Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 369

Chapter 369

Chapter 370 Busy

After Viserys left the hall, a guard soon chased him.

"Your Majesty!"

The guards chased him and told him that Petir Belishi, the messenger of the usurper, offered to see His Majesty the King alone.


"He wants to see me alone?"

The silver-haired youth was not surprised by this. If a person like Littlefinger doesn't engage in some conspiracy and trickery, it is not him.

He is best at playing his own stage, never performing uprightly on the stage, but hiding in the dark and constantly inciting people's contradictions through conspiracy.


Weselis nodded without hesitation.

"Tell Littlefinger that I don't have much free time, so it's best to think about what I want to say now."

He doesn't like playing around with each other, which wastes his time and energy. His words are to warn Littlefinger to think clearly and see him again.


The guard nodded, and then stepped back.


Afterwards, Veserys held the reins in one hand and the saddle ring in the other hand, rolled over and got on his mount.

While several guards were protecting him, they turned on their horses and accompanied by black bugs. Then the group left the palace and rushed to the blacksmith workshop.

Master Craftsman Tob Mott was appointed Minister of Craftsmanship by Viserys. Although he has not yet come to attend the Imperial Conference, it is only a matter of time. There will be a Minister of Agriculture in the future.

Weselis attaches great importance to the development of productivity. In such an era without assembly line mechanized production, craftsmen are the most basic industrial productivity.

Blacksmiths can forge weapons and armors, folk iron pot kitchen knives, hoes for hoeing, etc., carpenters can build houses, build large siege weapons, etc.

Therefore, Veselis puts the most emphasis on agriculture within the country.

This is very similar to the nobles of Westeros, and it is more in line with Vesiris's own character to farm the land. If Andalos and Pantos are to be built into a farming civilization, there must be no problems with food.

The second priority is craftsman, because craftsman is creativity, which can support the economic and military foundation of a huge country.

The third is the traditional free trade of trading city-states and the prosperity and development of commerce.

Weselis believes that the prosperity of business must be built on the basis of strength. Without strength, everything is empty talk, and gold ingots can't be protected.

In the end, it is education. However, for this era, building a large number of schools for universal education is a high-input and low-return project.

Viselis certainly knows the benefits of education, but it is too advanced for this era. He also wants to abolish the role of the learning city by distributing knowledge, but this is not the best time.

In this era, we only need honest farmers and brave soldiers to take the lead. Talents cultivated by popular education cannot be absorbed by the society reasonably, but will become a burden instead.

Because the political structure of civilization mainly relies on the autonomy of the aristocracy, and the education of the aristocracy naturally does not need to worry about him.

Veserys stripped the nobles' military power within the new dynasty, and all military power was returned to the king. This is already a great improvement.

If the governance rights are stripped off again, Veselis is afraid that if he takes a step too far, he will easily withdraw the egg.

Some of the Westeros aristocrats on the other side of the narrow sea have made contact with themselves, but most of them have resolutely resisted because of the New Deal.

Therefore, we still have to eat one bite at a time. Veselis only provides a channel for education within the army. After all, he can fully control the military power, and the promoted grassroots officers can get the opportunity to learn and come to Pantos to receive education.

Teach them to read and write in the name of 'learning to be a nobleman'. After all, knights are the threshold for nobles.

At the same time, it also teaches some strategies and knowledge acquired on the battlefield to improve the overall quality of basic officers.

In addition to daily training, weapons and equipment, and rewards and incentives, the combat effectiveness of an army also occupies a large proportion of the command capabilities of grassroots officers.

Because ordinary soldiers directly come into contact with the orders of the grassroots officers, not the orders of the regiment chief or senior commander.

"Your Majesty."

"This is the dragon scale armor tailored for you Unsullied soldiers. Please have a look."

The gray-haired master blacksmith carried a heavy armor into the hands of Viselis.

Although this armor is a bit heavy to hold, it is already a lot lighter to wear on the body, and it also has good defensive capabilities, and has been reasonably strengthened in key parts.

Chest, throat, joints, etc., injuries to these parts have a high probability of death, and injuries to some parts can cause instant loss of combat effectiveness.

From a cruel point of view, a soldier's life is worthless. It's like a leek.

The general should squeeze the soldiers' combat effectiveness to the greatest extent, to ensure that they can kill a person with their teeth.

"When building these armors, I also referred to the opinions of Lord Black Bug, such as here at the elbow."

Speaking of his expertise, Master Tob Mott chattered endlessly.

People in this line of work just work harder to gain less profit, and they are also easy to lose money. His Majesty must seize the opportunity after coming here, at least not to make mistakes.

"very good."

And Viselis nodded with satisfaction looking at this new set of lightweight and extremely strong armor.

Its helmet still retains the design of long spikes erected by the Unsullied.

This should be the suggestion made by the black bug, because it will make it easier for the Unsullied fighters to be more familiar, and quickly distinguish who is the commander in the chaotic battlefield.

Veserys flicked the iron piece of the dragon scale armor in his hand. The black armor had the three-headed fire dragon coat of arms on the chest of the black armor, and the whole body exuded awe-inspiring chill.

Then he raised his head and looked at the five thousand five hundred dragon scale armors that had been equipped into a box and piled up densely throughout the warehouse.

is more for the replacement of defective or war-damaged products.

Then the silver-haired young man turned his head and spoke to the Unsullied Commander Black Worm who was accompanying him.

"These armors are made for the Unsullied Warriors. Send someone to take it away later."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

While Heizong looked solemn, he held a spear in his hand and knelt on one knee to express his gratitude to his master.

Actually, Viselis did not lie to Petir Belish, and he didn't have to.

As a king, he became very busy as soon as he returned to Pantos. It was a rare leisure when he went out. A lot of official business that Oberon and Reness had not dealt with was backlogged down.

After inspecting this batch of delivered armor, the silver-haired youth went to the camp of the Golden Regiment without stopping to see how the morale of the soldiers of the Golden Regiment had been prepared for training.

Although Veserys kept saying that he should not send troops in a, sending troops is a matter of time.

Weselis can't just sit and watch Westeros turn into a ghost, the Night King really swelled to the point of being out of control, and it's him who is ultimately unlucky.

Many commanders of the Gold Regiment greeted them respectfully. Many of them were descendants of the Black Fire Rebellion, but now they are loyal to the orthodox heirs of Targaryen.

Veserys thought about it a bit after leaving the Golden Group, and then decided to take a look at the condition of the Dragon Stone Island fleet.

The sea minister of the new dynasty, Earl Jeffrey, who has just resigned from the post of former prime minister, is already old.

The battle against Westeros can almost be said to be the last bright spot in his life.

It was also his lifelong wish after he escaped from Longshidao to restore the Targaryen dynasty, so the old man devoted himself to the training of the new Longshidao navy.

While Viselis arrived at the station of the Dragon Stone Island fleet, he heard an unexpected news.


"The old man's illegitimate son in Westeros is here?"

(End of this chapter)