Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 831

Chapter 831

Remember [] for a second,!

After the first few months of defense, human beings turned to take the initiative to attack, marching towards the occupied area to regain lost ground.

The main force of the coalition started from Kohor, crossed the vast Kohor Forest, and gradually conquered and recovered some towns.


The Dothraki rushed to the front, and they broke into a deserted town in the Kingdom of Saror.

The ghouls here were in a daze, but they were disturbed, and then they rushed towards them screaming.

And these prairie knights naturally have their own experience in dealing with the "high men" of the Saror Kingdom.

The once glorious kingdom of Saror ruled the Sarn River valley. There used to be three lakes in the Silver Sea, and fifty city-states guarded the capital. However, this glorious civilization that lasted for two thousand years was almost destroyed by the Dothraki.

These Sarors couldn't beat the Dothraki before they were alive, and they couldn't do it after death.


So they howled and rushed into the town and slashed the ghouls to the ground with their flaming machetes, then watched as the monsters wailed and died in the flames.

Burning flames on weapons is the most common tactic used by the red-robed monks when they walk and preach. Although these methods were used to bluff people in the past, the flame enchantment is actually useless, but now it just happens to come in handy. Against ordinary ghouls.

And now the coalition base camp is in Kohor, since it was captured by the Red God Cult coup d'etat, the red robe monks are the most indispensable here, so these are the collective magic of the red robe monks who went out with the army.

However, the Dothraki originally resolutely resisted this witchcraft behavior, believing that it was a curse from the devil.

But helplessly, facing the crisis now, all human beings are united. Although the Dothraki are reckless, they are not mentally disabled. Knowing that they are still doing damage at this time is destined to be a dead end.

What's more, their Kaa also accepted, so they had to obey orders, but now it seems that these methods are really good.

"What state is he in now?"

And Viserys did not ride a dragon, but rode a horse to follow the army.

He glanced at Khal Mengo who was wearing a mask not far away, but it was actually Drogo's corpse, then turned his head and asked.

As one of the three Dothraki priests, the one who actually controlled Drogo's corpse, and the one who attended the meeting on behalf of the Dothraki in King's Landing, has also arrived at Kohor, and she has returned to the tribe. Go with the army.

"He was controlled by necromancy, and his soul was trapped inside the corpse."

Que Lizard heard Viserys' question and did not hide it, but spoke directly.

"When we found him, his soul didn't leave his body. I don't know if this has anything to do with the legend of the Dothraki. He seems to refuse to enter the 'realm of the night'."

The kingdom of night is a legend of the Dothraki people. They believe that after the death of a warrior, they will turn into stars in the sky, and the Holy Horse will come to pick up the soul of the warrior, but Drogo's soul has not left his body, but will be waiting in place.

Therefore, the three shadowbinders from the east, including Kui Li, could use his body to 'reanimate' him with necromancy.


And Viserys showed a slight interest on his face when he heard what the kui lizard said.

Of course he could see that Drogo's soul was now trapped in his corpse.

In fact, when he first saw the so-called King of the Dothraki, the legendary 'Khal of Mengo', not too long ago, he saw that he was a corpse, with his soul trapped in it. manipulation.

But of course Viserys had no interest in releasing Drogo and returning him to the 'Night Kingdom'. He was interested in the 'necromancy' that Quilz said could use the soul to revive the dead.

Viserys happens to have the ability to master souls, and even he has the souls of James, Jon Clinton and others in his hands, and there will be other souls in the future. If he can master this kind of necromantic magic that controls the dead, it must be great. There are benefits.

And Que Lizard saw the expression on Viserys' face, and the star-like eyes under the mask suddenly showed understanding.

"I can teach you necromancy, Your Majesty."

"But this is a taboo technique, you must remember to use it with caution."

Wesseryston nodded slightly and agreed. He learned necromancy and naturally would not abuse it.

While the two were talking, the battle on the other side also ended.

In fact, although the Legion of the Dead is terrifying, these ghouls are not difficult to deal with when there are more fights and less command, just like the Night's Watch Legion gradually regained the north.

Now the main force of the human coalition is doing the same thing, gradually regaining lost ground for the camp.

Viserys' own commanding ability was not that outstanding, so he entrusted the command to a more professional person. His captain of the Kingsguard was called 'Iron Face' Bessie Joyce.

However, although the war is going very smoothly now, there is one question that remains unresolved, and even Viserys is worried, that is, where did the main force of the Dead Legion go?

The reason why the war went smoothly was that the main force of the Legion of the Dead was not encountered. In fact, no one knows where they are now. After all, the restrictions brought by the long night are still too many, and Viserys himself has also been affected by the 'home force'. Due to great restrictions, there is no way to use the power of the old gods.

So now I can only cross the river by feeling the stones, and try carefully step by step.

At the same time, Viserys was also a little concerned about the safety of the rear. Although he had already made a perfect response and armed all the city-states to the teeth, he still couldn't prevent the White Walkers from using other means.

And it is in this situation that coalition forces from all over the world, such as the Valyrian Empire, Braavos, the Kingdom of the Third Daughter, Volantis, etc., are moving forward cautiously.

In the distant Westeros, above the desperate Great Wall, the vast white wind and snow enveloped the world.

When Viserys left Westeros, his little queen, Daenerys, had been four or five months pregnant, and now Viserys is in Kojor for a few more months.

Pregnant in October.

Daenerys is about to give birth, and her physical reactions have become more and more intense recently, but she is in pain and happy. She is looking forward to her child, but she doesn't know whether he or she is a boy or not. girl.

"Will Viserys like this child?"

"Does he want a boy or a girl?"

Daenerys's approach to giving birth is not only physical but also psychologically subtle and cautious.

This is like every mother in nature, when she is giving birth, she will try her best to hide herself, avoid natural enemies, and protect the safety of herself and her baby.

"The child's name hasn't been picked yet."

Speaking of which, Daenerys is also a little worried. Viserys is not at home now, and it seems that the child's name has to be named by herself.