at the remaining two heads of the three gods, and clenched the dragon spear in his hand.


And the three gods repelled Viserys with one blow, and then let out a low roar again.

bang bang...

Then with heavy steps, he lunged towards Viserys.

He swung the great axe in his hand and slashed again, but this time Viserys did not choose to dodge.

Through the transaction just now, he has already had a preliminary understanding of the three gods, the ancient **** of Tairosi.

The other party is an ancient **** who likes to rely on his own tyrannical body and rigid body, and at the same time the killer of the three gods lies in his three heads, which is the most important thing. The Drowned God just told him through sound transmission, beware of the three gods. 's head.

At present, the leftmost head of the three gods known to Viserys is to launch a fire attack, and the remaining two heads are unknown, but Viserys is still very careful.

A battle of the gods is breaking out among the gods in the sky.

One day in the sky, one year on the ground, the time flow of the divine domain and the mortal world is indeed different. Viserys became a **** and directly provoked the war between the gods of Essos and the gods of Westeros led by R'hllor.

And on the ground, another two months passed quickly, and Reness, who had gone out to find Viserys, had returned.

Because she had received the latest news, Viserys' dragon Balerion had appeared in two places, once in the waters near the Iron Islands, and once in the sky above Old Town.

Compared with the first time around the Iron Islands, the witnesses were only a few fishing boats from the Iron Islands, which is not very trustworthy.

The second sighting was in the old This time, there were many people who witnessed Bellerion with their own eyes.

Almost the people who were in the old town at that time, as long as they were not asleep, saw the black dragon roaring and circling over the old town, and then rushed straight into the sky and disappeared without a trace. This time ZHuIyo.C*om Zhang Si

With Bellerion appearing in these places, what about Viserys?

After the long and difficult night, the empire also suffered from internal and external troubles.

When Renes left King's Landing on a dragon to look for Viserys, there were only two women left in King's Landing, Arianne and Daenerys. It stands to reason that the two women who had long been dissatisfied with each other would escalate the conflict.

However, it was the departure of Renis that made the conflict between Arianne and Daenerys not hindered, and instead calmed them both down.

The last two queens at the center of the political storm in King's Landing have finally come to an agreement to put these issues on hold until their husband Viserys is back. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

Although the three women also want to find their husbands, the backbone of the entire empire.

However, the gods and mortals have been separated by an insurmountable gap. Even if everyone is activated, it is impossible to fill the gap. Once Viserys became a god, he and his wife and children became two worlds. control the big lord

Viserys, the first emperor of the Valyrian Empire, disappeared after the end of the long night.

However, it is impossible for such a huge empire to be without a master for a day, otherwise it will face a situation of disintegration in a long time.

Therefore, after the conflict between the two queens, Arianne and Daenerys, was temporarily put on hold, after negotiation, the era of the rule of the three queens was opened, and the three imperial queens jointly governed the entire country.

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