Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Standing on a stool, the boy was lying on the windowsill, facing the salty sea breeze, breathing the faint burnt and **** smell in the air, and his silver-golden curly hair rubbed slightly on his white forehead.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The bells in the distance have stopped, but the boy's inner boredom has not disappeared.

He hated this feeling and left his fate to others to control, because this naval battle directly determined his life and death.

If the Dragon Stone Island fleet is defeated, he, his mother, and Renesse will not be able to escape wherever they hide.

After all, Longshi Island is so big.

The sea is like a cage that keeps them here, there is no room to escape.

Veserys decided to wait until after this incident, if the Dragon Stone Island fleet can repel the incoming enemy, then he has to do something to change his status quo.


persuaded his mother to abandon Longshidao and led the fleet to escape to the Eastern Continent.

However, Viselis also knew that it was extremely difficult to achieve this. After all, Dragon Stone Island was of great significance to the Targaryen family.

Although he has been crowned Viserys Targaryen III, his age is still young, and even if the so-called 'king' is just a title, even the guards at the door will not take it seriously.

A 'king' who was only seven years old and threw his throne all the way to escape. He had no power at all. Even commanding a servant required his mother to nod.

On the entire Dragon Stone Island, except for the fleet commander, the words of Queen Layla are decisive.

While Veserys was thinking about it, he suddenly seemed to think of something.

Since she was attacked by the Lannister family on her way out half a year ago, Renesse has had the habit of having nightmares in the middle of the night.

The little girl is often awakened by nightmares in the middle of the night, and then crying Ewha brings the rain and ran to Visiris's house for comfort.

The two children's rooms are very close. Renesse's bedroom is next door to Viselis. Only by holding her 'brother', who is a few years older than her, can the brown-haired little girl sleep peacefully again.

Both of them are actually suffering people, and Renice has also lost her parents.

And tonight, because of many things, the old bachelor died of illness first, and he took his last breath.

Then came the fleet attack that didn't know where it came from. Veserys was full of cranky thoughts, and for a while, he forgot about Reness.

According to the past, the sound of the bell outside just spread throughout Longshi Island, Reness should have been awakened long ago.

However, there is no movement in Renesse's bedroom now.

Didn't wake up?

Veserys tilted his head slightly, leaned out of the castle by the window sill, and looked at Renesse's bedroom next to him.

Below him is a cliff tens of meters deep, and the waves continue to rush forward, and then beat on the broken reef below the castle.

Veserys's courage has grown a lot, so he leaned out and didn't worry about falling down accidentally.

However, after poking her head out and looking at the next window, the interior of Renesse's bedroom was pitch black and there was no light.

"It looks like I really didn't wake up..."

"It's weird."

The silver-gold hair was fluttering, and the boy blinked his eyes and thought for a moment, then retracted his leaning body again.

picked up the dagger placed on the window sill and held it in his hand, jumped off the small stool, and then walked quickly towards the door of the bedroom.


Veserys opened the door of his bedroom.

As expected, there were two heavily armed guards standing outside the door, wearing ring armor and long swords at their waists.

Veserys wanted to go out, but was stopped by two guards.

"Your Highness."

The two guards looked at the little king with wry smiles on their faces. Although they had been crowned as king, none of them, including Viselis himself, took it seriously.

The guards did not even change their words, still calling Viselis "His Royal Highness".

And at the moment I didn't expect Sir William to get it right. His Royal Highness was not reconciled to hiding in the house. He would definitely find something to do.

However, this time they were indeed wrong.

Veserys spread his hand slightly, a little helpless, and then pointed to the room next door to Renesse and said.

"I just went to Renesse, of course I won't run around."

The reason for the silver-haired boy is naturally very good. After all, the relationship between the two children is very good. It is a fact that everyone in the entire castle can see.

Rainice always likes to pester Viselis, even when he is practicing swordsman, Renis is willing to sit beside him in the shade of a tree.

And Renice always'slips in the mouth', calling Visiris the'brother' and she was reluctantly changed to'uncle' after being educated by Queen Layla a few times, but the little girl's face was still full of reluctance. .

There really is no more complicated reason for a child, let alone adult thoughts.

In her simple opinion, Veserys is not much older than her, the two are of the same age.

But she was a generation older than her for no reason. She was a little unwilling to do so, so he deliberately called Viselis his brother, but Viselis didn't care about these.

"Since I am looking for the princess..."

The two guards glanced at each other, hesitated slightly, and then nodded.

After all, Renesse's bedroom is next door, and the little king didn't run around. If he didn't even agree to this request, it would really seem a little unkind. UU Reading

"okay then."


The metal rubbing of the armor made a sound.

Then the two guards held the hilt with one hand, nodded, and then walked away.

"Thank you very much."

And Viselis nodded, and then suddenly thought of something when he walked past them.

stood slightly in front of Renise's door, at this moment, from the corner position, Viselis could not be seen directly.

Then the boy raised his head and asked casually.

"Then... Is there a guard on the mother's side too?"

After all, too much happened tonight. There is still a sea battle going on outside. If the Dragon Stone Island fleet is defeated, none of them can escape.

But Veselis thought of another thing.

If the entire Longshidao fleet is dispatched to fight the enemy, doesn't it mean that the coastline of Longshidao is completely undefended at this time?

You can row a small boat at will, and you can dock and land silently in the dark.

Due to the barrenness of Longshidao, there is only a small fishing village. As the lord of Longshidao, it is almost impossible to gather soldiers to fight.

Only the dozens of guards in the castle have defense forces on the entire island. However, the castle is so huge that these guards can't do everything.

When they heard the little king's words, the two guards were stunned. They didn't think as much as Viselis, but they nodded confidently.


"Her Majesty the Queen is also protected by guards."

However, between the three people talking.

There was a sudden burst of bowstrings, and a crossbow arrow flew out in the darkness.