Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1098

Chapter 1098

Game of Thrones: Wrath of the Sleeping Dragon Chapter 1096 King's Landing Destruction

A year ago, the attack was a disaster when it first happened.

"Shadow Hunter" Edrik fell from the sky like a meteorite in the middle of the night that day, blazing fire all over her body, and streaked across the dark night sky.

It smashed directly into the vast sea outside the city of King's Landing, and suddenly set off a stormy sea, and even overturned many passing ships.

At that time, Emperor Yinmen Targaryen I, who lived in the deep palace, also received the news. However, everyone thought it was a flying stone that fell into the sea, setting off a storm on the sea, so there was no care.

After Yin Meng was woken up from his sleep, he just arranged for the imperial fleet to go out to sea tomorrow morning to try to salvage this meteorite. After all, the story of his father taking the meteorite from outside the sky in Novossi when he was a teenager and casting it into a divine sword, Yin Meng has never been a child since he was a child. I have heard it many times since I was old.

The jesters beside him were flattering, claiming that His Majesty the Emperor possessed the wise martial arts and hard work of the previous emperors, and thus received gifts from the gods in the sky, and also dropped a meteorite for His Majesty to cast a sword.

And Yin Meng heard the words of the jesters, and although he knew it was flattering, he was still very happy. He rewarded the jesters with some gold, and then fell asleep again.

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However, Yin Meng did not expect that the 'meteorite' that fell from the sky late at night was not a gift from the so-called gods, but wanted to take his life.

In the middle of the night that day, a giant beast with flames and lava flowing all over its body broke through the seawater and gradually emerged from the deep sea.

It appeared in the black water bay outside the city of King's Landing on the rolling waves, and then issued a roar that shook the whole world, making the whole King's Landing tremble.

Suddenly, he was attacked by a giant beast from the direction of the sea, and the city of King's Landing was in chaos.

The Imperial Fleet stationed in Blackwater Bay was torn apart under the claws and fury flames of the giant beasts with little resistance, turning into sampans floating in the sea, and the sea suddenly burst into flames.

The city of King's Landing experienced chaos and gradually launched a counterattack. However, the overwhelming arrow was lost to the giant beast, but it was like shooting on steel.

Some were melted by the flames without touching the beast's body, while some barely hit the body but fell to the ground, not breaking the opponent's defense at all.

Even if the giant crossbow used to kill the White Walkers on the city wall of King's Landing missed the beast's body, it was just a tickling. healed.

The performance of the giant beasts that came to attack from the sea caused despair in the hearts of the soldiers up and down King's Landing. The other party did not look like a monster that should be born in this world.

The giant beast was several times larger than the largest dragon they had ever seen. It was bathed in flames and was invulnerable to swords and guns. Its vitality was so tenacious that it was almost abnormal.

At this time, however, the dragons of House Targaryen who lived and lived in the Kingswood finally came.

They brought the hope of the people and soldiers of the whole city, but they ruthlessly crushed this hope.

The giant dragons attacked the giant beast that came out of the sea, but like a human attack, there was no way to cause any substantial damage.

Even as a mature dragon in the Targaryen family dragon group, in order to protect the group, the female dragon 'Kraken' Merasis was bitten to death by the opponent, and the body fell into the deep sea.

Another dragon of the Targaryen family, the eldest son born by the green dragon Rego and the crystal dragon 'Little Lady' Syracx, the empress dowager Renes Targaryen's mount, a strong male dragon was also killed. The other side chewed it alive.

The fall of the two giant dragons not only caused chaos among the dragons, but also turned the last hope of the people of King's Landing into despair, and the soldiers lost their confidence to resist.

Because it is not that they have no courage, but to fight against such an enemy is simply to die, and they are not even qualified to hurt the other party.

Afterwards, all the gates of King's Landing opened wide, and all the people even screamed and fled outside the city.

Seeing that the situation was over, King's Landing could no longer be defended under the attack of giant beasts, and the Targaryen royal family who lived on the high hill of Yin Geng finally began to evacuate on the giant dragon.

The dragon kings rode the giant dragon and fled in all directions, ready to gather the army to fight the giant beast, and at the same time ordered the surviving bachelors of the academy to look through all the books to search for information about the giant beast.

And then the hard work paid off. There are still a lot of ancient books in the old school site of the old town. A bachelor who is studying ancient history finally found a clue about this giant beast from a dilapidated ancient book that did not know which era. .

Although it was just a few words, it also allowed people to understand the identity of this giant beast that attacked them.

"This lion giant was recorded as a companion of the hero Azor Because he was the end of the long night, he was portrayed as a hero all over the world and in various cultures The image of the hero, but the name of the hero varies, including being called Hero Haier Cologne in Haier Cologne, Yi Tal in Yidi, Neferion in Nigel, and 'Shadow Hunter'. Names like 'Edric."

"This 'shadow hunter' Edric is the earliest saying that originated in the land of shadows, claiming that this is a giant lion without a body and only a shadow. People confuse the giant lion with Azor Ya Hai's name."

"And there is also the same description in the "Yuhai Overview"."

"Edric the Shadow Hunter? I don't understand, why did he come to attack King's Landing?"

Exhausted manpower, opened the ancient books, and it was only then that people finally realized the identity of this giant beast, which turned out to be a legendary lion 8,000 years ago, who once stood side by side with the hero Azor Ahai fight.

"But no matter who she is, whether she is a member of the gods in the sky, but since he attacked King's Landing, he is our enemy!"

"I, I must kill it!"

However, although the old emperor Inmon I Targaryen I, who has lived in his fifties and still looks young, is not a hot-tempered person, but in the face of such a serious challenge, the capital is destroyed and the dragon has fallen. Naturally, he cannot bear his breath.

Even if the legendary beast 'Shadow Hunter' Edric had lived for eight thousand years, he might have long since become a member of the gods.

But it must also kill the hundreds of thousands of citizens who died for King's Landing. +Bookmark+