Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 330

Chapter 330


Then the two people fought together.

clang clang clang

The white snow on top of his head was still falling, and the two fighting weapons underneath violently collided, and even sparks burst out.

"Monster of a bitch! Get me back to your seven hells!"

Robert Baratheon roared, sweat dripping from a round cheek.

However, King Robert, who is known for his power, seemed to be suppressed in the face of real ghosts.

The strange ghost looks thin and only has bones, but its power is unusually terrifying, and it seems to be blessed by magic.

And the strange ghost also seems to have noticed that the strong fat man in front of him is not ordinary, so he desperately wants to kill him.

There was an appalling scream from his mouth, like the sound of cracking ice, and like an old saying that has long been lost.

The strange ghost wanted to kill the human king, but instead he was caught by Robert.


The Fat King fell to the ground, panting slightly.


Then, a little embarrassed, he rolled around on the spot, avoiding the chase of the strange ghost, and the opponent's ice sword smashed to the ground.

"Go to death!"

Then Robert held the huge sword in both hands, seized the opportunity, and slammed into the opponent's chest fiercely.


Valyrian's great sword penetrated into the chest of the alien, but there was no sound like the long sword piercing into the flesh, as if it had split a piece of ice lump, and made a harsh rubbing sound that made the teeth sore.

And this strange ghost was also taken aback for a moment, as if he did not expect that he would be defeated by a weak human being.

Then the next second.

The body of the strange ghost made a loud noise, and then it burst open like a block of ice.

became stubble of crushed ice all over the floor.

King Robert became the first person to kill an alien with his own hands, and led the elite knights of the Seven Kingdoms to a victory in the first battle, which immediately boosted the morale of the coalition forces.

For a time, no one in the coalition army praised the king's bravery, and even called the king the "ghost killer". At the same time, there were some insinuations about the cowardice of the two dukes.

Because King Robert once opposed all the opinions and decided to take the initiative to attack the ghosts in the opposite direction, the Duke of Winterfell and the Duke of Longshidao vehemently opposed them. They believed that the king should stay in a safe Winterfell. It should not be personally risky.

But in the end, the facts proved that His Majesty the King was wise and martial. He easily won the war and wiped out more than 3,000 ghouls of the dead army with very little loss.

And all the corpses, including the ghouls and human soldiers, were torched to prevent the alien ghosts from resurrecting all these soldiers by means. The number of ghouls is increasing.

After all, here is the assembly of the best commanders and soldiers from all seven countries. The Baratheon dynasty in its heyday and the Baratheon dynasty, which later experienced the collapse of the Five Kings, are naturally very different in strength.

A unified king can gather great strength and people's hearts, and the whole country can face the enemies of all mankind together.

Before this battle, there was even a nobleman from the bay area offered to ask Viselis on the other side of the narrow sea for help.

After all, the Targaryen family had been the kings of the Seven Kingdoms for almost three hundred years, and now they are strong and powerful. How can they not be saved?

However, as soon as this statement was put forward, it was immediately rejected by King Robert.

If it wasn't for his unwillingness to kill himself before the war, he would even want to send this cowardly stupid to the gallows.

Even if he lost the battle, he would never bow his head to the remnants of the Targaryen family for help.

Even the indifferent Duke Ed Stark showed an unhappy expression in the hall.

But he seemed to think of his **** son, including his complicated life experience, and then he showed a pensive expression on his face.

This proposal was accompanied by the first victory of the coalition forces, and the king's dissatisfaction ended here.

But the figure of the strange ghost really began to appear outside the Great Wall, and the news of the first victory of the coalition forces quickly flew over the neck and spread to the south.

The nobles from all over the world who enjoyed the warm life in the South raised their glasses to celebrate, praising His Majesty the King for his bravery and thanking the soldiers for their lives.

Kaiyan City, Junlin, Twin River City and other places held banquets to celebrate this moment. A small victory was touted as a big victory, as if the time when humans defeated ghosts is just around the corner.

However, in fact, the aristocrats in the south have never seen such a monster at all, let alone take it seriously.

Anyway, His Majesty the King is standing in front of him.

And the news reached the savage tribe that was mixed with the Gaoshan clan in the deep mountains of the Mingyue Mountains.

The leader of the savage tribe scoffed at the celebration of these 'kneeling men'.

These people don't even know what ghosts are, and they don't even know the horror of these monsters.

even warned the Gaoshan clan who had become friends with them, if things were wrong, they would be ready to continue running south at any time.

Where is the farthest south?

is called Donn?

"It's impossible for a ghost to be killed!"

"Their bodies are so cold that they can shatter all weapons, and the armor covered with ice is invulnerable at all!"

The wild people have a very wide range of activities outside the Great Wall, and many of them are hardy races living in snow-covered places all year round.

And they also encountered real ghosts earlier than humans, and their intelligence was far more abundant than humans.

At that time, savages often fought with strange ghosts, and it was because they couldn't fight this that Sayazi wanted to run south.

"Alien ghosts can't kill at all, and the people killed by them will be resurrected strangely, and then rise from the ground and become monsters like walking corpses."

"The servants of alien ghosts are ghouls, and ghouls continue to kill other humans, creating new ghouls."

"This way over and over again..."

As he talked, the leader of the Savage Tribe shivered slightly, as if he didn't dare to speak any more, he had imagined the terrible scene.

The number of the army of the dead is increasing at a terrifying speed in this way.

"How can this be an enemy that humans can deal with?"

"Maybe only the king with three dragons in your mouth can defeat the ghost."

Alien ghosts are not humans, and magic dragons are not humans either.

Let this two extreme monsters that can crush and slaughter humans wantonly...This may be the best ending for human beings.

The savage leader's statement, the leaders of the Gaoshan clan are all a little However, in reality, everything he said is happening outside the Great Wall.

King Robert defeated an army of ghouls from the Legion of the Dead, but he did not let the alien ghosts retreat because of this, which was just a drop in the bucket for the alien ghosts.

a few days later.

Outside the Great Wall.

The endless dark shadows in the ghost forest began to move.

"Are these... dead people?"

The soldiers standing on the observation tower at the top of the Great Wall stood in the wind and snow, and the scalp was tingling.

Then finally the warning horn sounded.


In an instant, the whole silent sky trumpeted loudly.

An army of hundreds of thousands of ghouls was crushing the realm, and a dozen strange ghosts appeared side by side in the forefront of the army of the dead.

The strange ghost headed by wore heavy icy armor, and seemed to have a ring of icy crown on top of his bare head.

A pair of azure blue eyes burned with icy flames.

He raised his head and looked at the top of the Great Wall of Despair.