Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 18

Chapter 18

"I swear I will kill these murderers one day."


a few days ago.

The silver-haired boy finally solemnly promised his mother with a sword in one hand that he would collect debts from these murderers on behalf of the Targaryen family in the future.

Viselis hoped that such words would give a bit of comfort to the sad mother.

However, although young and ambitious right now, the most important thing is to survive the Baratheon family.

Viserys finally accepted the fact that he had come into a strange world during the torture of more than half a month, no... this world is not unfamiliar either.

However, it used to be just watching the development of the situation like a horse watching the flowers, but now the silver-haired boy also understands that all the sense of crisis is a real existence.

His tragic fate following the original trajectory is like a rope tied to Viselis's neck.

is always reminding him that if he doesn't work hard to make something and can't change the situation in front of him, then when fate catches up with him, he will only have a dead end.

His existence caused him to do nothing, the Baratheon family would not let him go.

Veserys, like his mother, promised that he would avenge the enemy in the future, and in the next few days, he started training like crazy.

People who have just made up their minds are often very motivated, and the training of knights is not just about swordsmanship, but also equestrianism, spears, bows and arrows, machetes, etc...

Then Veserys succeeded in using too much force and hurt himself.

"It hurts, it hurts..."

The silver-haired boy sat on the chair with a sad face.

The old bachelor smiled kindly. He had also seen a child who used too much force like this. Visiris' grandfather, Jehris, did such a stupid thing back then.

Because of his frailty, Jehris wanted to work **** his own to improve his physical condition, but in the end he used too much force and hurt himself.

"I know you desperately want revenge, boy, there is nothing wrong with that."

The old bachelor first used ice cubes to apply cold compresses to the injured part of the silver-haired boy, and then gently wiped off the ice water with a towel.

"But remember not to be blinded by hatred, it is only a small part of your life."

"You are a Targaryen, and you are the'true dragon' of the future. You should have a more lofty and important mission..."

Viserys sat on the bench looking at the old bachelor with gray hair and wrinkles in front of him, listening to each other's thoughts.

Although he could understand every word, he always felt that the old bachelor seemed to care about something.

A higher and more important mission?

With long silver hair like molten silver hanging down the boy's immature shoulders, Veserys tilted his head slightly in doubt, and the old bachelor's face was reflected in his lavender eyes.

While the other party didn't seem to see his curious eyes, the words came to an abrupt end. The old bachelor didn't continue to explain what his noble and more important mission was, and then the conversation turned slightly.

"Although the way of knights is an ancient tradition of nobles, knowledge is more important to a good noble."

The old bachelor's conversation turned, and then it became an indoctrination.

He saw Veserys being trained as a knight very hard during this period.

It is a good thing to work hard, but he is worried that Visiris will ignore the importance of learning and become a reckless man who only knows how to kill.

Compared to charging and engulfing in person, the destructive power of using the brain to kill is undoubtedly more powerful.

He doesn't want Veserys to become a full ranger-like character, so I am afraid that he will never become the 'Prince of Prophecy'.

Bachelor Daniel was also one of the insiders of that prophecy. He had taught Rega personally, so naturally he was deeply trusted by His Royal Highness.

The prophecy indicates that Iris II and Queen Leila will give birth to the prince in the "prophecy", and this prophecy comes from a witch, but the root is based on the record in an ancient book of Asia five thousand years ago.

A legendary hero Azor Yahai who lived about eight thousand years ago will be reborn. The prophesied prince will fight ghosts.

And all this will happen after Changxia, when darkness falls. This 'prince' will re-call the light messenger to fight against ghosts. If he fails, the whole world will be forever.

"After Chang Xia, the stars are weeping blood, and the cold darkness will envelop the world. At this terrifying moment, a warrior will draw a burning sword from the fire. The one who has this sword is the reincarnation of Azor Yahai, and he will drive out the darkness."

At the beginning, all the insiders thought that Rega would be the 'Prince in Prophecy', because Rega was so perfect that almost everyone who had seen this prince would praise him.

However, since Robert Baratheon's hammer hit Rega's chest in the Battle of the Trident River, everyone understood that Rega was not the 'Prince of Prophecy'.

Then his eyes fell on Rega's younger brother, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is the body of the silver-haired boy in front of him, Viserys Targaryen, because he is also the child of Iris and Layla...

But he was not born in the 'Land of Smoke and Salt'.


Bachelor Daniel sighed inexplicably.

And Viselis didn't understand the look in the old bachelor's eyes, but only heard what he just said.

He naturally understands the importance of learning, but also understands that what is urgently needed now is the ability to protect himself. After all, he will be doomed to wander for a long time in the future.

"I see."

Veserys nodded slightly obediently.

In the tower.

The bright sunlight came in from the window and filled the whole room. The young and old sat at the table. The atmosphere was rare and peaceful. Since Viselis came to this world, he lived in a high-pressure environment, and then continued. To chase and flee.

But now on Longshi Island, it's so rare to feel a breath of breath next to this old man.


"You are beginning to feel anxious about the future, don't you?"

Bachelor Daniel's back was a little rickety, but his body looked tough, his gray robe and piercing eyes seemed to see through the boy's thoughts.

The fate of the Targaryen family can now be seen thoroughly by everyone. King's Landing has been breached, and the remaining royalists have no reason to continue fighting.

The reason why there is still no truce is to fight for a good bargaining chip at the negotiating table to gain more benefits, or at least not to lose too badly, to make up for it.

And Veselis was silent for a long time this time.

finally nodded.