Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 612

Chapter 612

A few days later.

The northward expedition of the Night Watchmen has passed Sow Horn and arrived at Shenyan Lake.

At night, the night is quiet.

The whole King's Landing fell into a quiet atmosphere. Since the outbreak of the war, King's Landing has always been the safest place in the Seven Kingdoms. This long war has swept all the places of the Seven Kingdoms except Dorne, and King's Landing is the same. It was also among them, but it completed the unity without a **** sword.

Therefore, King's Landing is the only city in the war zone that has not been baptized by war. The people here can still live and work in peace, and the rhythm of life is peaceful and peaceful.

Since the unification of the Seven Kingdoms, Viselis has also let go of his tight emotions all the time, and finally became a lot relaxed. He has never had to tremble and walk on thin ice.

"You said Robb kind of likes the girl from Rose's house?"

Arianne lay on the bed lazily, highlighting the perfect curve, smooth shoulders, slender waist, straight buttocks, and finally smooth and tight thighs.



And Viselis is also leaning on the bedside in his pajamas, and the husband and wife are chatting after letting go of their worries.

Veselis mentioned Robb's abnormal behavior recently, such as seeing a certain girl blushing, and even stumbling when talking, such as deliberately tidying himself up, like a little **** courting.

And that girl was Margaret Tyrell, the little rose that Mrs. Olena forced into King's Landing. Her lively character, and the quirky spirits conquered Robb at a banquet attended by Veserys and fascinated him. There are some fascinated.

However, Margaret was so deeply held by her grandmother's true story that Robb was not too close but also not alienated, and Robb had forgotten what Viselis had told him about half a year ago.

'Don't be a licking dog. '

"I don't like the Rose family."

"They always look at people with their eyes on the ceiling and look up at people."

Arianne shook his head and said, then chuckled again.

"But these roses have finally bowed their heads recently."

As the Princess of Dorne, Arianne is naturally hostile to the Tyrell family.

Dorn and River Bend have a world-famous feud. For thousands of years, both sides have been fighting back and forth, but now that Arianne has become a queen, the perspective of examining things has changed differently, not as usual. But more on his husband's side.

After all, the Seven Kingdoms belong to him, and he is his own.

"But to get rid of my prejudice against the Tyrell family, I also think Robb is not Margaret's opponent."

"I am afraid I will suffer a big loss in the future."

Then the naked and full-bodied woman converged the smile on her face, and said solemnly.

There may be some kind of feeling between women and women. Margaret has a pure and pleasant appearance, but in fact she has the true biography of Mrs. Thorn, and Robb Stark has always been cultivated by Mrs. Caitlin and Ed as heirs. Strategy, politics, etiquette, war, but the only thing he has not been taught is feelings.

For a nobleman like Stark, there is no free love in the heir's marriage, only a combination of interests, so there is no need to teach Robb how to get along with girls.

And Veselis nodded slightly when he heard Arianne's words, in fact, he also viewed this matter in the same way.

Compared to his clever little rose, Robb, his attendant, is a child of emotions.

Then Veserys thought of something again. Recently, there have been more black-robed cultists in Junlin City.

They preached that a crisis that could destroy the world was brewing in the ruins of Valyria. Only by converting to the 'god' they believed in could they be liberated.

These methods made Viselis very familiar, because this is the method used by the Red Gods to gain a foothold in Westeros.

After the Red God Sect, there will be a Black God Sect in the future?

Veserys did not remember the existence of such an organization in the original trajectory.

However, it is obvious that the vast sea of smoke in Valyria did not riot in the original trajectory, and Viselis began to change after he came to this world, and the activities of the ancient ruins and the rampage of the sea of smoke may be related to the existence of Viselis. related.

And this Black God Sect was also born because of the riots and expansions of the Yanhai Sea. After all, the smoke of the Yanhai Sea riots had swallowed the land of Changxia a few years ago, and all sailing ships need to detour into the deep sea and make a big circle. Escape these mists to reach Slave Bay and other places.

Although the rate of expansion of the sea of smoke is not as terrible as it was in the past, it has quickly swallowed the land near the land of Changxia, but the detectives sent by Viselis are still monitoring the smoke all the year round at a rate of every minute and every second. OK, but the speed has slowed down a lot.

Now that it has spread for a few years, it has only reached the vicinity of the Sea of Sighs, where Viselis and Mia landed after escaping from the Smoke Sea.

Although the names of the land of Changxia and the sea of sighs are extremely far away from King's Landing, there are also people living there. Their fear of the riots in the ruins of Valyria is far greater than that of the people of the Seven Kingdoms, just as they don't know what it means. Like a ghost, this is like a catastrophe for these people.

And the Black God Sect is obviously the abnormal worship of these poor people born out of the fear of the smoke and fog.

They worship the gray mist, believe in the gray mist, and preach the doctrine of destroying the world. They believe that destruction is new life, but people who believe in the meaning of destruction will survive the blow of the devil.

Although King's Landing has freedom of religious belief, this newly-emerged Black God Sect obviously has very strong anti-social intentions, and naturally encountered suppression. During this time, soldiers from the Metropolitan Garrison were hunting down this group of black-robed believers who believed in destroying the doctrine.

"I heard that many of my portraits were found in the recent raids on the followers of the Black God Sect?"

The Ministry of the Interior and the little birds of Varys are monitoring the public opinion, your majesty. "

And Arianne unbuttoned Veselis's pajamas, gently circled his fingers on his chest, then smiled and said.

"When I was out hunting, I heard that now a small number of people have given up their belief in the Seven Gods, nor have they believed in the Old God or the Red God."

"They believe you."


"Yes, they believe that you can lead people to overcome all difficulties and create a country that is always peaceful and harmonious."

Viselis was stunned when she heard the words, and she looked at her husband's rare look in a daze, then covered her mouth with a velvet quilt and laughed a few times, then kissed his chest lightly, with her fingers running along. Touch your chest down.

"I think there should be a boy between us."
