Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Chapter 431 The Sword of Change

Think about what Wesiris did on the continent of Essos.

All the nobles present have a dreadful look.

Why Landau Tully would warn the nobles present, because people with bright brains can see that the changes Viselis made in the Eastern Continent are laying the foundation of all the families!

Therefore, the ancient families named by Landau Tully who passed on for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years existed even when the ancestors and the sons of the forest went to war. They can pass on for such a long time, but they are likely to be in Wesai Perish under Reese's revolution.

This is also the reason why Viselisi clearly holds a powerful force, but still encountered stubborn resistance in the process of unifying Westeros, and no nobles fell in favor.

Without these reform actions, perhaps half of the seven countries have changed their flags and surrendered directly.

But the threat of Viserys's transformation is too great, and these nobles have to be daunted and even full of hostility.

Wesiris's transformation in Essos is mainly carried out from two aspects.

One is open source, dividing the land of big landlords into many small pieces of land, giving civilians a lot of opportunities for promotion by relying on military merit.

Everyone can rely on military exploits to be canonized as a knight, and even be rewarded with a small piece of land, to become a real wealthy nobleman.

The second is to deprive the traditional aristocracy of the autonomy power. Once the aristocracy had absolute control over their fiefs.

You can even promulgate laws on your own territory, recruit troops, collect taxes, and start wars at will.

The two big families are fighting each other under the system of the kingdom, and their monarch can have the power to let them sit down and mediate, and it can also watch them kill both sides and take the opportunity to consolidate their influence.

Even the king of the Seven Kingdoms is only a nominal co-lord, in fact a large nobleman.

If the various places under his rule guard the rebellion, his title of king will instantly become a polished commander, and the situation of strong vassals and weak monarchs will happen from time to time.

Therefore, Veselis is well aware of the shortcomings of the Westeros aristocratic system. The aristocracy with a long heritage is the biggest obstacle to social development. Therefore, Veselis began to transform this place from the time when the power was formed, and carefully designed it to suit the world. Unique cultural system.

The newly promoted nobles used to be civilians and wandering knights, so naturally they have no opinion or resistance to change.

But for the traditional aristocrats in Westeros, especially those old aristocrats who have passed on for thousands of years, the transformation of Veselis is that the knife is cut in their arteries.

All military power shall be returned to the king, and finances and taxes shall be handed over to the national treasury in proportion. The rest is the nobleman's own, and he has become a magistrate.

Some people even jumped and yelled at Viselis. This is the foundation of all nobles. His madness is even greater than his father, but the person who said this has already jumped into the river and committed suicide.

Wesiris's transformation hangs over the heads of all the nobles like a sword, and it may be cut down directly at some point.

Therefore, at a time when the war is not fully clear, the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms are not willing to surrender easily and let them be slaughtered.

Landau Tully's words made everyone present once again strengthened their shaky determination.

"Yes, that's right."


"I agree."

They must unite against Viselis.

This matter is about the survival of the family, and they don't want to be sinners in the history of the family.

"My lord, think about it."

"Those dirty mud legs, those untouchables, will sit on the hall like us in the future."

"Should we even call him politely as "sir"?"

"But he can't even use a knife and fork, because his **** mother had eaten with her hands since he was born!"

Holden Redford, the old and gray-haired Earl of Red Base, said loudly in a hoarse voice.


"There is absolutely no such day."

His voice fell. Even if he got a response from Matus Rovan, Earl of Golden Tree City, he was in a neat uniform, pressing the hilt of the sword with one hand, and said with a serious face.

Earl of Golden Tree City is widely loved, but he still has a clear stand on this issue, representing the interests of the great nobles.

Nobles are nobles, they are born noble, and common people are common people, and they are born with a humble destiny.

"The mere thought of such a scene is disgusting."

Another nobleman in the house also shook his head and roared.

"If this is the case, my dog can also be called an 'adult'."

"Then I will go back and ask my horse? See if it wants to be a 'adult'?"

The room burst into laughter, and the tense atmosphere just disappeared.

While standing in front of the king's bed, Stannis, who was usually unsmiling, couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and shook his head slightly.

"It's ridiculous."

"The old Marquis Wald Frey is right. Weselis is worthy of being the son of the mad king. He is crazier than his father."

How can noblemen confuse common people?

Landau Tully's words seemed to ignite the atmosphere of the coalition nobles, and everyone became filled with outrage, thinking that Viselis dared to do this is simply crazier than his father, the Mad King.

There were even many nobles who wanted to speak in front of Robert, and did not speak.

But they want to say that if Viselis wants them to surrender, they must fight for reasons at the negotiating table, so that Westeros can maintain its "noble tradition" and not be affected by the changes in the Eastern Continent, otherwise they are nobles. Would rather fight to the last person.

Only Tai Wen, Ed, and Robert on the sick bed did not show a smile in the room.

Tywin was still considering the crisis situation before him, and Ed was thinking of what Robert had just said.

Robert is the most empathetic, Visiris is doing what every king wants to do.

But subject to the daunting resistance, no king of any generation dared to try to smash the wheels of the nobility dictatorship and change to a centralized system with stronger national power and more unified power.

If Visiris really succeeds, he might become famous people like Azor Yahai, Brandon the "Citybuilder", and Grey Sea King.

Robert's expression was a little tranced, and the arrow wound on his right chest was still faintly attacking and the next day.

At the dawn of Rushing City, the horn suddenly sounded.

The endless Dothraki began to move at dawn.

But instead of attacking the impenetrable Rushing City, they bypassed the river and rushed towards the coalition camp outside Rushing City.


Wanma galloped on the ground, and the Dothraki screamed and rushed over.

Last night, Veserys sent a letter to Rushing City asking them to surrender, and hand over Robert Baratheon, Tywin, and Ed Stark and other criminals.

But Horst Tully, the old Duke of Running City, strongly refused.

And tell Viselis that he should get out of Westeros with the barbarians and the dragon and never come back, otherwise they will kill the dragon and the group of barbarians.

Veserys is the guardian of the river to the Duke of Runliu City to ensure that the blood of the Tuli family will be cut off, and Runliu City will be reduced to ruins and disappear forever on the long river of history.

(End of this chapter)