Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The gloomy sky is pressing on people's hearts, and it is an indispensable haze.

The drizzle stopped slightly.

And the enemy's attack was like a shower of rain and wind, horseshoes stomped on the ground, and the high sword and spear rushed towards the carriage protected by the guards in the center.

All the enemies covered their faces with black cloth, and the family emblem on the armor was removed, which seemed to be deliberately concealing their identities.

A knight headed by held a spear under his arm, and the sharp tip of the spear drooped slightly, shining with a sharp cold light aimed at the Red Fort guard in front.

The black cloth wrapped his cheeks, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and a dull low roar sounded.

"Kill! Light! They! People!"

is like thunder.


In the next second, the iron hoof rushes, whizzing.

The purpose of these masked attackers is very clear. They just want to kill Layla and her son.

And Queen Leila and her maids were stunned by the sudden attack, and they didn't even realize what happened.

"Enemy attack!"

Among them, the experienced Sir William was the first to react.

But at this moment, he didn't have a long sword in his hand, he could only untie the short spear that he was good at using from his waist, aimed at the enemy rushing in the front, and then directly threw it out forcefully.

The short spear broke through the air and burst into a sound.

The knight headed by the masked attacker was caught off guard and was hit with a spear directly in the chest.

The hard breastplate was not broken by the spear, but it was also smashed out of a deep pit.

And because the masked rider did not clamp the horse with his legs, the powerful spear throwing force disrupted the balance of the charge of the united man and horse, and the masked rider was directly overturned to the ground by this huge force.


There was smoke and dust, and the masked rider was thrown to a halt, because his feet were entangled in the stirrups and the horses were forcibly dragged for a few meters before desperately breaking free.

The cavalry behind him were also experienced, and discovered this sudden situation in time, bypassing the falling horse and continuing to charge forward.

Otherwise, the unlucky knight will be trampled directly into the flesh by the ruthless iron hoof.

And this raid on the avenue was also accompanied by this spear, which officially kicked off.


The sound of fighting resounded in the avenue and the surrounding woods in an instant, like thunder. The guards of the Red Fort were just resting. They seemed to be caught off guard when they were attacked, and fell into the wind in an instant.

A few soldiers were hit by the horse directly or had their throats slit before they stood up.

Blood was sprayed, screams one after another, and some soldiers even dropped their weapons and went straight into the jungle in an attempt to escape.

However, the masked rider who had just fallen off the horse has now struggled to get up from the ground.

His leg seemed to be broken and he didn't know where the spear fell. He supported the ground with the scabbard of the saber, and stood up straight with a limping leg.

There was a pair of eyes with unconcealable shame.

Because the shame of falling a horse has been with him for half his life.

He was defeated by a red-robed monk from Mill in a tournament group event held in King's Landing. The reason was that the red-robed monk used a burning sword to frighten his horse, so the noble knight Shamefully thrown off by his own war horse.

I didn't expect that he would fall off his horse again today, this time he seemed to have broken his leg.

The masked lame knight stood on the spot with one hand holding the scabbard. The pain in his leg continued to flow up like a blunt knife, and the cold sweat on his forehead also leaked out.

However, he just gritted his teeth and resisted the pain, his face remained as sharp as a falcon, and he still scanned the entire battlefield meticulously.

He saw several Red Fort guards who were in charge of escorting the queen and the prince trying to escape, and then he waved his hand and pointed his finger to that side decisively and ordered.

"Kill them all!"

"Never let go!"

Before the start of the Usurper's War, the family did not express its attitude, drifting between the rebels and the Iron Throne.

However, since the battle of the Trident River, the heir of the royal family died in battle, and the situation gradually became clear. Targaryen was gone, and the family lost confidence in the Iron Throne. At the same time, he found the best time to intervene in the war and directly reap the fruits of victory in the war.

And now the heads of Queen Layla and Prince Viselis are the best names to join the rebel camp.

However, for various more important reasons, they still cannot directly reveal their identity.

Therefore, with an order from the lame knight, several masked 'bandits' were well-trained and decisively freed from the battlefield.


The horseshoe galloped up into the mud, and the masked attackers rode on war horses with blood-stained swords in their hands.


did not hesitate to urge the horse to separate the leaves of the weeds and dive into the woods. Strive to kill all the enemies, not keep alive, and keep all the news from being leaked out.

"very good."

The lame knight nodded with satisfaction when he saw this scene.

Then the pain in his legs hit, and the muscles on his face twitched fiercely. clenched the hilt of the sword to support his body.

Although the king's army was corrupt, the guards of the Red Fort were still elite. When they encountered a surprise attack, they were caught off guard and fell directly into the wind. They suffered heavy losses in an instant, but when they reacted, they still broke out stubborn resistance.

In an instant, under the leadership of the instructor of the Red Fort, several masked cavalry were directly picked off their horses, their heads were cut off with a sword, and blood spewed out like money.

"Protect Your Majesty the Queen!"

The middle-aged man with slightly curly hair was stained with blood, and he grabbed a horse and turned over and climbed up.

squatted on the horse's back, the horse galloped with a sword in one hand, and escaped the enemy's attack in the gap between the two horses.

immediately cut his throat directly with his superb swordsmanship.

The war horse was frightened, and dragged the corpse on the horse back towards the woods.

And Veselis, who is holding Sir William's sword, is still blank at the moment.

He realized what had happened, but his legs stiffened in place as if lead was poured into him, and he watched the scene before him.

The screams of screams, the splash of blood, the head that fell on the ground, all the powerful images made his breathing slightly stagnated

Then he saw a frightened war horse dragging an enemy's corpse into a rampage, rushing towards him.

Viserys suddenly woke up in his brain at this time, because he knew that if he was hit by a horse, he might really die.

tried his best to overcome the fear in his heart, and the leaded legs seemed to suddenly have a trace of strength.

Then when this frightened horse was about to hit him...

jumped to the side.