Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 621

Chapter 621

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For a while, there was nothing to do. The city of King's Landing was still steadily operating, and there was no more war in the Seven Kingdoms except for the army of night watchmen who were on an expedition.

The Nas Island messenger who stayed wandering in King's Landing also enjoyed the magnificent scenery of the bustling city during this time, and enjoyed the feeling that he had not experienced in the past ten years, and even took his two younger brothers and a younger sister to turn around. Enough.

But he still did not forget his mission. He came to ask the Valyrian Dragon King for help on behalf of the Nas people.

Recently, more and more robbers have poured into Nas Island, and even the remote Slave Bay is eyeing them, and a slave hunting team is sent to Nas Island to capture slaves.

The gray mist that escaped from the ruins of Valyria is also constantly invading, and the island of Nas is not far away from the ruins of Valyria.


"Observe, my brother is going to the king of Valyria in front of me today."

The name of the messenger of the Nath people is Miraz, who is just over 20 years old this year, and the two younger brothers and one younger sister he brought with him are their cousins and cousins. The cousins are Missanlo and Misander, respectively. The youngest sister is called Missandei.

However, now the little girl Missandei doesn't know why she has to pester him to go to the palace with him. For the Nas people, Westeros and the kings of the Seven Kingdoms are a bit strange to them, and they are only familiar with the former monarchy Vale. Leah.

Valyria had blessed the little neighbor of Nas Island for many years, and the Valyrians took the lead in building a magnificent Dragon Crystal fortress on Nas Island.

The Dragon King came riding on a giant dragon, melted the stubborn stones with dragon flames, and then kneaded them together with magic to become a black stone fortress.

After staying here for a long time, I don't know why the Valyrians were not infected with the 'butterfly fever' virus on Nas Island that made outsiders panic.

Then with the arrival of Valyria's doomsday natural disasters, the great empire collapsed, and the Nas people once again lost the protection of the monarchy and were slaughtered in the **** century.

Therefore, Miraz is more accustomed to calling Visiris the King of Valyria, rather than the title of the King of Westeros or the King of the Seven Kingdoms.

They hope to find the last dragon king in the world, and once again seek the asylum of the monarchy.

Milaz couldn't hold back his cousin's request, and the two cousin's eager eyes finally nodded and promised to take them to see the king.

The girl with a round face and short black hair suddenly cheered, and her two brothers also cheered.

During this period of life in King's Landing, they were also obsessed with the city, and some did not want to return to their homes. How can they not make them happy if they can visit the legendary palace today?

However, Viselis is not so good to see. His Majesty the King is busy with official duties on weekdays. When he is not busy with official duties, he also likes to claim that he is busy, and find time for himself when he is busy.

The Nathian messenger Mirazi brought his cousins to the Red Fort, handed in a request for seeing him, and then waited patiently.

The Unsullied soldier led them to the reception room. Mirazi's cousins wanted to go to the garden to play. After asking the Unsullied soldier, the other party looked up and down the three children with cold eyes, especially Looking at Missandei's golden eyes, she finally nodded and said in an indifferent voice.


Then the Unsullied soldier turned and left.

"He is also a Nasman, cousin."

The figure of the Unsullied Soldier went away, and Missandai, who was looking at his back, suddenly spoke to his cousin.


Mirazi was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized where the familiar feeling he had just come from.

The opponent has a pair of golden eyes and dark skin, which are the characteristics of the Nas people.

He tried hard to speak with the Nas people's accent, but perhaps because he had been away from his hometown for too long, he was a bit crappy, and was not the same as the Nas people's accent, but he was chosen by Missandei, who has a high linguistic talent. I noticed it.

After thinking about these, there was a slight sadness in Miraz's heart. The Nas people love peace but have become representatives of weakness. You don't need to think about it. The other party must have been captured and sold to Astar by the slave team. Bo, then was trained to become an unsullied one, completely annihilating humanity.

The Missandi brothers and sisters are playing in the garden of the Red Fort, and Visiris is not lazy in fact. He is discussing the possibility of sending troops to Nas Island with his princely court officials.

"It's not impossible to send troops to Nass Island, but this is a gamble, with high risks and benefits coexisting."

"And the significance of sending troops to Nas Island is not to protect Nas Island."

The person who spoke was Tyrion Lannister, the king's adviser, and the little devil flicked the beard of his chin with his fingers, and then spoke.

"Of course, I don't want to take the opportunity to embezzle it."

"I think all of you and your majesty should understand what I mean."

The little devil's words made everyone present slightly nodded. The Royal Council of Veserys was different from the previous dynasty. There were no representatives from various forces in it, and there was no wine bag or rice bag.

Everyone is smart, and the dialogue between smart people and smart people is often thorough.

"Sending troops to Nas Island can demonstrate the strength of the dynasty and deter the tigers and wolves from all directions."

"And it can increase Westeros' influence in the world. After all, the previous kings of Westeros just focused on the kingdom."

"They think they can sit back and relax as long as they manage their internal well, but they ignore the development of the external environment."

And the person behind it was the Minister of Intelligence Varys.

Compared with the smaller skinning Ministry of Internal Affairs, UU Reading Varys's little bird layout is not just inside the kingdom, his hand has reached the Slave Bay as far as he is. Next is Oberon and even Viselis.

The improvement of Westeros' influence in the world is still very useful, and will play an important role in the economic reforms Viselis wants to make in the future.

"You can also visit Nas Island along the way to observe the strength of the trading city-states, and make early plans for the future."

The last speaker was Oberon, Minister of Justice, and he was also the commander of the Second Army. He cocked his legs and touched his chin, and analyzed from a military perspective.

"However, this task is not easy to complete. There must be a general who is familiar with sailing, leading an elite navy."

"It also needs to be smart, flexible, flexible, not sticky to conventions, and most importantly loyal and not rebellious..."

"Who is your Majesty going to use?"