Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 546

Chapter 546


The dragon's figure hovered in the sky, and its roar spread far away.

I don't know why Bellerion suddenly gave up on the ordinary soldiers against the Haitar family, and instead turned his attention to the very conspicuous black building standing in the old town.

The Starry Church is the largest church in the old town. It has been the headquarters of the Church of the Seven Gods and the residence of the archbishop for thousands of years before the conquering war.

Later, three hundred years ago, when Aegon landed on the land of King's Landing for the first time, the archbishop at that time locked himself in the Starry Sanctuary and prayed for seven days and seven nights, listening to the teachings of the gods, and only ate some during the period. Bread and water.

Then when he left the customs, the archbishop announced that the church would no longer resist Aegon and his sisters.

Because he predicted that if the old town would one day raise troops against the Dragon King of the Targaryen family, Dragon Flame would all torch the downtown, the school city, the towering tower, and the starry sanctuary.

At that time, the Haitar family obeyed the archbishop's prediction and kept the army opened the door for Aegon in exchange for peace.

But now three hundred years have passed, and the owners of the tower have changed one after another. The current owner of the tower, Earl Leighton Haittar, has ignored the previous predictions and chose to stand on the opposite side of Viselis.

At sunset, the red clouds covered the sky, and Bellerion's figure hovered over the old town and kept roaring, just like the end of the world.


Then the dragon swooped down and breathed out dragon flames, and the dazzling crimson pillar of fire crashed into the dome of the Starry Temple, as if a knife had cut a soft butter cake.


The Black Death attacked the Star Temple, the fragile dome was unable to resist, it was instantly shattered, the dust was flying, and then it collapsed.

"Run away!"


"help me!"

The monks and nuns inside the Starry Sanctuary fled in all directions. The brown-clothed monks who used to stay in the sanctuary did not care about the repairs. The silent sisters lost their silence and yelled in panic.


Then the dragon fell on this magnificent building, and the prosperous sanctuary wailed under the turbulent dragon flames, and the film collapsed suddenly, smashing and killing many monks and nuns.


The turbulent dragon flame continued, because the temperature of the dragon flame was too high and even the color began to be slightly distorted because of the continuous spitting.

The flame melted the black marble used in the construction of the Starry Temple, the tongue of fire broke through the colorful colored glaze, and gushed in along the gorgeous arch windows. Many more people were burned alive before they could run out. , Uttered a shuddering scream.


In one of the towers of the Stars Temple, several monks among them couldn't bear the pain of the fire, with flames burning behind them, and then jumped down from a high tower.

They wanted to jump into the river water, but the critical moment was a little short, and they fell directly from the sky like a sandbag and shot them again on the river.


It fell into pools of rotten meat.

However, several monks could not bear the pain of being burned alive and jumped off the tower and fell to death. Then the tower of the starry sanctuary gradually tilted and then collapsed suddenly.


The tower collapsed and the earth trembles slightly. It plunged into the river beside it, stirred up huge waves, and overturned many ships that wanted to flee the old town in a hurry.

As the sun sets, the night is gradually shrouded.


The sky of the old town was completely illuminated by the fire, and the giant dragon stretched its wings around the starry sanctuary and spewed dragon flames, and this magnificent temple was constantly being shattered.

I don't know how many monks and nuns who were lucky enough to escape from the Starry Temple watched it wailing in the fire, couldn't help but shed tears, knelt down in the blood and fire, and kept kowtow, hoping that the seven gods could bring down the wrath of thunder and annihilate them. enemy.

However, they only saw the statues of the Seven Gods melted. Then, with a loud noise, the Stars Temple completely collapsed in the dragon flames. The huge roar sounded far away, and the billowing dust waves continued to the distance. diffusion.

The Stars Temple completely collapsed, and the faith in these monks and nuns also collapsed.

Some people knocked their heads and blood came out, some jumped into the river with a desperate roar, and some monks took off their brown robe and threw them away, and then slipped away quietly.

Under the apocalypse, there are many situations in the world.

"Wesiris is crazy!"

"Wesiris is crazy!"

"What does this tyrant want to do!"

The Xuecheng is located on the Meadow River and consists of many islands. The towers and domes are connected by stone arch bridges. The huge scale of the Xuecheng is the largest building complex in the old town.

At this moment, the learning city was in chaos, and the bachelors and assistant bachelors were running around like headless flies, and there were also people who did not know how many refugees poured into it.

The chief administrator of the learning city, Dr. Siobold, was frightened and angry, walking anxiously and pacing back and forth in the chief administrator cabinet of the learning city.

He didn't expect the situation outside to be so bad, that the black dragon of Veserys actually attacked the Starry Temple.

what does this mean? Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

Viserys is a real 'order destroyer' who wants to change the world.

"This tyrant...he is crazy."

President Xuecheng gritted his teeth, feeling that the roots of his teeth are itchy.

The head of the school city was changed every year. This year, Dr. Shiobold won the lottery and became the head of the school city, but he never thought that this would be a hot potato.

In fact, since the Haitar family decided to intervene in the Seven Civil Wars, Xuecheng has been prepared for war because there are some bachelors who love to study data and theory in the Xuecheng, they have deduced After the civil war broke out, various possibilities have been calculated.

The Targaryen army accounted for 70% of the victory, only 10% resulted in a stalemate between the two sides, and another 20% resulted in the victory of the noble coalition.

Therefore, Xuecheng had been prepared to deal with it a long time ago, but it didn't take it seriously, after all, no one would attack Xuecheng in various wars throughout the ages.

It was not long ago that the cloud of war finally enveloped the old town. The head of the school, Dr. Schiobod, symbolically dismissed a group of bachelors, and some of the remaining were not in time to leave, and more were expressed. Willing to coexist and die with Xuecheng.

But all this happened too fast, and when it was about to reach the school city, there were some surprises afterwards.

The war to defend the old town started in the morning, and it was already fallen at dusk, and it didn't even last for a day.

After the Dothraki army and the dragon arrived, the direction of the war was even more trembling.