Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 646

Chapter 646

A few days later, early in the morning.

A group of heavily armed King's Army soldiers assembled at a place far away from the Prince's Pass.

In front of them is the towering and steep Crimson Mountains. Although the western section of Crimson Mountains is not as steep and steep as the eastern section of the bone road, it is also very difficult to walk.

And the biggest difficulty in climbing the Crimson Mountains is not this, but the bare mountain ridges without any obstacles.

The soldiers of the Fowler family in Tianjicheng could see the enemies trying to cross the Crimson Mountains at a glance. Many people in Dorn who wanted to cross the Crimson Mountains and flee to the river bay were caught or killed because of this.

The Fowler family only needs a few teams of highly mobile desert cavalry, and setting up beacon towers along the way can guard this endless stretch of mountains.

Therefore, not to mention the harsh geographical environment of the Crimson Mountains and the extremely poor climate environment, it is impossible to support large-scale military marches.

And even if a large group of enemy troops crossed the Crimson Mountains, it would be impossible to make a detour and sneak attack on the Prince's Pass.

There are no obstacles on the bare mountains, and the whole picture is unobstructed. The scout cavalry of the Fowler family will always find the enemy's trail first, and then notify the pass in front of them to prepare them to deal with the enemy from the rear.

The pass of the Prince is not only able to deal with the enemies in front of him, but also a two-way male pass, and enemies from behind can also be resisted.

This is the reason why the Prince's Pass has rarely fallen in history.

And now, the king's commander-in-chief, Jon Clinton, selected a team of fifty top players from the army in one fell swoop.

Equipped with the most sophisticated weapons and equipment, they set off from the camp of the king's army, climbed the Crimson Mountains under the guidance of a local guide, and then attacked the Prince's Pass from behind taking advantage of the darkness.

Eventually ignite a world-wide fire that the entire Dorn can see. On the other side, the main force of the king's division will also cooperate with the attack of the warriors. Zuoxiongguan.

This is exactly the idea that Jon Clinton put forward yesterday, and it is now being implemented.

"My lords, the road we chose is the steepest and most difficult, and it's almost impossible to pass!"

"But the corresponding Fowler family sentry riders have the weakest attention to this section of the road. They put most of their attention on the main mountain road and set up a watchtower on the ridge."

"The probability of going into the mountain from there and wanting to be undetected is almost zero."

The guide of the king's army was Karen, a young man from the village near the city, who had escaped from the iron hoof of the Fowler family not long ago.

It was when Sir Owen Fowler, the only male in the Fowler family, led his troops to pursue Karen and his group, and clashed with the Ashburn Beach Knights.

Then Owen Fowler was killed on the road, which triggered the strong dissatisfaction of Franklin Fowler, the "Old Falcon Eagle", and he led his troops to launch fierce revenge against the Cenford family, which finally triggered this time the nobles of the kings of the river bay. The war broke out with Dorn.

However, Karen, who managed to escape under the iron hooves of the Dorn cavalry, is now the guide of the king's army because of his excellent guide ability and his familiarity with the way into the mountains.

Karen grew up near the Crimson Mountains and followed his father to hunt. Karen is the most talented hunter in the entire village, but now this talented young hunter has become the guide of the king's army. Plays a very important part in the action.

"Are you from Dorn, kid?"

And the fifty good ones selected by Jon Clinton himself have no lack of private armies with aristocrats in the river.

People are selfish. When the nobles in various places handed over the old, weak, sick, and ordinary soldiers when they handed over their military power, the most elite soldiers stayed by themselves. Although there are not many people left, at least There is a psychological comfort.

Now that the knight with dark short hair and full face, who suddenly spoke, is wearing the coat of arms of a certain nobleman in the river, he looked up and down the guide Karen, and then questioned.

Although the stone people in the Dorn region are the descendants of the Andal people and their ancestors, they are not very different in appearance from the Hewan people. They have brown and golden hair and fair skin, but on some faces Part of the difference can still be heard in the details and accent.

The knight in Bayland realized that the young-looking guide was a Dorn, and then questioned.

"what happened?"

"How can the Dorn **** act as a guide for this action? Huh?"

The knights of the Bayland suddenly spoke and attracted the attention of the other forty-nine knights and soldiers present. They all lowered their heads to organize their equipment, and then raised their heads to look at Karen when they heard his words.

"The choice of the guide was personally decided by Lord Jon Clinton, the hand of the king, Olifa, do you want to question the imperial prime minister's order?"

On the other side, a knight in the bay, who was wiping his sword, glanced at the knight of the Oakhut family, and said with a faint voice.


"Of course I don't question the imperial prime minister's order."

However, the knight with a face full of flesh snorted coldly, and did not jump into the language trap planted by the opponent.

The Oakhurt family's life is not easy now. If the news of Lord Jon Clinton goes out, even if the other party may have laughed off, but if it is true, the Oakhurt family can't bear it. The other party wears small shoes.

However, he still had a grudge about the Dornian identity of the guide, and many soldiers and knights from the rivers were also skeptical.

"This Don's little **** is afraid that it's not going to lead us directly into the trap of the'Old Falcon'. UU read and kill us all at once."

However, as the object of suspicion and accusation by everyone, Karen, the guide boy of this mission, was silent all the time.

He had no rebuttal or excuse. His identity as a Dorn did not make him ashamed. Then, when everyone had finished speaking, the brown-haired boy spoke hoarsely.

"I'm from Dorn."

"But my father, mother and younger brother all died at the hands of the Fowler family."

Young Karen's words were concise and concise, which silenced all the knights and soldiers in the Baylands present, including the Oakhut family knight who first questioned him.

His father was the best hunter in the village, but he did not die on the way to escape, but one month before that incident, because he shot and killed the prey that Master Owen Fowler wanted in the mountains first, and then In the process of selling animal skins, he was deemed tax evasion and was eventually beaten to death.