Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 332

Chapter 332

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Ed reacted quickly, and the man with long dark brown hair suddenly pushed Robert beside him.

He never thought that the first target that the overnight king wanted to kill was himself, not the human king beside him.

But Ed didn't push Robert away and stood in the same place stupidly waiting to die, he himself also threw himself to the side of the ground.


However, Ed had just rushed to the ground, touching the cold snowflakes on his cheek, he heard a loud noise coming from behind.

The short spear thrown by the Night King, like a cruise missile, directly overturned the snow shed above the two of them just now, blasted directly into the sky, and then fell into free fall behind the Great Wall.


King Robert was pushed aside by his good brother. He was also in a bit of a panic when he lay on the ground. He widened his eyes like copper bells and bit a lot of snow in his mouth.

"Seven levels of hell! This... is this special"

Robert was stunned for a moment, he didn't even know what to say, and watched the snow shed just above his head be blasted into the air, and then fell again.

On the other side, Barristan Selmi, the captain of the Royal Forest Guard, who was standing not far away, was guarding the crane.

He needs to ensure that His Majesty the King can smoothly leave the top of the Great Wall, and will not overhear the conversation between His Majesty the King and Duke Ed.

However, the sudden change made the white-haired old knight also startled. Is this the ballista shot?

"His Majesty!"

Then Sir Barristan hurried over, trying to lift his loyal king from the ground.

"What the **** is this monster!"

Then, before he could help him, he heard the curse of His Majesty the King shaking.

Barristan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the king still swearing so vigorously while lying on the ground.

Then the **** fat man got up from the ground by himself and patted the snow on his body.

The short spear missed a hit, and he was unharmed, so naturally he didn't need to be supported by others.

But even so, Robert still has some shocks, which almost shattered his three views.

His Majesty the King was a little bold, and even just made a bold statement that he wanted to hammer this **** Night King with a hammer.

However, at that time, he never thought that the leader of this strange ghost was so outrageous...

Is this a **** monster that humans can deal with?

Throwing a spear with bare hands is like a ballista, and he even suspects that it is even more powerful than a ballista.

"He...want to kill me?"

Ed Stark, who had just rescued the king, was still lying in the snow and did not get up. He also had some frights, and at the same time such thoughts suddenly flashed in his mind for some reason.

However, his chest was ups and downs, panting heavily, and he lay down in the snow for a little thought.

"Should it be just...threw it crooked?"

Later, the Duke of Winterfell shook his head and drove away the random thoughts in his mind, and then got up from the ground.

And below.

The Night King with the Frozen Crown on his head raised his head and saw that he had not killed the 'Ice Field Rushing Wolf' that disgusted him just now, his frown loosened slightly, but he didn't say much.

To him, mortals are already like ants.

Unless these human ancestors are resurrected and they use magic to block their progress, it is impossible for these people to stop the cold from engulfing the entire world.

The Night King didn't care if he didn't kill the Stark easily, and then his eyes, burning with cold flames, withdrew his gaze, and fell back into the gap where the Great Wall collapsed.

Originally, the Great Wall would be the most powerful obstacle to his footsteps. He had been waiting for a suitable opportunity, but he didn't expect that he would collapse because of human internal fighting.

Then the Night King remained silent, just waved his hand.


Next second.

The endless ghouls uttered deafening and terrifying roars at the same time. The sound penetrated the clouds and shook the snow on the city walls trembling slightly.

The dozen or so strange ghosts behind him also controlled the mounts under his hips and charged forward, leading the ice spiders and the sea of corpses toward the city wall that was temporarily constructed by humans in an attempt to prevent the cold footsteps.

Since the Great Wall collapsed and the magic barrier had cracked, it would not hinder him, and the humans who blocked it in front were even more vulnerable.

The Night King was no longer ready to drag on, he waved his hand to let these ignorant mortals embrace the darkness and death.

But it was obvious that these mortals didn't want to obey the Night King's orders and just died willingly.


"Ready to meet the enemy!"

The head of the Tali family from Hewan Dijiao Mausoleum, Earl Landau Tali suddenly drew his sword "Broken Heart" from his waist.

The Valyrian steel sword reflected light in the faint sunlight.

The bald man has a serious face and a short beard. He is regarded as one of the best commanders in the Seven Kingdoms, with a will of steel.

And the motto of the Tali family is also "compete first on the battlefield", and never forget the way of bravery from generation to generation.

Landau Tali shouted commands loudly, covering his whole body under steel, instructing the soldiers to organize defenses, and at the same time eliminate the fear in everyone's heart...

Including himself.

"There is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Our King Robert killed one with his own hands not long ago!"

Landau Tully shouted loudly, boosting morale, while staring at the deafening roar that burst out toward the battlements of the corpse sea army.

Although he said that there was nothing to be afraid of, he did not see the slightest relaxed expression on his face, but his complexion was solemn.

He had previously strongly opposed His Majesty the King's sniping of the Army of the Dead on the Great Wall.

'If the city wall is intact, it is the best barrier. Once there is a flaw, the enemy will seize the opportunity to attack and eventually lead to a defeat across the board. '

He believes that we should retreat to Winterfell to disperse the enemy's power, and at the same time sturdy walls and clear the land to drive all the people from the north to the south to prevent the army of the dead from being replenished.

A good commander can come up with reasonable countermeasures in the shortest time no matter what kind of enemy he faces.

However, King Robert, who had just played out his self-confidence, did not adopt Randal Tully's opinion.

He insisted that the Great Wall of Despair was the best place to stop the ghosts, and he wanted to fight the ghosts to the death here.

In fact, Robert's point of view is not wrong, after all, once the alien ghost enters the northern border, it will bear a huge responsibility if it fails. Both of them have their own pros and cons.

But the difference between the two is that His Majesty the King's orders are straightforward.

Randall Tully is not that Stannis has no way to compete with His Majesty, and can only kneel on one knee to obey His Majesty's orders.

He is now in charge of the command of the battle on the wall.

"Relax! Boys!"

Randall Tully stood on the battlements, holding his family to pass his heart broken, and decided to take the lead in boosting morale.

"Ready to meet the enemy!"

"Hold your shield!"


Countless shields were raised. UU reading www.uukanshu.o

"Lance array!"

"Archer! Get ready!"

"Hurry up!"


The sound of bowstring pulling sounded neatly on the battlements. All the bows and arrows were stained with kerosene, and then ignited on the fire, burning with flames.

"Let's release the arrow!"

Then it was accompanied by an order from Count Tully.

Countless arrows that burned flames and pulled black smoke flew to the sky, forming a sea of fire, and then fell all at once.

"Burn them to death!"