Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 260

Chapter 260

The three Kao were clever, knowing that Viselis was looking for him, they hid in the crowd without revealing any flaws, hiding from Viselis' eyes.

Then watching the dazzling pillar of fire falling from the sky behind him, the cold sweat on his forehead slipped off.

Although the Dothraki were not afraid of death, they were to encourage the tribesmen in the tribe. As Kao, he still hoped that he could live one more day.

"Is this a dragon? This is simply the devil!"

"Although the warriors of Dothraki are brave, how can they deal with such a devil?"

And Giacocao, who came out from under the horse's stomach, still had some lingering fears, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and couldn't help but speak.

When the terrifying behemoth swooped and approached quickly, he could even smell the pungent sulphur smell on the opponent's body.

He really thought he was going to die.

Fortunately, the dragon did not breathe flames above their heads.

Giacocao said the voice of everyone present, even Bonocao, who was not dealing with him, rarely agreed with his point of view.

There is no way to fight this battle.

Although the horses of the Dothraki have been well-trained, they will be frightened when facing fierce beasts such as tigers and leopards. This is an animal's instinctive reaction.

It is even more difficult to control the warhorse facing the terrifying dragon unless you are already familiar with it.

Most of the strength of the Dothraki people is on horseback. If the war horse is not good enough to face the dragon, then the threat of the Dothraki people will be eliminated a lot.

"My dear horse kings."

At this moment, a man with short trimmed hair and a plain gray robe followed the three horse kings and spoke in a high-level Valyrian language.

He was also shocked by the figure of the giant dragon swooping down just now, and he thought he was going to die just now.

He had even seen the dragon knight sitting on the back of the dragon.

But now he can't recognize the other side's figure.

The boy who came to Braavos for the first time eight years ago looked calm on the surface, but in fact there was a panic that could not be concealed in his eyes.

Tremble, like walking on thin ice.

but now.

Veselis rode on the back of the giant dragon, and swooped down by a single person. The flames of the dragon burned the earth, and the horse King Dothraki, who was known for his bravery, got under the belly of the horse.

Kleon looked up at the back of the sky dragon and sighed slightly.

He was the city official of Braavos who received Veserys off the ship eight years ago.

Then Kleon withdrew his gaze and looked at the three Dothrakima kings in front of him, as well as their blood alliance guards.

"My dear King Dothraki."

"Remember the weapons Braavos gave you to deal with dragons?"

"Now is the time to use them!"

The Dothraki people do not produce, and the siege weapons they built are simply unsightly and shoddy. Therefore, Braavos gave them a weapon to deal with the dragon, which can be called the giant crossbow of the 'dragon killer'.

However, because of the hit rate, it is not so easy for the giant crossbow to shoot the fast-flying dragon.

And as long as the dragon's body doesn't directly hit a vital point such as the eye, it can be supported by a few hard strokes.

Braavos mainly hopes to use the giant crossbow to limit the performance of the black dragon under Viselis, at least not so unscrupulously.

However, despite being poor and possessing nothing, the Dothraki arrogantly did not want to use these weapons.

They believed that the warriors of Dothraki could defeat any enemy.

Although they finally accepted these giant crossbows, they didn't intend to use them. They just dragged them to the back of the army with a horse-drawn cart.

Now the words of Kleon, the envoy of Braavos, have been translated into Dothraki and spoken to the Kahors.

Afterwards, these Kaohs looked at each other a bit, and then it came to mind that the Braavos people seemed to have given them weapons to deal with the dragon.

Giacocao and Ponocao, who have long braids, looked at each other, always feeling that there was something uncontrollable on their faces.

The gray-haired Moso Kao groaned slightly, and then spoke in Dothraki.

"Just follow the words of the envoy of Braavos."

Old Kao had already understood some truths after living for so many years. He didn't care about the so-called face, and then he gave a big hand.

"Take out those giant crossbows!"

"Yes, the blood of my blood."

Moso Kao ordered his blood alliance guard to stand up, turn his horse and turn the horse's head, ignoring the unextinguished dragon flames behind him, patting his horse towards the place where the giant crossbow is stored behind.

The blood ally guards of Giacocao and Ponocao didn't move their feet in the next step, but just watched them coldly.

Although the three Karrathas have now cooperated and formed a coalition to attack Pantos, it is impossible for these Dothrakis, who had been in a civil war with each other, to put down all their hatreds in one go.

They only listened to their own Kao, and their Kao didn't say anything, and wouldn't move a single step.

And in the sky, the wind still screamed.

Viselis sat on the dragon's back, got down and avoided the arrow rain below. After the initial panic, the Dothraki gradually launched a counterattack under the orders of their respective Cascos.

Dothrakis are good at scimitars, short bows and long whips. The short bow is a hyperbolic bow suitable for riding and shooting. It is made of bent animal horns, wood or animal bones.

Both Dothraki and Dorn prefer this bow because they can easily use this bow on horseback to project a deadly arrow at the enemy instead of shooting the target point by point.

Bang bang bang

The bowstring sounded one after another like raindrops hitting the ground.

An overwhelming rain of arrows shot at Bellerion, who was swooping down, but the hard scales of the dragon could block these ordinary arrows.

Clang clang.

The rain of arrows thrown by the Dothraki's bows and arrows fell on Bellerion's scales, making a sound of metal collision, and fell to the ground one after another.

And at this moment.


The sudden loud burst of bowstrings concealed the sound of the other bowstrings ejecting.

A two-meter-long spear flew out, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and flew straight to Bellerion in the sky.


The black dragon's eyes are sharp, and his wisdom is also very high.

I saw this threatening spear at a glance, and then let out a low roar and tilted his head slightly in mid-air.


The spear fired by the giant crossbow rushed straight into the sky from a position ten meters away from Bellerion's head.

"Great crossbow."

Viselis lay on the dragon's back and saw this scene sinking in his heart.

Although the hit rate of the giant crossbow is extremely low, the opponent can actually pose a threat to the giant dragon.


Veserys whispered.

Bellerion seemed to be irritated, and sprayed down the dragon flame at the place where the giant crossbow had just been fired.


The flame cleans the earth again.

The Braavos soldier who fired the huge crossbow let out a scream.