Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 619

Chapter 619

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"I... I haven't been on the battlefield."

Henrik's words put some of the questions asked by Bachelor Matus in place, he could only open his mouth, and then said this sentence in a very low voice.


"A bald **** who has never been on the battlefield is teaching us to fight?"

And of course Henrik heard Matus's words, and immediately repeated it with an exaggerated expression and an exaggerated tone, and then he laughed.


His naked laughter also amused other Kingdom Army officers and soldiers in the classroom who came to participate in the training.

With smiles on their faces, they couldn't help but laugh together, patted the table together and applauded, and then looked at their teacher Bachelor Matus with interest.

Want to see how a bachelor who has been so insulted will fight back?

Do you use what he calls war studies? What about that guy's ass, the floss-sized pointer in his hand?


The bald bachelor, wearing a gray robe and iron chain links, was full of anger.

He was greatly insulted, but he couldn't express it in words, because it was ridiculous. He had never been to the battlefield but was coming to teach a group of officers who had walked off the battlefield.

He wanted to rush to fight with the opponent, but his reason told him to calm down. There was a high possibility that he would not be able to beat the opponent, or even be beaten to death by the opponent.

Bachelor Matus's face flushed, and the scene suddenly fell into an awkward situation.

However, at this moment, the Dean of the Military Academy, Dr. Belton, and Veselis and his party walked in.


Seeing the arrival of the leader, Bachelor Matus didn't care about the anger on his face, and hurriedly said in a panic.

The officers trained below were even more frightened when they saw the people coming. How many people had silver hair and purple eyes in King's Landing?

And many of them even had the opportunity to witness Viselis up close.

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

All the officers and soldiers who had received training stood up and saw the salute, including the one Sir Hendry, whose face was the most nervous.

"Clothes! Clothes!"

"hurry up!"

The companion handed over the clothes he had just taken off, and the officer of the golden regiment hurriedly put it on his body, covering his naked upper body.


The red-haired female knight in Viselis's entourage looked at the other party and gave a cold snort, but said nothing.

The Vesai Lisboners seem to have turned a blind eye to the scene just now, still with a smile on their faces.

He heard what had just happened completely, but Dr. Belton beside him did not hear clearly, and Viselis's five senses became more acute.

In fact, he had already had a certain psychological expectation for the scene just now, but it still happened as expected, and his purpose of this trip also had one of them.

However, as a king, he would naturally not go down and reprimand soldiers and grass-roots officers in public. That would be a very shameful behavior.

Then he whispered a few words to a knight beside him.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The knight turned his head to look at Henrik, then turned and left.

On the other side, Henrik looked at the knight who turned around and felt a little nervous in his heart, while the unjust companions around him couldn't help laughing, knowing that this guy was going to be unlucky.

They were all drawn from all over the world, and they hadn't even seen it before, so naturally there is no need to talk about the friendship of comrades in arms.

"What is the biggest difference between a tenant farmer and a nobleman?"

It is rare for Veselis to speak a few words with the most basic-level officers and soldiers. He might have done this once, when he was in Andalus.

The reason is naturally not that complicated, it is just to buy people's hearts.

Robert once slept in a grass pit with the soldiers and drank until he got drunk.

However, it was the time to fight the world, and it would not be appropriate to wait until the world was sitting to maintain such a close distance with the people. Viselis also needed to maintain the royal mystery and supreme authority.

Where is the authority of a king who mixes with the untouchables in the flea den every day?

Now Viselis has already passed the stage of buying people's hearts, and he doesn't have time to do that now.

But now Viselis still moved the bench and sat on the podium simply chatting with this group of people.

He waved his hand to let the group of people sit down. In the classroom, it was not a throne room, and there was no strict courtesy of monarchs and ministers.

"What is the biggest difference between a tenant farmer and a nobleman?"



"that power?"

"Yes, you are all right."

"But there is one more thing you have overlooked, and that is knowledge."

Viserys spoke, and the rough guys below each stood upright and sat upright. He won the respect of the soldiers not only because he was a king, but Viselis had more lives in his hands than them. .

On the last day of the trial conference half a year ago, King Robert challenged King Viselis, but the scene of being easily killed is still vivid. Many people present witnessed Viselis at that time.

When a ruthless person meets a more ruthless person, he will become very well-behaved. None of the thorns on the scene dared to make trouble. The knights who accompanied Viselis around were also armed with their teeth, cold armor, and a pair of pairs. Staring at this group of people.

"Most nobles have received the best education, at least most of them can read characters, and their castles will be assisted by bachelors."


"Because they know they need the help of a bachelor, and they know the role of knowledge."

"A nobleman who is illiterate or even illiterate will be despised and looked down upon."

When Veselis said this, he turned his head and glanced at the tutor of this class, Bachelor Matus, the Dean of the Academy, Dr. Belton, and more bachelors accompanying him.

They also hurriedly smiled and nodded, and at the same time straightened their shoulders slightly.

Recently, because of the dismemberment of, the status of the bachelors has taken a turn for the worse. However, Visiris's words support the bachelors, and all aspects of the world are still inseparable from the movement of the bachelors. help.

"You all want to be nobles in the future."

And Viselis turned his head again and looked at the group of thorns in front of him.

"If you don't even know the word, how can you become a nobleman?"

In fact, Veserys is really doing it for them. Knowing words is a talent in this world.

However, he just spoke a little bit vaguely. In fact, a considerable number of nobles are also illiterate, but most of them are the lowest-level knight families.

However, there is no problem in changing one's destiny after literacy.

"Once you didn't have the opportunity to learn, but now I give it to you, but you still don't know how to cherish it."