Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 457

Chapter 457

And at this moment.

"His Royal Highness."

Bang bang

Yulin Iron Guard Mia, who was on duty outside the door, knocked on the door, pushed the door and walked in after getting permission.

As Arianne's personal guard, she is mainly responsible for protecting the safety of the fetus in the womb of the queen-to-be.

Then the white-robed knight told Renise and Arianne that the usurper's wife Cersei and the Duchess of Winterfell Caitlin had come to request that they wanted to see their imprisoned husband.


When Reness heard Mia's words, she pondered for a moment. The wife's heart for her husband was worthy of sympathy. Although Stannis was robbed during the day, the Red Fort was heavily guarded, and her two hands were unable to bind the chicken. Of women are also unable to rescue their husbands from here.


The princess nodded slightly.

Although Arianne is the quasi-queen of Veserys, Targaryen's military and political power is still in the hands of Reness instead of Arianne when he is away.

There is no other reason. Veserys loves and trusts Reness the most, and Reness is also a dragon knight of pure blood, and she has a good combat effectiveness.

The red-haired horsewoman was wearing white armor and the dragon-slashing sword on her waist. She heard what Reness said and looked at the expressions on the faces of the two princesses.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Then he nodded slightly and stepped back.

Although Robert Baratheon is called the usurper by the Targaryen family, he is, after all, the king of the Seven Kingdoms recognized by the world.

Ed Stark is the lord of Winterfell. The Stark family has been operating in the North for a long time, and the concept has long been ingrained.

The Duke of Dragon Stone Island of Stannis sounds loud, but there are only two fishing villages, not to mention that his fief is now gone.

The two said they were imprisoned in the dungeon of the Red Fort, but in fact they were in a low semi-circular tower above the entrance of the Red Fort dungeon. This is called the "Traitor Corridor", and the cell on the top floor is under house arrest. It is a prisoner with status.

Robert and Ed Stark are here, and footsteps can be heard in the corridor. The jailers here have been replaced by soldiers of the Unsullied. They held the torch high and said nothing, leading the two people into it. Arrived in the cell.


When the door of the cell opened, Caitlin Tully took two steps eagerly and hugged her husband tightly.

Then, as if thinking of something, he hurriedly checked her husband's body to see if there were any injuries.

She heard the news of the Battle of Running City. It is said that this battle was a replica of the Battle of Raging Plains. The flames of the dragon and the iron hoof of the barbarians destroyed the coalition forces, and countless nobles and soldiers died in the battle.

Including Landau Tali, a famous general in the southern realm, he lost track on the battlefield and his life and death are still unknown. There are rumors that he may have been burned to ashes by the dragon flame, and even the body could not be found.

As a result, Caitlin is always frightened and frightened every day, for fear that her husband will also have some accidents.

Ed Stark was imprisoned in the Red Fort, without his hands and feet tied up. Although his face was a little haggard, there was no major problem overall.


Seeing his wife coming, the two hugged each other tightly.

In the other cell, Robert's body was much thinner during this period, and the outline of his cheeks looked a bit like when he was young, but the scenery on his body and the spirit in his eyes were no longer the same as before.

He watched the reunion of good brothers and couples in the cell on the side, suddenly feeling a little bit uncomfortable in his heart.

His wife, Cersei, also appeared at the door of the cell. The graceful and noble queen in the past is now like a phoenix falling from a plane tree. In addition to her beautiful skin, she has also lost her proud capital.

The blond woman stood by the cell door looking at her husband who was sitting on the edge of the bed, while the beard on Robert's face was messy, and his eyes were shining brightly in the dark. She also looked at her wife and was silent for a moment. Bo asked in a low voice.

"Where is Joffrey?"

"Joffrey is reading in the room, they only allow me to come alone."

Cersei took a deep breath and spoke.


However, Robert just snorted while sitting on the edge of the bed. Obviously he didn't believe that his kid was reading at the moment.

Zhizi Mo Ruofu, although Robert doesn't care about the children's education, it is obvious that Joffrey is not a person who will take the initiative to read books.

However, although he was dismissive in his mouth, Robert's eyes still concealed his love for his own flesh and blood. After all, Joffrey was also his own kind...

"Did they promise to spare the lives of Joffrey and Messara?"

Then Robert asked, he already knew that Cersei had taken the initiative to surrender in order to save the lives of a pair of children.

But Robert didn't blame her.

A woman presides over the overall situation alone, and it is impossible to keep King's Landing. She chose this path in order to save the lives of her children, and Robert can also understand it.

"It's not clear yet."

Cersei shook her head.

"Wesiris didn't know why he didn't come back..."

On the other side, the relationship between Caitlin and Ed is much more sincere than Cersei and Robert, a hypocritical couple.


The red-haired woman burst into tears and hugged her husband tightly. She hoped that Ed could bow down and confess his guilt in exchange for a chance to put on black.

"Kate, I see..."

However, the Duke of Winterfell was more calm than her, hugging his wife with a complicated expression on his face.

He knew that his hope of surviving was not great, but he couldn't bear to beat his wife's enthusiasm, so he nodded silently.

And on the remote narrow sea.

Viselis was riding on the dragon's back, facing the sea breeze, his eyes were quiet.

Because of congenital deficiencies, he once injected a lot of black mist into the silver nuggets, which even affected his own promotion.

But it is a pity that these black mists are not very useful for this young dragon, and Viselis does not know the reason.

However, not long ago Veselis passed the eyes of the silver young dragon, saw the person standing opposite it, and the crew on the ship called him 'Jakun Hegar'.

This was a very familiar name, and he knew that something went wrong with Pantos.

A few days later.

An ordinary night, calm on the sea.

The distant Titan roared, and the Braavos soldier who was in charge of the night showed a dazed expression.

"What sound is this?"

Because they have not heard such a voice for many years.

Then a huge figure covering the sky and the sun fell from the sky, and the turbulent dragon flames spewed out.


The head of the giant titan suddenly collapsed and plunged into the great lagoon, stirring up a thousand layers of waves.
