Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 492

Chapter 492

Dorn, the southern border, the stormlands, the valleys, and King's Landing are all changing, and they are in a state of change that hasn't been seen in a thousand or even ten thousand years.

On the battlefield of the Western Territory, after leaving King's Landing, Oberon led an army of 20,000 men along the Golden Mile and rushed straight toward Deep Cavern City, seemingly intending to break through the gate of the Western Territory from the middle.

The Duke of Kaiyan City, Tywin Lannister, received the news and immediately waited for him. As if he was on the verge of an enemy, he issued a series of orders to dispatch troops and generals. He even went to the battlefield and prepared to attack the Dorn in Deep Cavern. Prince.

However, the scheming Tai Wen did not expect that he would be placed by a young junior. Because the Targaryen army attacked along the Golden Mile, Tai Wen did not ask for help from the river.

In fact, the side of the River Bend is also too busy to take care of it now. Dorn's army broke through the frontier and besieged the high court. The Haital family is on the way to rescue. The Tyrell family's own home has not been tossed yet, so naturally there is no time to take care of the West. On the one hand, they didn't know the news either.

But it was at this moment that the army led by Oberon suddenly turned around when they were about to enter the Deep Cave City without any haste, speeded up, and directly broke through in the direction of Silver Mountain City.

Oberon's army easily broke this small castle of the Shaliott family, and the corpses were everywhere, and the smoke filled the field.

Yinshan City is also known as Yinting. The local area is located in the mountainous area on the edge of the western border, which is rich in silver mines.

Although prepared in advance, the Salliott family, whose family motto is 'unmatched', still failed to withstand Oberon's attack, and they broke the castle before they even had time to surrender.

Oberon also started a mass murder after breaking through Silver Mountain City, wantonly venting his emotions, and the wealth accumulated by the Shaliott family was also looted.


Following Oberon's order, all members of the Salliott family, except for the babies, were executed and their heads fell to the ground.

This battle made Oberon wait for ten years, and the hearty blood gave him a brief sobriety.

Since childhood, Oberon has been very close to his sister Ilia. The two brothers and sisters are inseparable. They are the most sincere family relationship, not the abnormal relationship between Cersei and James.

Because of this, after Ilia was brutally murdered by the Lannister family, Oberon was almost crazy. He vowed to pay the blood and avenge his sister.

In this battle, Oberon was about to stain the entire Western Territory with blood, and his voice was deafening, causing countless Targaryen soldiers to cheer.

"Tell Tywin with their blood! It's not just the Lannisters who are in debt!"

"I will stain this land red with their blood! Take their gold! Burn down their castle!"

That evening.


The banners of the golden spear and the three-headed fire dragon fluttered, and the hooves of horses roared even more. The army marched, carrying the dust that covered the sky and covered the sun, and rushed straight to the west like a billowing torrent.

The Second Targaryen Army defeated Silver Mountain City after playing Tywin Lannister, but they did not stay in Silver Mountain City much, and then continued to set off.

This is a game against time.

Oberon's command style is flexible, astute and cunning. Since he has successfully played the tricky Lannister family commander Tywin, he must seize the opportunity next.

Oberon had to react before Tai Wen and lead the western army to occupy the Yangji Hall, to attack here first and open the way to Lannis Harbor, otherwise it would be a waste of all previous efforts.

Therefore, after he led the army of Targaryen to conquer Silver Mountain City, he slaughtered the city without causing trouble, without any muddling, and accelerated his speed. The light soldiers were simply dressed and rushed to the next prey.

Corn City.

Corn City, like Silver Mountain City, is also located in the outskirts of the western mountains. It is a castle of the Sweeford family and knights of the wealthy family loyal to Kaiyan City.

Their family crest is a blue bantam with a yellow background, and the family motto is 'Awakening! Awakening! '

Because the scale of Corn City is not large, even smaller than Silver Mountain City, Oberon did not personally lead his army to attack, but sent Lord Evan Pass, a native of Loina, to lead a small division to take Corn City. .

Oberon himself personally led a large force southward to the Red Lake, preparing to bypass the vast forest and pounce straight from Binhai Avenue to Yangji Hall.

According to legend, this vast forest next to the sea of sunset used to be the area where the children of the forest lived. The ancestors once fought a protracted battle with the children of the forest here.

Until after the pledge of Thousand Faces Islet, the children of the forest occupied the forest, and the ancestors occupied the coast, plains, grasslands, mountains and swamps, ending the dawn era and beginning the heroic era.

According to the original plan of the Imperial Conference, if Oberon led his army to conquer the Yangji Hall, he could directly attack Lannisport, the largest city in the west, and Kaiyan City, the capital of the west, along Binhai Avenue, perfectly bypassing the complex terrain of the west. And natural insurance.

This is the best offensive route for aggressiveness in the Western Territory, and if you slam into Deep Cave City, Golden Tooth City and other places, I am afraid that Oberon's 20,000 people will die and it will be difficult to fight.

However, Oberon knew the truth, and Duke Tywin Lannister, the veteran commander of the Seven Nations, who was known for his steady use of troops, naturally noticed it.

After he received the news that Silver Mountain City was breached, he instantly understood that he was being played by Oberon.

The real intention of the other party is to break through the chicken hall.

"Damn Dorn Barbarian!"

"Come on!"

Duke Taiwen looked at the late information in the camp, couldn't help but raised his hand, grabbed a candlestick and smashed it on the ground, and then ordered the withdrawal of the army with a green face.

He ignored that it was in the middle of the night to wake everyone and set off overnight and hurried to the west.

The masters can understand each other's intentions with every move and every style.

The current situation has become a game against time.

However, Duke Tywin left an eye on this time, he left a lot of soldiers before leaving Deep Cave City.

Anyway, the number of soldiers in the Western Territory battles has a great advantage, which in itself is to fight more and less to prevent Oberon from killing another carbine.

However, although the straight-line distance from Deep Cave City to Yangji Hall is shorter, the road surrounding the mountains in the west is complicated, and it is actually more difficult to walk than outside.

"Hurry up!"

"Everyone! Speed up!"

The Duke of Tywin personally went to supervise the team. He told all the vassals and nobles that those who fell behind died.

When the supervising team came on the field and killed dozens of people, the speed of the whole team instantly became faster.
