Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 358

Chapter 358


The sound of the dragon egg breaking is clear.

Veserys' eyes instantly fell on the dragon egg that was the first to break its shell.

It was a red dragon egg, like a roaring flame, and there was even a layer of scales attached to the surface.

And Raynes and Daenerys' gazes also looked over, and their hearts were slightly raised.

Although Daenerys had once hatched a dragon, she fell asleep at that time, completely in her sleep. This was the first time the three people present saw the dragon breaking out of its shell.

The red dragon egg was still shaking violently, and the cracks on the surface became denser and denser, covering the entire egg body.


Then accompanied by a clear sound, a small head covered with scales covered with crimson came out of it first.

opened a pair of big watery eyes, greedily breathing the outside air, it seems that it has been held inside for a long time.

"so cute!"

When the two girls present saw the cute look of the young dragon, their eyes flashed with stars.


And the young red dragon that just got out of the eggshell struggled hard in the eggshell, seeming to want to break out of the shell completely, and at the same time made a shrill cry, like a large mouse, which made Wei Seris was slightly stunned.

"The cry of the young dragon is so ugly?"

He turned his head and asked Daenerys, and the silver-haired girl didn't know very well herself, and then she looked at Renesse again because she was asleep at that time.

And Renice hesitated slightly, then shook her head.

She remembered that Bellerion, Rego, and Vesselion made the roar of dragons when they just hatched.

"Isn't this a dragon?"


However, it was the first time that the few people present saw the young dragon breaking out of its shell.

Then he saw the young dragon who was the first to break the shell struggling a little bit hard in the dragon egg, it seemed that the neck was stuck by the egg shell.

Veserys stretched his brows slightly, and then reached out to help him.

But at this moment, Bellerion's low roar came from above his head.


The yellow sand agitated, and a huge shadow covering the sky and the sun shrouded the ground.

Two giant dragons sit in a row behind the three, with their slender necks stretched out to observe the hatching of the dragon eggs coldly.

Bellerion conveyed a strong will in Viselis's mind to prevent Viselis from doing this.

The shell of the dragon egg is extremely hard. The emergence of the giant dragon is the first test of the gods to the dragon, a creature that lives against the sky.

Viselis understood Bellerion's meaning and stopped. Then he saw the young dragon whose brothers and sisters took the lead in breaking the shell. He tried desperately to twist his body and burst out with a strong force. Will finally squeezed a bigger hole in the dragon egg.

Then he opened his mouth and bit down the egg shell fiercely.


The hard dragon egg shell suddenly became vulnerable under this little guy's 'smart teeth'. It was severely bitten into pieces, and then he chewed it and swallowed it down.

"So they ate the eggshells."

And at this moment, Renice, who was on the sidelines, exclaimed softly.

Her voice was low, for fear of disturbing the first red young dragon that broke out of its shell.

When the Bellerion three dragons hatched, Renesse ordered to clean up the entire burning ruins of the main castle, but she never found the whereabouts of the dragon's egg shell in the ruins.

At that time, she thought it was secretly picked up by someone, but she didn't take it too seriously, after all, it was just an eggshell.

And now it seems that the first step for the dragon to hatch is to eat all of its eggshells.

The red dragon that broke out of the shell greedily ate his eggshell, as if it were something delicious in the world.

And in the process, her scales seemed to become more and more shiny, reflecting the light of metal, and instantly became ribbed from the collapsed appearance when they just broke out of the shell.

"It seems that the eggshell of the dragon egg is the best supplement for the young dragon, and it seems to contain the power of magic."

Veserys calmly observed the changes of the red dragon, and found that the opponent's body was slender and the bones were slender, but his eyes were slightly sharp.

"Is this little guy a female dragon?"

The heart of the silver-haired youth suddenly moved slightly.

He once worried about the future reproduction of the three brothers. The three dragons of Bellerion, Rego and Vesselion are all males, so they are aggressive and have a strong desire to fight.

But the fighting power is strong, the three male dragons can't give birth to dragon babies, and they can't reproduce their offspring to continue the race. You must know that they are now the last three dragons in the world.

Veserys doesn't want the dragon race to be extinct again in the future, so for the continuation of this race, finding the female dragon is a must for him.

However, there are three main conjectures in the world regarding the reproduction of giant dragons.

The first kind of speculation is that dragons have no gender. The monk Bath, the hand of King Jehris I, held this view. He believed that the gender of dragons may be as fickle as dragon flames.

The second guess is that the dragon will show a gender at certain stages for special reasons, but it may not be fixed throughout its life.

The third is that dragons are divided into male and female like other species.

And Viserys got a clear message from He is a male dragon, and so are the remaining two brothers.

However, Viserys did not see obvious male reproductive organs from Bellerion, and Bellerion could only convey simple emotions that could not be expressed clearly.

But one thing is certain is that if the dragon race wants to continue, it still needs the existence of female dragons.

Veserys once had a bold guess that dragons are likely to reproduce asexually. Female dragons can lay eggs on their own without fertilization, while male dragons are mainly responsible for fighting enemies and defending their homes.

There is no argument about these Targaryen family staying on Dragonstone Island, but it just clarifies that the dragon does have the behavior of incubating eggs.

If there is a female dragon in the family, whether or not she lays the eggs, she will be willing to hatch, without the members of the Targaryen family incubating the eggs themselves.

The dragon can lay at least five eggs at a time.

The five dragon eggs that Veselis obtained from the Valyria Ruins are likely to be laid down by a female dragon, and they share a common mother.

While the little red dragon was gnawing on his eggshell in the flames, another golden dragon egg beside her began to shake.


There was a crack in the eggshell.