Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 66

Chapter 66

"Is this your son?"

Veserys stood there, reached out his hand to hug the baby boy, then raised his head and asked.

"Yes, noble master."

And since Mi Li has been punished accordingly, and has followed Visiris as his occult consultant, her attitude has become much more sincere.

Then he took the initiative to explain without waiting for Veserys to ask.

"I just sang the song of the moon chanter. They can soothe the children's emotions, calm down and stop crying."

"I once went to the Shadowlands and Yasha to learn the art of medicine, where I learned this knowledge from the Moon Chanter of the Jugasnai."

Mi Li's identity is very mysterious, she seems to have traveled a lot of places.

And Veserys was slightly startled by holding the baby boy in his arms.

made a major accidental discovery during the journey back to his hometown from Westeros, and then because of a temporary evil thought, he was finally punished accordingly.

Mi Li's original plan was interrupted, and she was unable to return to her hometown for the time being.

Originally, her mother hoped that she could end her travels and return to her hometown to inherit the sacrificial position in the temple, and replace her to continue her mission.

However, it is obvious that Mi Li is more eager to be free and enjoys traveling life.

From her hometown, she went to the Shadow Land and Yasha to learn the art of medicine, learned the song of childbirth from the moon chant of Jugsnai, and learned the knowledge of herbal medicine from the woman of Dothraki. During the journey, I met Marvin, a bachelor of the city of learning, and this knowledgeable master told her all the mysteries buried under her skin.

Now she has met Visiris again, the boy who has awakened the magic again.

So she was actually very willing to follow the boy's side, even if she was carrying the shackles on her back, she didn't complain at all.

Because she wanted to slowly parse out the secret of magical recovery hidden in Viselis.

However, because of the mishaps in the world, Mi Li has put on the shackles to accept punishment, and has become Viselis's consultant. She is destined to have no way to return to her hometown to replace her mother as a sacrifice.

However, the merchant ship had left Pantos, and she could not send a letter to her mother in her hometown, telling her that she had changed her itinerary.

So I can only do this until I reach Braavos.

After the merchant ship left Pantos, Bravos was the final destination.

The big ship sailed along the west coast of the mainland of Essos, riding the wind and waves.

This is the "Braavos Coast" that was finally named after Braavos' victory in several city-state wars.

Veserys rarely walked out of the cabin and stood on the deck, and his mood was slightly open, because this long journey was finally almost at the end.

The time at sea is dead, boring, passing by.

In a flash, more than half a month has passed.

Veserys is practicing swordsmanship with the chief swordsman every day, but it's not just the water dancer, because Silio Friel is not only proficient in this kind of swordsmanship.

He is more guiding Viselis out of a path that suits him.

The chief swordsman was indeed moved, and he was teaching Veserys swordsmanship seriously.

In addition to practicing swordsmanship, Veserys has not forgotten the old bachelor's dying instructions, reading books at a fixed time, and constantly improving his knowledge.

At the same time, he also asked Mi Li for some knowledge about magic.

"When the glass candle re-burns, the ghost grass re-grows, the dragon flame burns the earth, the phantom turtle haunts the wizard's road, the blind sees the light again, and those who have humiliated wizards are cursed."

"These various signs represent the return of magic, and the power of magic is likely to be resurrected again."

Mili was wearing a heavy shackle, and she explained without changing her face that she told Visiris what the world would be like when the magic returned.

The life of wearing the shackles is not easy, but the woman seems to have gotten used to it during this period, at least the blood on her wrists and ankles is no longer worn.

And Viselis listened very carefully, although he didn't know what glass candles, ghost weeds, and phantom turtles were.

But it does not prevent him from knowing that all this will happen again in more than ten years.

Because the dragon will be hatched at that time, traces of strange ghosts also began to appear in the ghost forest north of the Great Wall.

Does this symbolize that it was the moment when the magic wave returned at that time?

Veselis's heart was slightly clouded with a haze. Now this hasn't started yet, and perhaps it has begun to have some initial moves in the budding stage.

But when that time comes, the world will reveal his most mysterious side.

Veserys may also face more unpredictable enemies, and his foresight advantage will gradually disappear.

"If magic exists, what about the gods?"

"Mi Li."

"Seven gods, old gods, drowned gods, lakhlo, black goat gods, including the supreme shepherd, etc..."

Although he is not well-known, Veselis added the supreme shepherd believed by the Lazarin people out of respect, and then asked unbearably.

"Do these gods also exist?"


The shackles made a sound.

And Mi Li was rarely silent for a long time facing the boy's problem. Maybe it was a bit difficult for her, but in the end she still spoke.


"Your This half a month has passed. Of course, Mili has followed Viselis and already knew his true identity of Targaryen.

I was shocked and felt as it should be. Perhaps this noble bloodline would contain the bottomless secret.

But while she knew the secret, she also understood that it was not so easy for her to get away.

Although she still doesn't want to leave now, if one day she wants to leave, she might be at the risk of being directly ordered by this seemingly harmless boy.

"Although no one has seen his true face."

"However, the brilliance of the gods affects the world all the time. Instead of dividing the world by country, city, and race, it is more appropriate to divide the world by the beliefs of the gods."

"I think...this is the true essence of this world."

The people on the ship can already see the Titan giant standing on the ground.

This statue made of stone and bronze steps on two separate islands with both feet, a broken sword held high in one hand, and the cavity in the eyes is burning with raging flames.

are far apart, only to see a vague shadow.

And the people on the boat even felt that they heard the roar of the Titan faintly, and then they began to cheer.

They celebrated that this long journey was finally coming to an end and that they could pass this voyage smoothly and alive.

and in the cabin.

Viserys listened to the cheers outside, feeling a little numb in his scalp, and then took a deep breath and said.

"So, you mean..."

"Is the essence of this world a struggle between gods?"