Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 649

Chapter 649

The knights of the Baylands captured the nobles of Dorne, what do they want him to do?

Obviously it is definitely not a good thing.

However, Dickon Manwood felt very sorry for his life. He didn't want to die here, so even though the cold sweat on his forehead slipped off when he heard the other party's request, he still bit the bullet and agreed to the other party's request.

This was exactly the idea put forward by the young man Karen from the tour guide, and everyone including the commander nodded in agreement, so he began to implement the plan.

After observing for a long time, they figured out the rules of the supply team leading to the Prince's Pass, then carefully selected their opponents, and then attacked the supply team.

They were going to pretend to be a supply team going to the Prince's Pass, escorting supplies, mixed into it, and then took the opportunity to do things, and cooperated with the main force outside to win the Prince's Pass.

At this moment, they cleaned the battlefield and dragged all the corpses into the woods to bury them hastily, and then put on the clothes and armor of these Dorn soldiers. The clothing custom on Dorn's side also played a big role. The scarf on the top of the head Half of their cheeks were covered, no one could see what they were like before, and they all transformed and became Dorn directly.

The hapless second son of Wangzhongcheng was taken hostage, and he needed to use his face to open the gate of the Prince's Pass.

Even though he is still riding on a war horse, shaking his head and whistling, there is still an unconcealable panic in his eyes, because a tall and full-faced 'Dorn Soldier' follows him all the way.

The opponent had a sharp dagger pinned to his waist, and he made a gesture at the base of his thigh just before setting off, telling him that there is a main blood vessel in the thigh, and his dagger has just been sharpened and can be used to shave spiders. Leg hair.

If Dickon Manwood dared to yell or say something nonsense at the gate of the Prince's Pass, he would give him a look at the base of his thigh.

From then on, it was one aspect that Dickon could no longer be a man. The most important thing is that the base of the thigh is the main channel for blood supply to the lower limbs.

Once he stabs a knife fiercely, and then turns fiercely in the meat, blood will gush out like a fountain at that time, and no one can come to rescue in time, he will die because of excessive blood loss.

As long as Dickon Manwood cooperates well, they won't do it.

One singing with white face and the other with red face frightened the young Wang Zhongcheng second son pale, and hurriedly nodded in agreement. The little thoughts just disappeared, and only the trembling ride was left on the horse.

It didn't take half an hour from the beginning of the attack to the end of the complete cleanup. Fortunately, because the Dorn aristocrats guarded against the people escaping under the rule, the people of Dorn could not walk around casually, and the avenue of the Prince's Pass was also blocked, so half No one else passed by for an hour.

Afterwards, a group of 'cargo escorts' embarked on a new journey again, but they didn't notice that on a treetop not far away, a gray-backed falcon was staring at them with its head tilted.

It witnessed this scene all the way, but it didn't make any calls, it just watched quietly.

Viselis is still staying in King's Landing, but he has nothing to do with the old god's ability, and part of his spiritual power is attached to this gray-backed falcon. What method does Clinton want to break the city.


Veselis sat in the study of King Megalou, holding the wooden armrest of the chair, tapping his fingers lightly, making a sound.

This picture is reflected in his eyes, and he has traveled thousands of miles to see what happened over there.

Compared with Brandon in the original trajectory, Visiris's mental power is much stronger than him, and now his body has been burning with a fire.

Therefore, Veserys can be distracted, controlling the Grey-backed Falcon on one side, and still have an autonomous consciousness here, and can think about other things.

"His Majesty."

On the other side, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Illio Morpatis, who was reporting on his work standing in front of him, showed a slight doubt on his face. His Majesty the King seldom gets distracted when dealing with government affairs.

The job of the Chancellor of the Exchequer now is to prepare for the overall economic reforms of the seven countries in Westeros.

The Iron Throne Royal Council passed a resolution long ago, deciding to establish a central bank similar to the Braavos Iron Vault and the Thirteen Giants.

People can freely deposit and withdraw family savings, and the Iron Throne will guarantee depositors.

As for how much interest will you get when you deposit money in the bank?

Of course, don't even think about it. The central bank will not give depositors any interest, but will only charge a small amount of custody money. Authoritative certification helps depositors save their assets.

This may not sound very reasonable, but in fact it is very normal in this era, and deposits of iron and gold are also charged for custody.

Because of the special properties of metal currency, it is very troublesome whether it is transaction, storage or custody, and it will be lost or accidentally caused by accident.

Therefore, depositing money in the vault has become an optimal solution. Many nobles in the Seven Kingdoms have deposited their savings in the iron vault, including Tyrell, who was confiscated and the high court seemed to fall but did not fall completely. family.

The Rose family contributed more than one million golden dragons to the national treasury, but they are still rich and powerful because they diversified their assets and investments.

The core military objective of the Iron Throne's overall strategy is to regain the northern border and it was only an accident to quell the Dorn rebellion.

And diplomatically, it is the fleet that sends troops to Nass Island. Their furthest mission will be to visit Slave Bay. Although Westeros does not have slavery, it does not have the hegemonic opposition to all slaves in the world like Braavos. system.

They sent troops to Nas Island to defend the former imperial vassals from being enslaved. Naturally, they needed to negotiate with Slave Bay. After all, there would be no killing if there was no sale.

The military and politics have their own goals, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer has always been tepid, but Illyrio is actually the busiest person since the country was calmed down.

The forefoot recuperates and recovers from the devastation left by the war, and the back foot has just been recuperated and began economic reforms.

Similar to a free trade city-state, it launched a series of economic reforms to break the old financial order.

At the same time, when the central bank of the Iron Throne is established, the currency will be changed in the future, and the old versions of the Golden Dragon, Silver Moon, and even Silver Deer and Bronze Star will be gradually collected on the market, and then re-melted to issue new precious metal coins.