Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 421

Chapter 421

Chapter 422 Tai Wen's Wrist


And Viselis got up from the ground and patted the dust on his body.

Then he bent over to pick up the dusk that was thrown aside, and then used the tip of the sword to aim at the scabbard on the waist and reinserted it back.

The blade rubbed against the sword grid and made a sound, Veserys grasped the hilt of the sword, then raised his head to speak.

"I have no plans now, I just want to lie down and have a good night's sleep."

The silver-haired young man's face was full of fatigue, and a night of fierce fighting was really exhausting for him, even if he has now stepped into an extraordinary existence.

"Who told you what you just said? Did the Lord of Light give you inspiration?"

Weselis asked, and Melisandre shook her head slightly and raised her hand to welcome a ray of sunlight.

"No, I felt it myself."

The silver-haired youth was slightly startled.

Even afterwards, I felt the warmth of the sun. At the end of winter and early spring, the morning breeze was humid, and the whole world suddenly became alive.

Lindong left with the footsteps of the Night King, the spring breeze quietly blows across the earth, the nightmare has passed, and the hope has finally become a reality.

I don't know why Visiris suddenly felt a little bit stunned. Looking back at him from the day he came into this world to now, he seemed to have had a bad dream.

Then inexplicably sighed, and cursed in a rare low voice.


Time is rushing. The Targaryen family lost the Iron Throne in the last 'wrong spring', and returned to their homeland this spring, which is a fateful reincarnation.

At this moment, the sound of rumbling horseshoes sounded in the distance, dust and snow flew up, and the Dothraki people led by Kargo rushed over from a distance.

After the war, the cavalry of the Seven Kingdoms, led by Stannis and Ed Stark, broke away from Kargo's leadership, took another completely different route and crossed the river south to the Twin River City.

They still don't know about the loss of Twin River City and the fact that Robert has fainted with an arrow, but staying with these fierce prairie warriors is definitely not a good choice.

After all, they are enemies and not friends, but they united briefly because of the pressure of alien ghosts. Stannis and Ed are still very clear about this.



The horseshoe is running, the dust is flying, and the earth trembles slightly.

However, the Dothraki who came violently came to Viserys, but did not stop.

Instead, he surrounded him and the red robe witches, holding up the Arak scimitar in his hand, and piercing cheers from his mouth.


Veserys, who was in the besieged center, seemed very calm, just smiled and nodded, because he knew this was a unique celebration ceremony of the Dothraki.

Then Kargo urged the horse out from the cheering clansman.

He came to Visiris and the Red Witch, then rolled over and got off his horse to kneel on one knee.

"The blood of my blood."

The warm spring breeze blew over Twin River City.

The Allied Forces of the Seven Nations had retreated to this castle that had been briefly occupied by ghosts, killed all the ghouls left here, and burned their bodies.

Many of them were descendants and servants of the Frey family, and they were almost destroyed.

The he ferry lord's family was also considered the most unlucky family in this war, not even one of them. The family's ancestor, Marquis Wald Frey, was frightened to commit suicide, and the Frey family was subsequently ransacked by a strange ghost.

Once as one of the richest and most powerful families in the Trident River Basin, the Frey family was prosperous and large in scale, but suffered heavy casualties in this war.

Only a handful of outstanding descendants who were sent overseas by the old Ward in advance were left, and many descendants died in the battle. The eldest son of New Twin River City Marquis Steve Lun Frey died in battle, and the new Marquis was deeply saddened. .

And the children of the Frey family who stayed behind in Twin River City were even more dead. They all became fresh ghouls and were burned by a fire.

The commander of the coalition forces was originally the king's Royal Forest Guard Captain Sir Barristan Selme, but the scene was reversed after the Duke of Tywin led his troops.

Many nobles may have a favor, and they borrowed the gold of Duke Taiwen, so they turned to support the Lord Duke of Kaiyan City without saying a word.

Many soldiers of the coalition suspected that they had been betrayed by Tai Wen before, but at this time they were surrounded by the newly-supported western army and they dare not speak.

But the upright Earl of Rune City, Jon Royce, was not scared by the army of the West, but instead took the initiative to stand up.

He asked Duke Tywin Lannister face to face why he had retreated before the battle and betrayed his allies?

Tywin's withdrawal directly put all the adults of the coalition army and His Majesty the King in danger, and he was almost taken away by the strange ghost.

Even the Earl of Rune City threw the blame for causing the king's arrow on Tai Wen's head.

In the alliance of the Wolf-deer Osprey, the mainstay of the Baratheon dynasty, facing the current situation, only Earl Jon Royce, the representative of the valley, has the ability to stand up.

Jon Allyn, Duke of Eagle's Nest, is dead, Horst Tully, Duke of Rushing City, is seriously ill and has not come, Duke Ed Stark of Winterfell is not at the scene, and the King of House Baratheon is at the scene. Falling into a faint, the king's eldest brother did not return with Ed.

Unfortunately, his remaining teammates are all stinky fish and shrimps, so much so that when the count of Rune City took the initiative to stand up and question Tai Wen face to face, hoping to relieve the current predicament.

Unexpectedly, no noble in the Wolf Deer Osprey Alliance dared to stand up and support him, only Jon Royce, wearing a bronze armor, stood alone, facing Tai Wen's gloomy cheeks~www.mtlnovel .com~Tywin was attacked by the Earl of Rune City, accusing him of betraying the king and betraying the interests of the coalition forces.

Faced with such a heinous guilt, Tai Wen naturally denied it.

Otherwise, even if he had three heads, he wouldn't be enough to cut, and he would even become a public enemy of the whole people.

However, the opponent has already caught his face. Facing this thorny issue, Tai Wen still has to explain it face-to-face.

Immediately, the Duke of Kaiyan City had a gloomy face, and in front of all the nobles and soldiers, he explained why he took the initiative to retreat, trying to restore his reputation.

According to the Duke of Tywin, he actually reported this bad news to the king as soon as he received it.

However, I don't know why the messenger lost track and did not pass the news to the king.

Not only did he have no guilt for dereliction of duty and loss of war, but as the commander-in-chief of the rear line, he also blocked the alien ghost for at least a few hours for the main force of the coalition.

During his period, he sent people to ask the king for help many times, but he did not see any reinforcements.

So it was forced to withdraw.

(End of this chapter)